View Full Version : Got a speeding ticket.

07-30-2003, 01:32 AM
Hi fellas,

I just got a ticket for doing 54 in a 30. Any ideas how I can pull this one off? All suggestions welcome.


07-30-2003, 06:15 AM
Was it in a residential neighborhood?

Those who speed in 30mph zones - esp at double the limit - deserve everything they got coming to em.

07-30-2003, 06:36 AM
ouch. That is the same speed/racing i was goin when i got caught. 145bucks, really sucks. But now i dont speed, learned my lesson...and paid the price.:'(

IceD out N CALI
07-30-2003, 08:09 AM
thats pretty high-be difficult to pull that one off. guess u could always fight it, and see if cop shows up on court date

tony speed
07-30-2003, 09:11 AM
always best to fight.....even if you plea guilty...you could get a break...money or speed wise...or the cop could not show up...

07-30-2003, 10:18 AM
yeah, you should go to court. I've been lucky myself, only been pulled over once so far for going 63 in a 30 zone and I didnt get a ticket :D

07-30-2003, 10:24 AM
Pay for it and slow down.

It's one of life's many lessons. :)


07-30-2003, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by ssvr6
Pay for it and slow down.

It's one of life's many lessons. :)


Ah, for the price your going to pay for that ticket (money and the points) i would go to court, see if the DA will cut you a deal...or if the cop doesnt show up...

plea not guilty until proven guilty by the judge! :)

if im not mistake here in PA if you double the speedlimit you get like 4-6points out of 11....check what the points are in your state, kuz thats going to jack your insurance up...


07-30-2003, 11:15 AM
dude plead not gulity. i always do when i get a moving volation. just make up a story . like you werent familar with that road and didnt know the speed limit. you might get away with it and save yourself some money and points. its worth a shot . if not pleading guilty u automatically get nailed. im not sayign you will but . i plead not guilty to a reckless driving for a accident . and got away with it .. no points and got my money back. just go in there with the right attitude. real humble and sorry. be sincere. you might persuade the judge. and if
the cop a now show, ur good . its better then laying down if you ask me. beside its ur right to plead not guilty as a tax paying citizen. use the constituions to ur advantage. thats why the damn thing was written

07-30-2003, 04:22 PM
Sucks man - good luck!

07-30-2003, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by si666
Hi fellas,

I just got a ticket for doing 54 in a 30. Any ideas how I can pull this one off? All suggestions welcome.


Read this


07-30-2003, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by si666
Hi fellas,

I just got a ticket for doing 54 in a 30. Any ideas how I can pull this one off? All suggestions welcome.


stop speeding

07-31-2003, 06:35 AM
siver si . that info was great thanks. . my dad told me he read somethign like that .. thats why i always plead not guilty. unless i got blatinlty cought. well thanks and good luck on fighting man

07-31-2003, 09:36 AM
I don't believe for a second that everyone who posted the "SLOW DOWN" phrase has never broke the speed limit! This guy asked for good advice and that's what you say? Slow down? That's lame. People speed every day, including cops on their way back from work, so cut out the heavy handed "Slow Down" advice. My advice to you (if you can afford it initially) is get a lawyer. Just like in the link you already looked at, getting a lawyer can solve it for you. If you shop around it won't cost much more than $300 bucks, and it will almost GUARENTEE you'll be let off. I don't know how old you are, but the cost of your insurance will sky rocket with any speeding ticket. The cost of the lawyer will outway the cost of your insurance going up over the next 3 years by far. You might be able to fight it yourself and get off, but it is risky, whereas the lawyer is not. I've done it, it works! One phone call and a sent check and I'm off. It's awesome. later.

07-31-2003, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by hypnoj
I don't believe for a second that everyone who posted the "SLOW DOWN" phrase has never broke the speed limit! This guy asked for good advice and that's what you say? Slow down? That's lame. People speed every day, including cops on their way back from work, so cut out the heavy handed "Slow Down" advice. My advice to you (if you can afford it initially) is get a lawyer. Just like in the link you already looked at, getting a lawyer can solve it for you. If you shop around it won't cost much more than $300 bucks, and it will almost GUARENTEE you'll be let off. I don't know how old you are, but the cost of your insurance will sky rocket with any speeding ticket. The cost of the lawyer will outway the cost of your insurance going up over the next 3 years by far. You might be able to fight it yourself and get off, but it is risky, whereas the lawyer is not. I've done it, it works! One phone call and a sent check and I'm off. It's awesome. later.

Agree 100% with jim...how can you all say 'stop speeding' i know everyone on this site drives fast from time to time, who doesnt?!

go to court, dont take it in the ace with that ticket!


07-31-2003, 11:25 AM
its simple, you broke the law, you got caught, you pay for it, take responsibility for your actions like man, and stop trying to get out of it like a little bitch

07-31-2003, 12:27 PM
Thanks guys for giving me some sound advice. Siver si, that link was awesome. And for the ppl who says "slow down" ..I ask for advice how I can beat this ticket, not how to avoid a speeding ticket. Next time read the post b4 answering.


07-31-2003, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by mrfixit687
its simple, you broke the law, you got caught, you pay for it, take responsibility for your actions like man, and stop trying to get out of it like a little bitch

why dont u shut your fukin mouth....

if you didnt have something to say on a positive note, keep your trap shut...the fukin guy knows he got caught for a reason, there is always a way to get around the 'legal system' this is the USA...

if it was you, we would be the same way, trying to help out a fellow EPhatcher, it sucks when you get a ticket AND points...

07-31-2003, 01:28 PM
if it was me, i'd learn my lesson, take responsibility for my actions, pay the fine and go to traffic school, and not try to weasel my way out of punishment

08-01-2003, 12:52 PM
Jesse Ventura said:
Win if you can. Lose if you must. But always cheat.

If you can get out of that ticket - more power to you.

But you should know that doing >50 in residential neighborhoods that usually post 30mph limits can be pretty dangerous.

I've seen waaay too many stupid accidents and near-accidents resulting in property damage and injuries (and 2 casualties) in 30mph zones. And speeding was a factor in ALL of them. When I see some jackass zooming by my house at >60 mph, I almost wish something would happen and I could see the car flipping through the air and the driver fly through the windshield mid-flip.

08-01-2003, 09:22 PM
I can't believe how hardcore some of you guys are; saying that he shouldn't try to weezle out of it and such. What the hell does that mean? I didn't say that he should try to weezle out of it. I said that he should pay a lawyer to defend himself in court. Are you saying that he shouldn't hire a lawyer, who better understands the law, to defend him? What kind of thinking is that?? The price of the lawyer is nothing to sneeze at. He understands that he shouldn't have been speeding, making him pay huge for the next few years is garbage, and that's what he'll pay if it goes on his driving record. I'm all about saving money. If you guys want to get into a character debate and the morals of speeding then do so. It has absolutley nothing to do with saving money!
(thanks for backing me up Eric)

08-02-2003, 12:24 AM
But you should know that doing >50 in residential neighborhoods that usually post 30mph limits can be pretty dangerous.

It is not a residential area. It is one of those big streets with a lot of industrial parks off of it. It happened about 1am when there is not a soul in sight. The thing is the cop pull over two cars at the same time, same ticket. Another question is can they radar two cars at once? Also the cop set up the radar in a private parking lot. I heard that they can only set up radar on public properties. Is this true? I think Hiring a lawer would be the best bet. Anymore suggestions?


08-02-2003, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by mrfixit687
if it was me, i'd learn my lesson, take responsibility for my actions, pay the fine and go to traffic school, and not try to weasel my way out of punishment

Whatever floats your boat man.:rolleyes: