View Full Version : another SI on supertunertv

06-01-2003, 06:13 PM
It was a brand new episode of super tunertv, finally. Anyway they were at the track where two car clubs from the internet were battling it out for fastest lap time. It was honda-tech vs. Nissan something. Anyway Nissan had faster cars(strait-aways) but Honda killed them in the turns. When it was over team Honda-Tech.com won. There was a yellow 2002 or 2003 Si on the honda-tech team. It was cool seeing an SI taking the turns. I also saw another Si in the background by the DC sports truck behind where the twins were talking. It didn't make any runs though.

06-01-2003, 08:59 PM
ya i saw that show today too.. i am pretty sure it was the Hasport Si with the RSX type s engine. honda only won by like 1.XX seconds.. was a good one tho:D

06-01-2003, 09:33 PM
1 second is an eternity when racing for times :)