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View Full Version : Just bought some Meguiar's car care supplies.

06-28-2003, 01:49 PM
Can anyone tell me if these items are right for our EPs? Mine is White, btw. I bought three of these an hour or so ago at Pep Boys, and was wondering if I bought the right ones. A good choice to use for our cars? If anyone can give me some opinions or feedback from their experiences, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance everybody.


Sorry the pics are a bit blurry; hope you can still make them out, and see which ones they are. If you can't, just ask, and I will read you whatever that's on the bottle/label.

06-29-2003, 04:37 PM
The meguiar's retail three-step is a decent line. You may want to go back and get step 2 which is the deep crystal polish. Even though your car is white, it will still make a difference. If I was going to detail your car I would probably(remember I have not seen it) use the meguiar's #9 swirl remover, followed by the #26 hi-tech yellow wax. The #9 is a combination cleaner/polish, so basically it can replace the first and second step in your detail(of course this is only true when the finish is in good shape). The #26 is very similar to the deep crystal #3, except it lasts a little longer and does not dry white nor stain trim. This is a big plus for me.

The natural shine is IMO a nice product for the $. The look is very low sheen and it does not seem to attract dust. Are there better vinyl dressings out there? Yes, but how many of them are $4? You will be pleased with the results of what you have purchased. Good luck, I hope this helps.

06-29-2003, 06:36 PM
Thanks a lot man. Yeah, I was looking around the shop for some good products that have good deals also. I've heard good stuff about the Meguiar's brand so I just picked up the first things of it that I saw. This was at a local Pep Boys, btw. Yeah, I didn't get #2, because I thought it wouldn't make much of a difference, but I might go back and get it if it will be better. This is my first car, and also my very first time applying wax to my car (the #3). I followed the directions, but wasn't too sure whether I was doing it properly. I just grabbed a medium sized 100% cotton white towel, and put some of the Carnauba wax on there, then did what it said on the label and applied it to the car in a circular motion. Then after wiping it around the whole car, I grabbed another towel (exact same kind) and just wiped everything off gently, like it said to do. Did I do everything right? And you're not supposed to apply the wax to the windows, correct? I became a bit confused when I read the directions, because it said to use a 'little' of it, when I found myself needing a good amount for the whole car. Is this normal? I used as little as I could to cover all the areas (excluding the roof, windows, mirrors, and wheels). After I finished waxing, I looked at the car from all angles, and the car looked awesome. Very great shine that was pleasing to see. I just hope I did everything right, since I don't know too much about car, or about car care, and this is my very first car, and my very first time waxing. I'm planning on cleaning my interior using the Natural Shine later today. Do I have to watch out for anything when I do so? I read it's only for vinyl and rubber (tires). So I'm planning on using it for just that, but was wondering what would happen if I got some on the other things such as our silver painted center console, or the steering wheel. What would happen if I accidentally got some on there? Sorry for all the newb questions, but I'm trying to take precautions before any risks. And one more question - What do you guys use to clean the floor of your EP? To get all that grass and gunk out of there that is. Do you just use a vacuum cleaner pipe, or a mini-vacuum to get it all out like I'm thinking of doing? Some feedback would be very helpful.
Once again, I'd like to thank you all for participating in this thread, and would like to apologize for this monotonous post.

p.s. Awesome name btw, alwayscleaning. Very original for an alias, and it instantly made me laugh. :D
Thanks again man.

06-30-2003, 07:52 AM
Potator, you might want to pick up a clay bar kit at some point down the line. I clayed my car a couple weeks after picking it up, and was surprised at how much contamination it removed. The clay will help make your paint as smooth as a babies behind.

When the say to use a little, they mean that you shouldn't be putting a ton on each panel. Of course, over a whole car, you will use a good deal of product. Just remember to but it on thin. That will help when it comes time to buff off. A thicker layer of was initially won't mean that you are getting better protection because ultimately there will only be a thin layer on the paint at the end.

For the insides, I just use a shop vac it I'm at my parents, or a Shark.

The natural shine should be fine on the silver dash, you might want to try it on a spot first to see how it looks. You should also look into getting a leather cleaner/conditioner for the stearing wheel and shift nob. If your are really worried about getting the Natural shine of different parts, then just spray it on an applicator first, and then apply it to your dash.

Oh yeah, one more thing. I don't know about Alwayscleaning, but unless I'm using a machine, I never use a circular motion. I try to keep my movements restricted to the movement of air over the car (front to back). That should help minimize swirl marks.

06-30-2003, 05:38 PM
Oh yeah, one more thing. I don't know about Alwayscleaning, but unless I'm using a machine, I never use a circular motion. I try to keep my movements restricted to the movement of air over the car (front to back). That should help minimize swirl marks

Yes, same here. I have also found that most meguiar's waxes are easier to apply with a sponge applicator as opposed to the cotton cloth.