View Full Version : No brains needed to win a race, only feet!

03-17-2003, 06:33 PM
Just thought maybe some of you could use a laugh. My friend knows nothing about cars at all... he originally wanted a seebring convert or a jeep wrangler but when our other friend was goin on and on about the wrx of course he changes his mind because he wants what everyone else does... so he has his daddy go buy him a wrx(all in cash) and now he thinks hes the man cause he has one of the fastest cars in the neighborhood. Just yesterday he comes up to me saying hes going to buy an intake for $100 that will add 1000hp. He actually believes that this is possible, he was sure he could do this. He keeps talking about doing things to his car that he has no idea what will happen. I remember him telling me that he was going to buy 19" rims cause it will make him go faster, haha. Oh and his next car he is planning on getting is a Eclipse Spyder, just because it has a v6 he thinks its fast. So I'm going to let him buy his $100 intake and buy his eclipse so when he only gets 10hp instead of 1000 and when his eclipse is much slower than his wrx he wont be running around thinking he knows everything anymore and I can laugh at him throwing his money around. So just because someone can beat your car doesn't mean they know why they did.:D

03-17-2003, 06:38 PM
he has a wrx? sweet! tell him to get exhaust first, then if he has the cash a boost controller, afc, and a turbo timer. a couple of my buddies have wrxs and they are phat cars. kinda wish i got one sometimes.

03-17-2003, 06:40 PM
:::sigh::: another case of Rich people syndrome....
they will probaby know nothing about it. they will probaby be wrong about it, but no matter what the out come is....since money makes the world go round than they will be the ones on top.

03-17-2003, 06:46 PM
thanks for the heads up :) good luck - Joe