View Full Version : Engine Break in ?

03-25-2003, 08:04 PM
Does anyone have any tips on how I can break in the engine on my new EP?

Like max speed or RPMs for the first 1000 miles?

03-25-2003, 08:10 PM
ask 10 people and get 10 different answers....most will say baby it for the first 500 hundred miles or so. Keep the RPM's fluctuating and keep revs below 5500. But once I post this someone else will post something different so go ahead guys. ;)

03-25-2003, 08:17 PM
read your manual... honda recommends 600 miles at low rpms with no fast launches.

03-25-2003, 08:21 PM
To me I'd say the longer the better. I'm trying to work it in to 3k, but won't be pushing it hard till 5k. I don't want any problems with your car. I'm poor, so I rather drive like a grandma now than repairing it in the future. I've been shifting at 3k rpm and going under 60-70. HTH

03-25-2003, 08:26 PM
After the first hundered or so miles I was taking it up to 5-6K every so often. Now, (<2000 miles), It gets taken to redline at least five times a day. I will continue to visit the redline each and every day I drive it. After all, I don't want it to become a lazy engine. :D

03-25-2003, 08:41 PM
I was impatient and definitely guilty of hitting about 6500 RPM a few times before the end of Honda's prescribed 600-mile break-in. BUT, I got the car with only 60 miles on it, and those 60 miles were to transport the car to the dealer. To me, thats extra insurance that my car wasn't driven irresponsibly before it became mine. When I first test drove an Si (not the one I bought), the dealer took me out and BEAT ON IT. It made me scared.... Anyway, to make a long story short, my car runs great and I'm confident it will continue to, despite less-than-100% adherance to the break-in rules.

03-25-2003, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by Loudpedal
After the first hundered or so miles I was taking it up to 5-6K every so often. Now, (<2000 miles), It gets taken to redline at least five times a day. I will continue to visit the redline each and every day I drive it. After all, I don't want it to become a lazy engine. :D

Exactly the same way with me! :D hit rev limiter agin today tho... :o

03-25-2003, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by cbecker333
I was impatient and definitely guilty of hitting about 6500 RPM a few times before the end of Honda's prescribed 600-mile break-in. BUT, I got the car with only 60 miles on it, and those 60 miles were to transport the car to the dealer. To me, thats extra insurance that my car wasn't driven irresponsibly before it became mine. When I first test drove an Si (not the one I bought), the dealer took me out and BEAT ON IT. It made me scared.... Anyway, to make a long story short, my car runs great and I'm confident it will continue to, despite less-than-100% adherance to the break-in rules.

The Si I test drove yesterday was one that had been beaten on. It had like 60 some miles on it. I bought the one in the back that had 10 instead. :)

Type X
03-25-2003, 11:12 PM
stooooopid newb :)


welcome to ephatch focker ;)
glad to see u came to the darkside

ephatch.com = good people
STILL say u shoulda got white though:cool: