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View Full Version : Is it safe to wash the car once a week?

silver ep
08-25-2002, 08:15 AM
Ive heard its damaging to the paint surface to wash the car too much, I just wondered if this was true.

08-25-2002, 09:33 AM
I'm obviously not an expert but the owner's manual says to wash the car often in order to protect the paint. I think once a week is reasonable.

I have a black Si so I wash it twice a week.

08-25-2002, 09:49 AM
I wash mine once a week and wax it once a month. I think you'll be fine as long as you keep up the waxing as well.

IceD out N CALI
08-25-2002, 09:51 AM
once a week is just fine

08-25-2002, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by IceD out N CALI
once a week is just fine

I needa start washing my car once a week instead of once a month- Im such a slacker!! hehe :eek:

08-25-2002, 10:40 AM
Do you not get free valets when you purchase your cars in the US... Here in the UK we get up to about 3 pro valets done at the dealership.. Must cost about 30 quid-a-go in materials too!

Not that i'm saying i only clean my car 3 times in its life;) Wash it as many times as you like mate... Thats what i said i was doing when my mum caught me in the bath playing with "the long dong":p

08-25-2002, 12:41 PM
There is nothing wrong with washing ur car once a week, actually it is reccomended that you wash ur car once a week and wax it at least six times a year. I wash my car once a week sometimes more then that. When my car needs to be waxed I use the Meguiars 1-3 polishes and carnuba wax...it seems to give me the best results. Just remember to wax ur car becuase if you wash ur car all of the time and never wax it, it can do damage to ur paint job!!!

silver ep
08-25-2002, 01:58 PM
thanks for the feedback, I need to wax it pretty soon, Ill probabally use Meguires Gold Class is that wax good?

08-25-2002, 02:46 PM
i thought you where not sposta wax new clear coats

08-25-2002, 02:50 PM
I use 3M handglaze on my car. Works great! I recommend this product for black cars! I use it on my moms GTI and it works wonders.

08-25-2002, 02:52 PM
what is that>?

08-25-2002, 04:01 PM
I wash my car every single day. HAHA. im a freak.

08-25-2002, 06:42 PM
Ok, i have a question. When i bought my Honda, i got that paint protectant package, with the teflon coating, etc. also got the seats and undercarrige done. Well they gave me a bunch of cleaning supplies to go along with it. Car Wash, some kinda of Wax, though they dont call it wax, paint restore or something,also gave me some kinda of amour all type stuff, vinyl restore or something, and they gave me some kinda of seude cleaner for my seats. Questions is, is this stuff as good as say Meguairs, or maybe better? Or is it all the same shit, different package?

08-25-2002, 06:53 PM
I too wash my Black EP everyday! I cant stand BUGS on the front bumper! LOL - joe

08-25-2002, 07:31 PM
Well Blaze the answer to ur question is simple for me to answer. I also got my car sprayed and all of that stuff with my last car, and got the box of goodies just like you did. Is it as good as Meguiars?? Yes it is, in fact Ive found that some of the stain removers are some of the best that I have ever used. I would use the free stuff that came with the protection plan first...then stick with Meguiars products. Meguiars has been around for a long time. I only use Meguiars, and true car care profesionas use Meguiars. Dont get me wrong the free stuff is really good stuff..use that first and then stay with Meguiars. Hope this helps:P

08-25-2002, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by 02blksi
I too wash my Black EP everyday! I cant stand BUGS on the front bumper! LOL - joe

yeah! Im not the only one

08-25-2002, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by 2k2civicSi
what is that>?

It's a wax made by 3M

08-25-2002, 10:39 PM
I was my car some times as much as three times a week... If you have black and let in sit in the sun the bug will get pretty imbedded... Also I wax it about once a month... The first month I had it I waxed it twice and but major swirls..

Busta J
08-26-2002, 04:51 AM
When waxing, what do you guys do about black trim pieces and badges?? Does everyone just tape the trim off or what? On previous cars I have tried being very careful but always end up with a white mark somewhere. And how do you get the wax in and out of the nooks of the badging?

Oh and one more thing... Are we supposed to be waxing the wheels when we wax the car?

08-26-2002, 06:28 AM
I just try to be real careful when putting my wax on. I stay away from the emblems and plastic trim. If you do get some wax on the plastic trim just wipe it off right away. As long as it doesn't dry on there it's okay. I wax my wheels because it keeps them looking nice. The brake dust doesn't stay on there as well and they stay cleaner and easier to clean.

08-26-2002, 09:11 AM
Yeah and as for the interior I head that it is not a good idea to use Armor All because if you use it and stop it will crack the plastic where it gets a lot of sun light?! Anybody else heard that one? There is another product that is similar to Armor All but will not crack your plastic over time. Anybody know what it is. I dunno about you but I like the inside of my car all Bling Bling!

08-26-2002, 09:55 AM
I wash my car atleast 2 times a week and wax it every other month. I also wax it with 3M Handglaze. Stuff works great.

08-26-2002, 09:58 AM
I have to heard about Armoral cracking the dash...not sure if its true, but I dont wanna find out anyway. But I dont have to worry about that since the only product I use is Meguiars. As far as the wax on the plastic trim gos...hey if you get some on the trim DONT FREAK OUT...if you get some cork like from an empty wine bottle, or buy some in a hobby lobby it will take the wax right off of the plastic trim. It will rub right off the trim...its magic how it just wipes right off!! As far as waxing ur wheels at the same time you wax ur car is a GOOD idea, just make sure that ur using wheel polish like mothers or meguiars when you do it, not car wax:P

08-26-2002, 10:00 AM
I use Mother's Back to Black on the trim pieces after I wax. It's good stuff.
Of course I haven't been able to wash and wax my car since this darn drought & the water restrictions started. Been taking it through a touchless car wash.:mad:
I just can't understand why it would be ok for me to dump perfectly good water on my lawn every other day, but I can't wash my car once a week. I don't water my lawn, so I should be able to wash my car!!!!! Agghhhh!
Oh well, sorry for the rant but it's a touchy subject.

08-26-2002, 10:32 AM
I would second using the Meguiars Gold class wax. I've used it before and it works well. I just ran out and have to get some more.

08-26-2002, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by SpacemanSpiff
I use Mother's Back to Black on the trim pieces after I wax. It's good stuff.
Of course I haven't been able to wash and wax my car since this darn drought & the water restrictions started. Been taking it through a touchless car wash.:mad:
I just can't understand why it would be ok for me to dump perfectly good water on my lawn every other day, but I can't wash my car once a week. I don't water my lawn, so I should be able to wash my car!!!!! Agghhhh!
Oh well, sorry for the rant but it's a touchy subject.

Do they actually still write tickets for that crap? Can you take it behind your hous/apartment with a long hose?

08-26-2002, 02:42 PM
I've heard Zaino products are the best. I'm planning on ordering some soon.

08-26-2002, 03:57 PM
My dealer didn't give me any free goodies when I had my surfaces treated. Friggen bastards. I do know this though, hard water spots are hard as hell to get off the paint do to late night automatic sprinklers that I didn't know my neighbors had. Damnit, and I now have a bounty on cats in my neighborhood. The morning after I wash my Civic, I come outside to see Cat tracks going up my hood, doing a couple circles on top, then going back down the hood. My roommate and I have sworn to rid the area of all cats that may pose a paint threat.

08-26-2002, 04:12 PM
well i like eating cats so if you send them my way i would really like that thanks bro.

j/k but just curious how are you going to rid them? are you going to kill them?

08-29-2002, 12:33 PM
We're thinking blow guns from the upstairs window. Don't want to use anything too powerful. I'd hate to miss, or shoot through a cat into my car or someone else. Maybe even pellet guns. Or, we just might call animal control. Things are varied right now as to dealing with the neighborhood feline problem.

08-29-2002, 12:52 PM
I once went to a car detailing clinic. They said never to use wax that contains silicone (Almost EVERY brand out there uses it in their wax) Aparently over time, it'll end up dulling your paint.

They highly suggested using a teflon based wax. It doesn't make your car as shiny. But, it'll keep it looking as it did when it was in the showroom.
So take a good look at what your wax contains. Look for teflon based waxes, and avoid that silicone!!!

08-29-2002, 02:11 PM
I usually wash once a week if I can. After washing I use a quick detailer (Eagle One). I use Gold Class shampoo, but P21S carnuba wax.

With the quick detailer, you shouldn't need to wax your car more than 4 times a year, depending on how well you take care of it and if your car sits out alot. Be careful with Glazes. Most glazes (3M and Meguiars) don't contain any wax. They should be used to bring out the gloss in your paint before waxing.

To get rid of water spots, use a paint cleansing lotion like Meguiars, Pinnacle or P21S.

Use KLASSE if your car sits out alot. It doesn't contain any wax that will melt off of your car.

Also, many good waxes won't stain your plastics.

08-30-2002, 07:09 AM
akron... nice info, i think i just may take a trip to my local pep boys right now :) -joe

08-30-2002, 10:16 AM
Guys, Armor-All does indeed damage your interior over time. It contains silicates, which dry out and crack vinyl over time. High quality interior products will not contain silicates, are are often water-based products. Vinylex is very good, it's what I have been using for many years. It leaves a nice glossy shine. I have heard 303 Aerospace protectant is a bit better in the sense that it's not as greasy as Vinylex. Either one comes highly recommended, but I do plan on buying myself some 303 to try.

I could go on for pages about detailing, I've been detailing for over 10 years on my parents and my cars. I've handled all kinds of paint (American, Japanese, German), colors, surfaces, and I've used most of the detailing products out there. If you have more questions about detailing, we have a Show and Shine forum at Club Si where you can ask for Neoprufrock or myself and both of us are well qualified to answer detailing questions. I've written detailing articles that have been posted on numerous websites, I think it's about time to write another as I've learned more and use some different techniques from the last time I wrote one.

08-30-2002, 02:04 PM
I use Zymol wax and polish. It leaves a one of a kind finish and lasts around 3-4 months. Washing your car every week protects the paint from fallout. Drying your car the wrong way can wipe off the car's finish. I now use a towel with a velvety finish to dry it.