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View Full Version : Whos Yellow/ White Ep's where at Laguna Seca this weekend for the Le Mans Series?

ep pilot
09-07-2003, 09:56 PM
Just got back today, thought I would see who was there, saw two really beautiful Ep's. One was yellow w/ Type R trim & badges, also it had a J/R Supercharger...I tried to hang out to see whos it was because I wanted to talk to you about the car and the S/C but nobody was around, the hood was up though....

Also there was a White Ep with a really nice lip, CF hood, tints black painted roof:eek: :eek: <----you really have to see how trick that looks in person, anyway, just thought I would see if any one here, or if any Ep Hatchers went to the races.....

I will post pics tomorrow after I get my camera back from my G/F;)


09-07-2003, 11:47 PM
maybe the yellow one was the Hasport Si? I think its yellow w/ a supercharger

09-08-2003, 10:29 AM
The hasport si had full type R kit / badges, gunmetal / bronzish rims, a CF hood, diff grill w/ type R H, and a bunch of red stickers on the side the last time I remember seeing pics of it. Man I would kill to see how that thing performs in R/L...or even drive it :p

The white one....you say it has a black roof? Ummm....:o Hmm I guess I'll have to see.

09-08-2003, 10:44 AM
Wow!!! cant wait to see the pics!!:D

09-08-2003, 12:05 PM
doesnt racerdre have a white ep with a black roof