View Full Version : bogus dealer....

08-13-2002, 10:44 PM
well i dont know if it is totally bogus but today i went to a nearby dealer to look at an 02 black si previously it was marked down to 18172 and today the tag was down off the car and on the website it says there is a 'special internet price'
so i got done looking and went in no one would get up to help me i walked across the building to some fool sitting in his chair and started asking him about the si and how much the 'special internet price' was and he's sitting at a computer he's like ok let me tell you then he just kind of blows off my question about the price and starts looking at a paper which has nothing on it and then he tells me we can talk to the manager if i was looking to buy today well i would of but i couldnt and i told him that ive heard of them going as low as 15000 / 16000 and he doesnt say like WOW OUTRAGEOUS NO WAY or anything but he's like well really you saw them for that much i was like well i heard i was on the spot and hadnt seen any but always hear of the great deals on here and he's like why didnt you buy it then dah dah dah blha blah 15000 thats pretty rediculous 3000 dollars below sticker thats loosing money but i dont know we can talk to the manager ... but if your not buying to day he pretty much said fuck off heh so ima go back pretty soon and i hope i can get a good deal off the manager
i wanna be able to get mats and shit with it also

08-13-2002, 11:02 PM
what is anyones take on the situation...?

08-13-2002, 11:08 PM
i wouldnt go back thare just because of the fact they didn't pay that much attention to you. If im going to spend that much money they better treat me well you know.

08-14-2002, 12:27 AM
You need proof that other dealers in your area are actually selling at a particular price...not internet-hearsay. Keep an eye on the teaser ads in the sunday paper. Go to the internet site for every dealer within 50 miles of you and request an internet quote for an Si. Then take whatever internet quote or ad has the lowest price and shop it against other dealers in the area.

Or find a dealer in another part of the country advertising Si's for ridiculously low prices, buy a one-way plane ticket, pick up car and drive back home.

08-14-2002, 03:10 AM
Your greatest leverage as a customer is to say, "Yes, I'll buy it today for 15,000."

08-14-2002, 08:40 AM
i need to find real ads selling them but i dont see any
there are not a whole lot of honda dealerships near here the one i went to and another one an hour or so away that has probably like 6+ hatches and they are all sticker price still no markdowns or anything..

but he was saying that he was going to go talk to the manager so i was thinking i could get a pretty good deal if im going through the manager cause they dont get commision from cars they sell correct?
i think they wanna get rid of them really bad
i only want the black one
there is also a silver one there but it is f cked up it looks like some tar like stuff got spilled on the hood and it wont come off and there are scratches all over the hood also makes it look not so nice

08-14-2002, 08:54 AM
efcee: where do you live?

08-14-2002, 09:22 AM
Waseca if you've ever heard of that town its like 30 miles from mankato