View Full Version : Link to Manual Tranny Fluid - Honda MTF - Analysis/Test

06-10-2003, 06:50 PM
Here is a test of some Honda manual tranny fluid (MTF). The link is below. The first set of numbers are from the virgin sample (VOA), the second set of numbers are from the used fluid sample (UOA). The numbers look good, but the fluid has sheared down in viscosity as noted in one of the replies. Kinda supports my theory of changing the fluid once per year despite longer recommendations from Honda.


good info , have fun with it.

06-11-2003, 09:44 AM
great i skipped out on changing my tranny fluid because i thought it would last until 60k. thanks for the info though. good stuff. ima change the tranny fluid soon. so do you recommed redline over the honda MTF?

06-11-2003, 10:08 AM
does anyone here have any long-term experience with redline mtf?

i'm thinking about switching over to synthetic oil and mtf after 15k miles after everything's loosened up fully...
i've read that switching over to synthetic too early might prevent a thorough break-in.

also - does anyone have experience with redline water wetter?

06-11-2003, 10:44 AM
When do you recommend switching to the Honda MTF? (how many miles)

06-11-2003, 12:09 PM
my tranny shifting was crap since I got the car, it got a bit better after about 7,000 miles but not huge. Downshifting felt like total crap. But once I changed the tranny fluid recently the shifting is 100% better. Total night and day difference, my tranny now shifts awesome, downshifts are buttery smooth. I just used the Honda MTF and had the dealer do it. One other EP member just had the same experience, can't remember the post.

I'm pretty set on changing the fluid once per year or 20,000 miles max. . I always have been with Honda trannies. I think Honda MTF is great fluid, it contains the necessary additives for the synchros to work properly, but I just like to change it once per year. It's relatively cheap.

I used Redline MTF in other Hondas , can't say I liked it all that much, didn't feel any better, but some guys like it.

I am using Redline Water Wetter right now, I believe in the product, plus I like to track my car once and a while. I don't have any proof that it works, but I trust the product and Redline.

tony speed
06-11-2003, 12:23 PM
is there anywhere to buy honda MTF online? The nearest dealership is about 20 minutes from me.

06-11-2003, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by tony speed
is there anywhere to buy honda MTF online? The nearest dealership is about 20 minutes from me.

I think www.inlinefour.com sells the fluid, and they have on-line purchasing, I think manchester Honda sells stuff on-line plus a few others but I am not sure of all the website addies.

I recommend the dealer doing it though. One thing about doing your own fluid changes is that you have to get the vehicle perfectly level as well as lifted, in order to get it filled properly at the right level. It's too messy and too much of a hassle for me to do it in my garage, so I get the dealer to do it for the relatively low cost. Well worth the cost to avoid the work and mess.

tony speed
06-11-2003, 01:00 PM

these guys are pretty cheap

tony speed
06-11-2003, 01:12 PM
but shipping isn't :'(

06-12-2003, 12:06 AM

Try Royal Purple Oil, they did wonder on my Si.

06-12-2003, 06:40 AM
For the redline water wetter I use it for racing because in my class you can only run water in your cooling system. I do not see the need for it though if you are running coolent. In there coolent it has the lubricant in it ti help out your water pump and other parts, but when you run strait water like I have to you need something to help out from burning up a water pump.