View Full Version : Law Problem HELP! PLZ!

05-31-2003, 08:56 PM
ok i lost my lisensce awhile back for 6 months i get it back in exactly 20 days, i was driving my car in my neighborhood and my friend was behind me, my friends muffler is really loud and people thought we were racing, so they called the cops, now the neighbors are issuing a warrant or something and i have to go to court and i could lose my lisensce or worse again... im 18 years old, and i dont know what to do or tell them, i told them my friend was helping me learn to drive stick.....plz help me on what to do i really want to drive my brand new 03 civic Si that i've never driven really

IceD out N CALI
05-31-2003, 08:59 PM
wow, i never knew neighbors had the power to call the cops and make u show up to court. did a cop cite you and give u a ticket that had a court date? more details please:)

05-31-2003, 09:22 PM
Hmmm... This is new to me.
Are you using stock muffler? If yes, then show the judge a picture of your car, should doing just fine.

05-31-2003, 10:10 PM
ok i received no ticket, and i have a stock muffler but my friend did not, i want to tell everyone that he was teachin me to drive stick before i got my license back, any advise or legal aspects wuld be helful too thanks guys

05-31-2003, 10:38 PM
wow those neighbors suck, and yea like some said before pictures of your car and a mile count should do it, by the way move if you can, because if they get you to court i bet they will try to do it again. good luck...

06-01-2003, 12:50 AM
hmmm... i'm not in va but in ca the dmv issues the license and only them and the courts can take them away. neighbors can complain but i hope a judge would have to make that call. if not you should really drop the $ on a lawyer.

06-01-2003, 10:30 AM
unless u were cited by a cop, u shouldn't have to appear in court. it should have worked this way for you to appear in court: you drive by, neighbors call cops, cops find you and give you a ticket, you have to go to court. if there were no cops involved, they can't possibly make you appear in court. fight it!!!

06-01-2003, 10:34 AM
Unless the cops have come to your house and investigated/questioned you.. You don't have to do shit.. Give the neighbors the one-finger salute and tell them to mind their own f*cking business.

06-01-2003, 03:01 PM
Unless you were issued a some kind of ticket (for what I don't know because I can't make out your posts) you have no obligation to appear in court at any time. Take some time and think about what happened and then post, because your posts are pretty hasty and rushed.:confused:

06-01-2003, 03:56 PM

no ticket = no court

06-01-2003, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by Sanchothepanda
Unless you were issued a some kind of ticket (for what I don't know because I can't make out your posts) you have no obligation to appear in court at any time. Take some time and think about what happened and then post, because your posts are pretty hasty and rushed.:confused:

Seriously... these posts don't make any sense. How does getting your licence suspended 6 months ago have anything to do with your neighbours calling the cops now? You didn't get a ticket and there are no witnesses? Repost with clearer info...

06-01-2003, 06:52 PM
1) Yeah please explain this more clearly, was your license still suspended when this occured? What the heck is going on? And how would he be teaching you to drive stick in a different car?!

2) Bao_pay? hehehe

SiR Medic
06-01-2003, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by Robbies'03Si
ok i lost my lisensce awhile back for 6 months i get it back in exactly 20 days, i was driving my car in my neighborhood and my friend was behind me, my friends muffler is really loud and people thought we were racing, so they called the cops, now the neighbors are issuing a warrant or something and i have to go to court and i could lose my lisensce or worse again... im 18 years old, and i dont know what to do or tell them, i told them my friend was helping me learn to drive stick.....plz help me on what to do i really want to drive my brand new 03 civic Si that i've never driven really


Let me see if I can decipher your REALLY LONG SENTENCE.

Basically, you were caught driving on a suspended liscense, because your friend was "teaching you drive stick". Your friend, who has one of those obnoxious "fart can" mufflers, pissed of your neighbours with his loud noise, causing them to call the police.

The police came, checked you out, found out you were driving on a suspended liscense (BAD SHIT)... And now you are being summuned to court for that very offense.

I see too many logic holes in this story to believe it's real...

Why did you feel the need to learn stick while you were on a suspended liscence?

Why do you own a car with a 5-speed if you don't know how to drive stick?

You could not have bought the car on a suspended liscence... It would be impossible to test drive the car, also, what would be the point in buying a car that you can't drive for 6 months.

Did you lose your liscense BEFORE getting the Si? Not many '03 Si's would have been out in November of '02

A 6-month suspension? What for? Racing, speeding, DUI, hit-and-run... What?

Basically... If you were driving on a suspended liscence... and got caught... TOUGH SHIT You will get no sympathy from me. You lost your lisence temporarily, and now you might lose it for good.

06-02-2003, 07:47 AM
Good for your neighbors who are standing up to the fartcan loud-ass shit noise invading thier homes. There's no dignity to having a house anymore if its just as bad as living in a dorm.

We've got to respect other people, no girl worth having is ever going to hook up with you because of your loud muffler.

Good luck with your case, I dont think the judge is going to care about your stock exhaust or learning to drive stick... he's going to say "What does that have to do with you driving with a suspended licesnse?".

06-02-2003, 09:23 AM
ANY citizen can site anyone for a violation of the law. Its called citizens arrest. Even though your not arrested you are still resposible for deffending your self.
Also you can be taken to court on a civil suit. The neighbors could sue you and collect if you are found guilty of violating thier civil liberties for what ever reason. Thier civil liberties are based on what ever law is on the books that they feel you broke and effected them. All it takes is a lawyer.

06-02-2003, 09:41 AM
Get your info straight. Your neighbor cannot issue a warrent for your arrest, a COP can't even do that. The warrent has to be put out by a judge or magistrate for a crime... A warrent doesn't even mean you've done anything. If I cop has a warrent for your arrest, he is mandated by a city/state/federal authority to bring you in to set a booking date.

Until you are notified via mail serving you with a court date... Serve them with a middle finger like I stated above.

You have more rights than you can count, dude. Can they prove you were driving or even racing? From the details you provided, no, it doesnt sound like it.

If you are unsure for ANY REASON. Get a lawyer... Even a shitty one can get you something. The couple hundered you pay him could get you your driving privlidges back.

And the comment about the muffler above *which is a thread hijack*.. Big effin' deal. It's a muffler... Jesus, i've heard gunshots on my neighborly streets before.. You surbanites complain about EVERYTHING!

06-02-2003, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by 02SiHB
And the comment about the muffler above *which is a thread hijack*.. Big effin' deal. It's a muffler... Jesus, i've heard gunshots on my neighborly streets before.. You surbanites complain about EVERYTHING!

:gets off soap box: OK, I'm sensitive to excessive noise rattling my house, but I'll save it for another time ;)

Back on topic, Robbies'03Si admittedly got caught driving with a suspended license. I wouldnt take the case. The best chance he has is for sympathy, apologies and putting on a good show, and lazy neighbors not bothering to witness.

But the "learning to stick shift story" doesn't justify breaking the law. This sounds like a learning experience thing to me.