View Full Version : Great weekend-ruined by a 4 year old.

06-23-2003, 09:44 PM
This is great! I had a 10 hour drive to make it to my hometown for vacation. The drive went fine, and I babied the car all week(going slow over bumps, parking away from door dingers, etc) and on the way back(1.5 hours from home) I decide to pull into McDonalds for some burgers. I pull to a stop and "BANG"!!! I see a green golf ball rolling away after smashing into my passenger door. My fiance' jumps out, knowing both my temper and my love of this car, and her face turns white, and "Oh My God" comes out of her mouth. I pick up the ball, and head around the fence where the ball came from. I see a little boy and his mother and she knew what had just happened. I raise my voice immediately, and the kid bolts behind a shed in the yard. I ask the mother how she could be so irresponsible as to let a 4 year old swing at golf balls next to a crowded lot. And the golden response came..."Fuck you!" she said! My blood pressure hit dangerous levels as her old man came out of the house-and I was going to pummel this joker. He was cool, so I took her name and number and talked to the little kid and made friends. It was a stupid accident, but I am almost 100% sure that the ding can be pulled by a dent doctor guy, so I will try that and move on. Great day, huh?

06-23-2003, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by VBSI
This is great! I had a 10 hour drive to make it to my hometown for vacation. The drive went fine, and I babied the car all week(going slow over bumps, parking away from door dingers, etc) and on the way back(1.5 hours from home) I decide to pull into McDonalds for some burgers. I pull to a stop and "BANG"!!! I see a green golf ball rolling away after smashing into my passenger door. My fiance' jumps out, knowing both my temper and my love of this car, and her face turns white, and "Oh My God" comes out of her mouth. I pick up the ball, and head around the fence where the ball came from. I see a little boy and his mother and she knew what had just happened. I raise my voice immediately, and the kid bolts behind a shed in the yard. I ask the mother how she could be so irresponsible as to let a 4 year old swing at golf balls next to a crowded lot. And the golden response came..."Fuck you!" she said! My blood pressure hit dangerous levels as her old man came out of the house-and I was going to pummel this joker. He was cool, so I took her name and number and talked to the little kid and made friends. It was a stupid accident, but I am almost 100% sure that the ding can be pulled by a dent doctor guy, so I will try that and move on. Great day, huh?

Man, what a pain. Make her pay for it, or confiscate the kid's golf clubs.:angel:

06-23-2003, 09:56 PM
I think my blood pressure went up just reading that. I can only imagine how you felt when she said "Fuck you". It takes some real self control in those situations.

06-23-2003, 10:12 PM
Oh man... I would have been tempted to whip out the driver and launch a few in their direction... LOL

06-23-2003, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by VBSI
And the golden response came..."Fuck you!" she said!

I would have turned green and snap the bitches' head off her body.

06-23-2003, 10:34 PM
sucks to hear that dude.

Kids will be kids tho. I remember when i was a kid...i broke a lotttttaaa other peoples shit >:)

When you have kids.....dont plan on having anything nice :)

Kids = automatic destruction

IceD out N CALI
06-23-2003, 10:49 PM
what a pisser

06-23-2003, 10:57 PM
I broke a ton of shit in my day as well, so I can see where that whole situation came from. I guess I am being punished for my childhood stupidity.

06-23-2003, 11:20 PM
sorry for what happened, she should paid for it or the golf facility

06-24-2003, 04:27 AM
I can just imagine the FURY that you must of had to subside...too bad it was a chick...and she probably talk shit cause she know her ass is safe with a dude..

yet, the ding could probably be fixed cheap and easy...now, stay the F away from that lot;) there are places just not worth parking at :(

06-24-2003, 06:05 AM
The worst part about it is that it was just a little kid in a yard-not a golf course, mini golf, or driving range. The odds of that happening are slim.

06-24-2003, 06:42 AM
Hope you kept the ball, called the police and got a report... otherwise you probably wont see a dime.

My friend was driving by a golf course once, heard a BAM!, pulled over, found the ball, walked up to the closest hole, asked the guys real nice if they lost whatever brand/model# the ball was, one guy's like "oh yeah, that's mine! thanks." My friend's like great, you just damaged my car, and the idiots like "oh, that's not my ball..." so he went to the manager of the course, they promised to take care of it, never heard from them, couldnt do crap about it because he didnt get a police report at the scene. Hope your situation turns out better!

06-24-2003, 06:49 AM
ohhhhh man! Same here my blood pressure went up just reading that...I was about to go beat someone up ! :)

anyways...if you need a DentDing Remover i got one if you need to borrow it...I bought it to use, dont need anymore, holla if you need it W/o having to pay for one!


06-24-2003, 09:31 AM
Looking at the dent, I could tell that it should be an easy removal. I didn't wait for the police, or file a report since it was an accident that should only cost me $50-$80. The kid was freaked out already, and I'm sure the cops would have made it worse. Not a big deal-it is only metal.