View Full Version : Organize a meeting?

03-28-2003, 02:01 AM
I was reading this article in SportCompactCar about the Supra meeting in Las Vegas. They had races, chassis dynos, and a big car show for all the Supras. It gave me an idea. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in having an ep meeting? I realize that it would probably be more low-key that the multi-generational Supra meeting, but it would be fun. Everyone who is interested please post. From there we could choose a central location for all that is going to meet so no one would have to drive that far. I don't know, maybe it could work. We don't even have to have all the events. It could just be people checking out each others cars. What does everyone think?

03-28-2003, 05:17 AM
I think that you'd have a hard time pulling it off. An Si/SiR event would be better. (In terms of numbers)

Hell, I can't get more than 6 people to come to a BBQ in FL that's open to everyone that has a K-series motor and the 6 that will come are EP owners.

You have to start small and work your way up. Start with a local event. It will grow over time and then you move up from there.

Here's the VW/Audi event that I organize twice a year. We just had number 11 and this was the first time a magazine covered it. (Just to give you an idea of how long it took to be recognized.)



03-28-2003, 03:51 PM
Thanks Steve. I guess I wasn't thinking of feasibility. I'm going to try to start local and build, but there is only one other person in my area that I know with an EP, and maybe two with an RSX. Do you get any elements/CRVs to come to these things? Any suggestions on how to gather up a group in an area where sport compacts in general aren't very popular?

03-28-2003, 05:42 PM
I attend CR-V meets, we usually get a half a dozen to 10 people. last year we had world's first CR-V olympics. here are some of the activities I have attended, mine is the Gold CR-V:

03-28-2003, 05:59 PM
I'm working on a K-series meet right now (First Sat. in May) so we'll see. The other GTG I linked to is for VW's and Audis. We had over 320 cars show and over 500 people. The event was covered by Eurotuner magazine as well.

I hope to be able to do the same for K-series GTGs.


03-28-2003, 08:24 PM
Hell Just about Every Week End i have At Least 10 - 15 people at my house, 4 Ep3, 5 Rsx, 1 trader lancer:D , others are verious Civics and BMWs.

We have meets just about Every month, and everyone knows everyone , we go to autocross together, dinners, and just hangout.

I would like to see a HUGE meet, with Verious things happening. dyno, barb B Q , show stuff, who know s it might happen.