View Full Version : Need some pointers

05-21-2003, 06:14 AM
First, mods please don't delete this. I know I'm cross posting, but I need some quick responses...thanks in advance.

I'm going to be running my EP at Lebanon Valley Speedway in NY later today, and its my first time ever drag racing.

What are some good things to keep in mind so I can get the best time. For instance, rev rpm, feather/drop, shifting tips, launching.

My car is basically stock except for a Injen CAI. Stock tires...which are my main concern.

I want to have fun, but I know I will be the only EP there so I want to represent. I've been there a couple times this season and have never seen an '02 Si...saw a Type-S but thats it. Need to show the haters whats up.

05-21-2003, 07:58 AM
go to this web site ( www.dolacamororplex.com ) on there are instructions on the side bar in more detail.