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View Full Version : 4Point Belts

04-18-2003, 09:20 AM
Hey Guys,

Has anyone put on 4point seat belts for the front seats of their ep?

a friend of mine said he saw it in a crx, was wondering if anyone has tinkered with that yet!



04-18-2003, 09:39 AM
Some folks have gone with Type R or other seats just to get the true harness holes...

Im wondering if any better harness is at all compaitble with the EP seats, too.

04-18-2003, 09:42 AM
Im going to do some investigating....

i will let you know if i find something, you let me know if you find something...i am putting you on my PM list...

Thanks man!


04-18-2003, 10:58 AM
If you want racing harness for your EP get "Y" harness it starts off as one strap and goes through our one hole n then leads to 2 shoulder straps

04-18-2003, 11:01 AM
Thankx Mix, where did you find these, or where can i find them?



04-18-2003, 11:23 AM
well for a good price for non JDM ones just go to www.nopi.com i think you can get a set for 60.00 bucks just make shure u install correct if u have n e qestions let me know

04-18-2003, 08:11 PM
This topic has been brought up once before.
It's not safe to use racing harness and mount them on the car floor, the only way to safely use a racing harness is to mount them on a rollcage behind the driver's seat horizontally.
I can't remember where I read this, but if you do a search, I'm sure you can find it!:)

04-18-2003, 08:29 PM
Here it is guys:

04-19-2003, 09:42 AM
they dont need to be mounted to a rollcage. They just have to be mounted to a hardcore bolt in the trunk i can even use the one rite by the spare tire

04-21-2003, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by mixedupneko
they dont need to be mounted to a rollcage. They just have to be mounted to a hardcore bolt in the trunk i can even use the one rite by the spare tire
That could be true.
Here's what I found on the Sparco Website (http://www.sparcousa.com/harnesses.htm)

"It is strongly recommended that the shoulder harnesses are fitted as close to horizontal as possible. It is a must that the angle of the shoulder harness does not exceed 45 degrees in relation to the theoretical horizontal axis of the mounting points. It is recommended that the harnesses be mounted to the fixing points suggested by the car manufacturer. The fixing points should always be reinforced by a steel plate fitted on the outer side of the car, not by welding or pop riveting."
Play it safe guys!:D

04-21-2003, 09:04 PM
So if the straps were pulling down on your sholders at a 45 degree angle it would pull down on the spine... OK, ouch... except the straps would be actually about coming down an inch to my shoulders from above after going through the hole in the seat back.

The pressure on my shoulders is virtually horizontal if pulled through the seatback hole... it wouldnt pull down at all, even if the straps went straight down to the floor.

04-21-2003, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by BlasTech
except the straps would be actually about coming down an inch to my shoulders from above after going through the hole in the seat back.

Hmm, that's kinda true. How tall are you? I'm about 6' and my shoulder is about parallel to the bottom of the hole.
So I guess it's particularly more dangerous to tall guys to install the harness on stock mountings?

04-22-2003, 08:35 AM
Im 5'6" with horrendous desk-job posture.

Here's a basic idea of my body type:


j/p its not that bad :D

04-22-2003, 10:25 PM

04-23-2003, 03:31 AM
...just thinking outloud, but I would like my belts/harness attached to something other than a do it yourself/mickey mouse bolt down screw incase of an accident...like said earlier, big price to pay, just to look cool, I think imo I will wait for a rollcage...

04-23-2003, 06:25 AM
Yeah I don

04-23-2003, 08:48 AM
Harnesses aren't just to look cool. They hold you in your seat, so you dont move around...They are awsome. We just need to find a design that is safe.....

04-23-2003, 08:59 AM
I am bringing my car in today after work for the guy to look @ where the best location is to put the belts on.....

Then i will either leave the car there tonight for him to do it, or bring it in tomorrow after work and leave it there for the next day....

basically he said they leave enough room on the belts for comfort....

bring the bolts around down by the brake line, bolt in down real secure to either floor or tuck it under the seat.....

didnt sound like he had the time to tell me specifics, so i will let you guys know how it goes! i will only be getting the front seats done, since there is A. no real reason to do the back, B. i never have anyone sit in the back so i can flip down my seats to cool off my amps!

Cant wait!!!!


04-23-2003, 09:15 AM
I was just thinking you'd just use the rear seatbelt bolts.

04-23-2003, 10:18 PM
cool post pics after installed, I would love some to keep me glued to my seats (plus make me look cool), as long as installed safely by pros.

04-29-2003, 08:18 PM
i have the 5 point harness installed on my si. The belts are only for autocross so i dont want to get any flak about how they can break my spine. (but when you are stopped at a light next to a car that wants to race, sometimes putting the belts on will really psyc the other driver into not racing) I mounted the shoulder harnesses to the rear of the seats, just unzipper the seat cover a bit and you will find holes in the frame of the seat to bolt the belts to. The lap belts were mounted to the rear seat mounts on the floor. i drilled a hole on the floor to mount the 5th point but i usually dont use that one. IF worn for a while it tends to pinch the neck but its works really well for autocross runs.


04-29-2003, 10:31 PM

04-30-2003, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by 2k2SiAutoXer
(but when you are stopped at a light next to a car that wants to race, sometimes putting the belts on will really psyc the other driver into not racing)


HAHAHA, you should get all strapped up and serious looking and rev your engine, then just sit there when the light changes....or blow your horn all the sudden... just dont race, we dont want you to die. :)

04-30-2003, 04:46 PM
HAHAHA, you should get all strapped up and serious looking and rev your engine, then just sit there when the light changes....or blow your horn all the sudden... just dont race, we dont want you to die.
hahaha or put it in reverse and when the light changes floor it in the opp. direction. hehehe saw that in a movie once, ...just don't hit the car behind you :D

05-01-2003, 05:41 PM
Ok right now my digital camera is in for a recall so I could not get any pitures when I went out to my shop just now to look this over but I have a RJS Racing Equipment 5 point harness in my 88 Prelude and my 86 Accord both is a stock in them. This is the link to them I use the one that is in the blue on the page but in my cars I have a red one.

RJS (http://www.rjsracing.com/5point.html)

What I used in both cars for the locations is for the lap belts I use the stock seat belt bolts and locations. For the EP I do not know but I could not find a location to bolt on the right side belt since it is built into the seat, but I had the same set up on my prelude but wen I got under the rug I found there was a stock place to bolt on a seat belt and I used that. For the upper half I drilled a hole through the wall right under the rear seat and and but a heavy duty bolt and lock nut on it was some heavy duty washers to so it would not pull through. In both car I do not have a role cage do to they are not required in my class but I am going to install one this year.

The set up was worked well even when I hit the wall head on with my Prelude and when I go hit in the rear quarter cut my tire down and then get broadsided on the drivers side. Just thought I would share my set up.

05-08-2003, 06:18 AM
Originally posted by siver-SI
Ok right now my digital camera is in for a recall so I could not get any pitures when I went out to my shop just now to look this over but I have a RJS Racing Equipment 5 point harness in my 88 Prelude and my 86 Accord both is a stock in them. This is the link to them I use the one that is in the blue on the page but in my cars I have a red one.

RJS (http://www.rjsracing.com/5point.html)

What I used in both cars for the locations is for the lap belts I use the stock seat belt bolts and locations. For the EP I do not know but I could not find a location to bolt on the right side belt since it is built into the seat, but I had the same set up on my prelude but wen I got under the rug I found there was a stock place to bolt on a seat belt and I used that. For the upper half I drilled a hole through the wall right under the rear seat and and but a heavy duty bolt and lock nut on it was some heavy duty washers to so it would not pull through. In both car I do not have a role cage do to they are not required in my class but I am going to install one this year.

The set up was worked well even when I hit the wall head on with my Prelude and when I go hit in the rear quarter cut my tire down and then get broadsided on the drivers side. Just thought I would share my set up.


Thanks! i stopped over to the dude to get mine done, he said that he wants to put in a roll cage pretty cheap, he is going to call me with pricing and a draw up....dunno, a cage may be some over kill, since my car isnt turbo or anything ya kno...he would like to do 5 point belts, then again it may be overkill with 5 points...but i will see what he comes up with and see if i like the pricing and all!


ps will keep everyone on this thread informed!