View Full Version : Minnie's a widow

08-25-2002, 10:23 AM
I don't have garage space for the Si, so it sits beside my house under a car cover five days a week. That, I've learned over the years, is an invitation to "critters" to move in and set up home. Usually I can ward that off by thumping on the car when I walk by or parking it so that it's in the sun (but still under the cover) most of day. That wasn't sufficient for one such critter however, a two-pound rat. Saw him twice. I won't detail what the SOB was leaving behind in my engine compartment.

Well, he won't be doing that anymore. Hence, Minnie's a widow.

08-25-2002, 10:27 AM
Sucks he was leaving "things" behind in your engine compartment.... but still....Poor Minnie :(

08-25-2002, 10:02 PM
Holy sh*T!:eek: You killed mickey?!?! :eek: :cool:

08-25-2002, 10:03 PM
DIE YOU F*CKING MURDERER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-25-2002, 10:24 PM

08-26-2002, 04:03 AM
Originally posted by GoofySI
Holy sh*T!:eek: You killed mickey?!?! :eek: :cool:

Actually, it was Mickey's older brother - you know, the BIG hairy one that small dogs didn't mess with. But, Minnie's taking it hard . . . . He used to bring her some great garbage.

08-27-2002, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by Mechanic

Actually, it was Mickey's older brother - you know, the BIG hairy one that small dogs didn't mess with. But, Minnie's taking it hard . . . . He used to bring her some great garbage.

how is minnie a widow if mickey is still alive?:confused: o well.....

08-27-2002, 04:25 AM
Originally posted by GoofySI

how is minnie a widow if mickey is still alive?:confused: o well.....

Not much for allegory, huh, Goofy?

Actually, based on your earlier concerns, we already opened a preliminary inquiry on Minnie. The first officer on the scene sensed something about her attitude and affectation that just wasn't right. That lead to a full field investigation, and we've had our best people on it. We realized that you wouldn't settle for less than the the complete story here.

We learned that Minnie and Mickey had been estranged for some time. Apparently Minnie had been -- how do I say this discretely --"sleeping around." (In fact, the tabloids had already picked up on the story. That's why Disney stock has been in the tank for the past two years. But, I digress . . . .)

It gets worse. Turns out that Minnie had an ongoing, long-term meritricious relationship with the deceased, Mickey's uncle, Ricky the Rat. Ricky hadn't seen his nephew in years and, thus, he apparently didn't realize that Minnie, who was using an assumed name when they met, was Mickey's wife.

Anyhow, they'd been together for over a year, and Minnie had duped him into a common law marriage. That relationship subsequently was recognized by the State of Florida. It was void ab initio, of course, but that's for the courts to settle. (Minnie, gold-digger that she is, has already tried to probate Mickey's Will.)

But, in point of fact, until her marriage to Ricky the Rat is set aside, Minnie is, in fact, a widow owing to the fact that I whacked Ricky, her putative spouse.

I hope this resolves your confusion.

08-27-2002, 09:24 PM
That b*tch......haha thnx for clearing it up