View Full Version : Upgraded my battery terminals and ground wires today.

03-16-2003, 11:02 AM
Well, after blowing my weekends for the past month, I finally put all the cool stuff I had bought to good use. Just FYI, my ground cable upgrade is not engine related, it is car audio related, so my upgrade points may differ from yours. Anyway, the whole point is to upgrade the following:

(-) battery to frame
(-) battery to engine block
(+) battery to alternator

Unfortunately, the damn intake manifold is in the way and there's really no way to access the alternator from another angle. In order to get the most current from my stock alternator, I have no choice but to remove the damn intake manifold to finish the job. For the time being though, you can see pics of my terminals and ground wires. BTW, it's 4 gauge cable, because that's the gauge I'll have running to the trunk for my amp.




03-16-2003, 12:20 PM
Hey since you are taking off the manifold you should spring for the Hondata heat shield.

How much of a difference will this mod make?

03-16-2003, 12:33 PM
Hmm, i hadn't thought to upgrade to the Hondata thing while I was fiddling around, good idea.

I dunno how much differenc it'll make, since my system isn't even installed yet, but it's the easiest way to be sure that your system is getting all the power it can from the alternator. Either way, I feel more comfortable running a system with heavier gauge wire in there, especially since the amp I'm running is pretty expensive. Low current can kick an amp's ass in a hurry.

03-18-2003, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by jaydub
Well, after blowing my weekends for the past month, I finally put all the cool stuff I had bought to good use. Just FYI, my ground cable upgrade is not engine related, it is car audio related, so my upgrade points may differ from yours. Anyway, the whole point is to upgrade the following:

(-) battery to frame
(-) battery to engine block
(+) battery to alternator

Is this upgrade referd to as the BIG 3?
Also my concern was the size of the altinator. Seeing as our power steering is electricle assist, will that be afected.
What is our altinator rated at?

03-18-2003, 01:57 PM
Greenguy, yep, this is the BIG 3 or Magic 3. As far as I know, the alternator is 90A, as is the base RSX. The Type S gets 95A. I don't think i'll have current issues since I'm only running one amp, but I know if I add another, I'm certainly going to have to upgrade the alternator.

As far as our power steering goes, I wouldn't think it will be affected, since all the upgrades I'm doing are to circumvent any low current due to my amp sucking it all away. If the guys who do installs weren't so secretive, I'd love to know how they upgraded their charging systems, especially for cars like the Oz Si which has a buttload of equipment in it.

03-18-2003, 02:51 PM
Very clean install. What dis: blocks did you use on the battery? thoses Phionx golds?

03-18-2003, 03:10 PM
Pax I got them from www.darvex.com. I have a feeling they're the same stuff the companies use and then they just put their name brand on it. It's really high quality stuff, and for the two batt. terminals and three gold plated 4ga. connectors, it was $30 total.

03-19-2003, 09:40 PM
looks good!

I went through all that crap when I moved my battery to the trunk.

I didn't run a cable to the alternator though. too much trouble, and not worth it IMO. the cable is so short from the alternator to the battery. all you really need there is 8 gauge.

But not one to underkill - I ran a 0 gauge from the pos battery terminal in the front to the pos on the battery in the trunk. No electrical problems thus far.

I run two amps in my car, one with a 50 amp fuse rating and another with a 15 amp fuse rating. I have no problems with the EPS even at full volume.

the only time the EPS light gives me shit is when someone is jumpstarting their car using my car. then it comes one, but goes away as soon as you start driving again.