View Full Version : post my pics of totaledEP please

05-19-2003, 12:41 PM
now that MHX got the pics up I will edit this post to give you guys the story here (http://ephatch.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12916)
Yes i was in the car and no i didnt have my seatbelt on. I was pulling across a 4 lane highway with medium(sp?) when I got plowed by a truck going 65mph
for some reason i thought he was turning where i was coming out at and i still dont know why i assumed that. the truck driver that hit me had no CDL, had Alcohal present in the police report which also marked him down for speeding, he also had moving violations?. I of course had "failure to yeild".
Is the car totaled?
and question about inshurance, I have full coverage, I believe that allstate will pay off my car, is that it? the reason i ask is b/c ppl are saying that I have money coming from them and i dont understand why?

05-19-2003, 12:51 PM
come on guys, there already resized to about 155k apiece, there are 4 pics. I got 15 minutes left, then i will try tommorow

05-19-2003, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by jeffspeed23
come on guys, there already resized to about 155k apiece, there are 4 pics. I got 15 minutes left, then i will try tommorow


email em to me ryan@oplink.net


05-19-2003, 01:09 PM
emailed ya, now lets see how many people thought i was killed.

05-19-2003, 01:29 PM

05-19-2003, 01:33 PM
what happened ;\

05-19-2003, 01:35 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek:
Holy shiat!!!
**curious as to what happened**
Doo dee doo... and another one bites the dust!!!

Seriously though, those pics do make it look like you're lucky to be walking away.

Edit: ok it was a lil crazy at first, but now I'm just teary eyed for the SI :'(

05-19-2003, 01:35 PM
Shit! Thats fuggin crazy! What the hell you do to manage that? Glad to see your okay...

IceD out N CALI
05-19-2003, 01:37 PM
dayum, those pics give me the creeps. i hope i never end up in an accident like that:(

05-19-2003, 01:38 PM
damn....thats nutz man your one lucky sob

05-19-2003, 01:39 PM
:eek: Decided to believe in God now?

05-19-2003, 01:45 PM
Wow, were you even in the car when it happend?:(

05-19-2003, 01:49 PM
Wow man that is sick!!! Guess an EP is no match for a semi. Once again I am sorry for your loss and am very glad you are ok and thanks alot for the exhaust hehe.

05-19-2003, 01:58 PM
YOU"VE ALL BEEN PUNKED. its actually whats left over of an outtake of 2 Fast 2 Furious. hahaha jk i dunno. I'm glad you're ok. Probably another oblivious driver. today a bus almost ran my car over while driving down the middle of a 2 way road.

05-19-2003, 02:00 PM
doesnt say much for our structural integrity. i think i should invest in a roll cage of some sort.but if hes ok then i guess our cars are amazing.

Papa Bear
05-19-2003, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by 02nighthawksivi
doesnt say much for our structural integrity. i think i should invest in a roll cage of some sort.but if hes ok then i guess our cars are amazing.
the car is designed to take the forces and get all twisted up like that...that is why he is still alive today.

05-19-2003, 02:25 PM
God dude I am really sorry!

You must be a really small guy to be able to escape that. Looks like they did not have to cut you out.

Did you wrap that around a tree?

Glad you are Ok


05-19-2003, 02:43 PM
Just waiting to find out what happenned here....

05-19-2003, 03:01 PM
omg.. speechless

05-19-2003, 03:01 PM
Is there any frame damage?

You must not have been wearing your seatbelt if you survived that. That or you were not in the car. Either way, you are lucky.

05-19-2003, 03:34 PM
Wow, I didn't know that a white plastic coat hanger could smack the F*CK out of an EP like that...

(it's on the passenger seat)

Anyway, yeah, glad you're OK (I'm assuming). So, what happened?

05-19-2003, 03:39 PM
Original accident thread (http://ephatch.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=12916)

05-19-2003, 03:42 PM
god damn!

i wouldnt have survived that - my body is like inches fromt he door, i would have been crushed to death between the seabelt, seats, and door... eesh..

cj miller
05-19-2003, 03:53 PM
shit that sucks. i read about the story though and glad to see your ok man.

05-19-2003, 03:55 PM


05-19-2003, 04:28 PM
Wow.....that is some messed up shit.....I'm glad that you are alright, but it's sad to see an EP like that....:(

05-19-2003, 05:29 PM
Would you say that you trust Honda engineering more or less now :D

05-19-2003, 05:46 PM
all i have to say is that God has blessed you - i cannot believe from looking at those pics that your alive today. kiss your family and be thankful you are around another day to tell your story. wow.....i am astonished. yeah you sound like you got the snot beat outta you, but you have your life. i am a hard core seat belt wearer.....if that were my car, i would be dead right now....guess it wasnt your time.

so......exactly how much are you going to sue that asshole for? i am being so serious right now, i would get him to pay for everything, the doctors bills, pain and suffering, etc. those dam truck drivers think they can just plow thru anywhere - they piss me off. we have alot of truckers around here that do that dumb shit. anyone living in or near maryland, they should know how Route 301 is, i live right off there.....that was the main reason for me getting a quicker car, cause people just dont pay attention anymore.

Are you going to salvage whats left intact on the car?

again, you got a serious angel on your shoulder, count your blessings. :angel:

05-19-2003, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by 02nighthawksivi
doesnt say much for our structural integrity. i think i should invest in a roll cage of some sort.but if hes ok then i guess our cars are amazing.

Kinda looks like he had the side airbags....I was wondering if he was wearing a seatbelt, because it looks like not wearing it was the only way to survive..it made it so he could slide to the right as the door pushed in.

05-19-2003, 06:04 PM
Holy Bat-crap!
You must be skinny!
My fat ass would have been pureed!:(

05-19-2003, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by SinisterCivicSi
again, you got a serious angel on your shoulder, count your blessings. :angel:
my angel comes with a hash pipe whenever I get stressed. ;)

05-19-2003, 06:22 PM
so does it still run?

05-19-2003, 08:19 PM
It's just a little scratch--that should buff right out.

No problems....

05-19-2003, 09:11 PM
Aye-Chihuaha! More than glad to hear that you're ok, but I still wouldn't be gloating about not wearing your belts... there is perhaps less than 1% of accidents where you're better off without them on... not good odds.

Regardless, that's some pretty significant damage to the EP to get out alive with... what airbags went off? (the wheel didn't, obviously... did you have side bags?).

I hope your insurer gave you a fair shake on the value... looks like they'll be quite a few salvageable parts on it (drivetrain, mostly)... might make a nice donor car for someone...

Hate to be an opportunist, but if the deal on the short-shifter fails, let me know...

Again, glad you're alright, man...

05-19-2003, 09:46 PM
Holly crap!!!! :eek:
By the looks of the car, someone is looking out for you!
Glad that you were able to walk away from that one :angel:

ep pilot
05-19-2003, 09:58 PM
WoW!:eek: :eek: I work for a bodyshop and that is the worst train wrek I have ever seen. I am so glad to hear you are ok. I think by looking at extent of damage to your car, it shows how well our cars are built. I am wondering why your side SRS did not deploy though, also if your hands were near the wheel it looks as if it would have crushed them.

If you get a chance you should remove your Si emblems and floormats, I bet the steering wheel is worth some $$$ to those that don't have the red stitched version???


05-19-2003, 11:27 PM
hey guys, i edited the first post to give you a story of what happened. and no not that skinny; 5'9" 190lb guy.

IceD out N CALI
05-20-2003, 12:59 AM
i'm glad that you can be here to tell us about it:)

05-20-2003, 05:29 AM
OMFG !! you should be thankful that your still alive [OMG]
God was deff. watching over you.. RIP - EP

rip- grandpa 12/14/00

05-20-2003, 05:59 AM
Originally posted by ep pilot
If you get a chance you should remove your Si emblems and floormats, I bet the steering wheel is worth some $$$ to those that don't have the red stitched version???

Look closer at the interior pics - I think that steering wheel got warped by the collapsing door :eek:


05-20-2003, 06:11 AM
Side airbags may have been a little more comfy...

05-20-2003, 06:21 AM
wow I m glad you walked away from that. I feel for you on that one.

05-20-2003, 09:52 AM
as far as it still running, i dunno. the steering columns warped and the keys are bent up between the ignition and the dash.
nope no side airbags.
i was in serious pain throughout my body for 8 hours, than it was only my left side that hurt.
3 weeks tommorow is when it happened.
spent2 nights at the hospital and everyone that knows what happened is surprised im still walking:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:

05-20-2003, 09:56 AM
ohhh, and in the police report my car rolled over if i didnt mention that in my first post a while back

05-20-2003, 10:25 AM
hey jeff glad to here your ok, i live in nashville and curious to know where you got hit at??

05-20-2003, 11:13 AM
happened in smyrna on sam ridley, you think i made EP of the month? j/k

05-20-2003, 12:04 PM
seats still look good... i say salvage em n sell em off on ebay.

oh yeah... glad you're okay

05-20-2003, 11:18 PM
sorry about what happened. hope youre ok

05-21-2003, 12:26 AM
Damn man! That shit is fucking crazy. Hope U okay. Both mentally and phys. Crazy!?!?!?! Damn dude. Take care.:)

05-22-2003, 08:22 AM
Im okay, i spent 2 days in the hosptial and went back to work 5 days later. back and neck is sore but that will go away, im just glad that i didnt get hit again when the truck pushed me across the medium, (this is where I rolled and his truck and trailer fliped on its side.)

05-24-2003, 04:51 PM
Allstate says "not my fault".
the other guys inshurance is paying for everything,

IceD out N CALI
05-24-2003, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by jeffspeed23
Allstate says "not my fault".
the other guys inshurance is paying for everything,

good for you

so where do u go from here?

05-25-2003, 08:37 AM
that sucks so bad. im glad you made it out of there though. i am really in shock that no air bags went off. well from the pics i dont see any signs of them going off. what would it take for our airbags to go off........if getting smashed by a semi didnt do it?

05-25-2003, 09:11 AM
it was a side impact, they wouldnt have helped him. if he had the side airbags, they would have been going off however.....not like they woulda helped that much probablly. i would say maybe the passenger one would have taken some of the blow off......but to be hit by a semi at that speed, in a civic....nuthin woulda really helped. i am very impressed at how the car took the blow and didnt totally crush up like a tin can. if it were an older civic, i dont think he would have been as lucky.

he definatly has an angel on his shoulder

06-11-2003, 12:34 PM
Come on guys, I want EP of the month. look at the work I did.
seriously though, its my car so i can laugh about it.
Remember that if you drink and drive, you will do this to someone exactly like dude did to me, its only a matter of time.

06-11-2003, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by natesi
It's just a little scratch--that should buff right out.

No problems....


tony speed
06-11-2003, 03:19 PM
OMG.....suddenly i don't think i want a 4-point harness anymore or recaro seats. i need something that i can slide out of......thank goodness for solid steel frames...

06-26-2003, 09:49 AM
hey ppl,
I got a good sale on ebay going here (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&category=33631&item=2420794843) . I tried selling these here but 1 guy didnt have the money and kept putting it off for the shifter, and the other guy never got back to me on the header, so I combined them. yes the DC header's inner piece (forgot what it is called) is weilded on its sides.

07-25-2003, 11:02 PM
woohooo I got $25k in the settlement due to my pain and suffering. im going to disneyland.

07-25-2003, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by jeffspeed23
woohooo I got $25k in the settlement due to my pain and suffering. im going to disneyland.

Woah... Nice! Congrats, man... whatchu gunna buy?

IceD out N CALI
07-26-2003, 08:53 AM
Originally posted by jeffspeed23
woohooo I got $25k in the settlement due to my pain and suffering. im going to disneyland.

dayum! with all the crap u went through you deserve every penny of it. spend wisely and congrats

07-26-2003, 10:57 AM
Glad your okay!!!!

I want a roll cage soooooo bad now:D

07-26-2003, 09:52 PM
Man, can someone repost the pictures or somthing? I really want to see what everyone is talking about, but at the same time i dont want to see a poor little Si all balled up. Glad to hear you're ok though, from what everyone has been saying, it sounds like a hell of a wreck.

07-26-2003, 09:56 PM
the pics are in the middle of the 1st page

07-26-2003, 09:58 PM
It's just blank for me?

07-26-2003, 09:59 PM
oops n/m; the server is either down or pics are gone for sure, had to email those to som1 b/c i didnt know of any server

07-26-2003, 10:26 PM
Can someone repost the pics?

07-26-2003, 11:37 PM
are you selling the exhuast.... if so is it the hks that i am so familar with for our cars.. the one that is kinked out alot... how much shipped to my door!! PM me...

07-27-2003, 01:04 AM
I saw the pics, but I have never kept any pics of busted-up EPs.. didn't want to have that karma in my posession... lol

07-27-2003, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by Joker
Holly crap!!!! :eek:
By the looks of the car, someone is looking out for you!
Glad that you were able to walk away from that one :angel:

Exactly, Wow! The SoCal guys told me about this wreck last night! You are truly blessed to walk away from that crash.

07-27-2003, 06:34 PM
Im glad your alright:D , and really glad to hear you got back what you deserve from the insurance.

08-14-2003, 12:05 AM
glad your ok. i guess in this case it was better not to wear you r seatbelt. so what are u gonna buy for your new car?

Zero Three Si
08-14-2003, 10:59 AM
Damnnnnnnn you got knocked the foooock out....

Glad you are ok.....

Go buy the new EVO...

08-14-2003, 02:46 PM
I'm amazed that you did not suffer any other injuries.

Where did you end up in the car after the impact?

09-13-2003, 10:00 PM
I was knocked out and came too on the passenger seat, the car rolled over when i was pushed or knocked into a steep medium(sp), hince the dirt in the interior. i guess my legs were caught under the dash which prevented me from getting thrown out.:confused:

09-13-2003, 10:12 PM
i hope im not to late to say::::holy crapola! yea, in times like these you cant help but wonder if there is a God out there. (actually there is) but anyways. yea...dang you lucky guy! also...i hate to sound rude. but is it totally totaled? and if so...can you get parts of b4 it goes to the smasherthing

09-14-2003, 02:27 AM
one of my cousins was killed on nolensville rd in an escort gt and her car looked wrecked so much like yours. you are lucky.

10-16-2003, 09:46 AM
Sorry havnt visited in a while,
ummm yes the car was really totaled,
and I dont know where I ended up after the wreck b/c i was knocked out............ woke up when som1 was putting a neck-brace on me