View Full Version : Almost got a ticket!

silver ep
09-04-2002, 08:51 PM
Hey Im pretty excited this is the first time Ive ever gotten pulled over and not got a ticket! I was going 52 in a 35 and the cop turned around(he was going the other direction) and finally pulled me over after about half a mile. I just said I didnt realize how fast I was going:D Its too damn hard to drive the speed limit in these cars!

09-05-2002, 04:06 AM
Same thing happened to me, I was doing 50 in a 35 and cop let me go without a ticket. I said I didn't realize I was doing 50.

09-05-2002, 04:38 AM
I've NEVER gotten off from a ticket. EVER.

I'm polite, courteous, and I cooperate fully. I even ask if they could give me a warning this time.


Pigs...they all suck. ;)


09-05-2002, 04:45 AM
funny I almost got one yesterday. I saw the cop on the interstate, but then he got off to the access road. I hit it and was going like 100 in a 65. Little did I know he was watching me the whole time. I get off the interstate and this ass pulls in front of me (all though I was going 90 in a 45 :D ) and I had to slowed down quickly. I had my stereo blazing. I look in my rear view and there's the cop with his lights going. I was like, great I'm screwed. I pull over and he comes up and says, slow down, have a nice day. I got off without a ticket. I think it has something to do with the car :D

09-05-2002, 05:38 AM
ive gotten one ticket out of all my times being pulled over for bogus things
it was unsafe passing

but ive been pulled over for alot of dumb stuff
like when i just got my lisence and i went in reverse at the stop light because i started turning the wrong way and there was a cop behind me heh
well at first it looked like no one was there
then BAM woop woop thats the sound of the police heh
and i got pulled over like 4 or 5 more times for other lame-o stuff
but never no ticket
lucky i guess

09-05-2002, 06:42 AM
Speaking of getting off, I've been lucky at least 3 times. The most recent one was the scariest since I got pulled over at a RIDE program (drinking and driving check) and blew over the legal limit. They ended up taking me to the cop shop, had me call a lawyer and all. Then they made me blow once again at the cop shop, but they then decided to let me go. I hadn't drank that much, and was barely over the limit, and since I co-operated and so on, they simply let me go with a slap on the hands.

Now that was lucky, and I never ever drive now even if I only have 1 beer.

The other 2 times were for speeding (but they let me go with a warning).

09-05-2002, 08:26 AM
Originally posted by ssvr6
I've NEVER gotten off from a ticket. EVER.

I'm polite, courteous, and I cooperate fully. I even ask if they could give me a warning this time.


Pigs...they all suck. ;)


With that attitude I can see why you never get a warning, Always be honest and always ask for the warning before they go back to the patrol vehicle. Remember also that they are doing their job and if you don't give a reason to pull you over in the first place you won't be in your perdictiment!

09-05-2002, 09:07 AM
I got pulled over for doing 60 in a 45....

I told the cop that my bowels were about ready to bust from some shoddy taco truck food....

he slowly backed away and said to get home before I ruin the interior

09-05-2002, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by grooveline
I got pulled over for doing 60 in a 45....

I told the cop that my bowels were about ready to bust from some shoddy taco truck food....

he slowly backed away and said to get home before I ruin the interior

hehe...that's a good one, usually works well with girls claiming they gotta pee.

09-05-2002, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by MoodySi

hehe...that's a good one, usually works well with girls claiming they gotta pee.

I've heard every excuse out there, if they come up with an original I usually let them slide. you can always follow them to the nearest bathroom and write 'em while they pee.
It's all in your attitude, but some of my co-workers ,"don't give a sh*#" and if they get out of the car your getting a ticket. Now that I have exposed myself , please be kind with your replies :D
remember "Can't we all just get along?" fellow EP brothers and sisters!

09-05-2002, 11:51 AM
i fucking hate cops. haha im sorry i dont hate you elwood just the ones that have pulled me over and arrested me in the past. But i deserved to get arested a few time but thare have been a couple tikets that were just plain bull shit. I am fighting a ticket right now. The cop said i was going 61 in a 35 and i was just going with the flow of traffic and i know i wasn't going that fast. I saw the cop on the corner befor he pulled me over he was making a right turn and i had a clear view and saw he did not have a radar gun out so after i get pulled over im like no way you got me on radar i saw you let me see your gun then he says oh i erased the recording already and he didn't show me his gun. Anyways i know thare are good cops out thare i have just had bad experiene with them personally

09-05-2002, 11:56 AM
remember this pigs..... our tax dollars pay your wage.

09-05-2002, 03:38 PM
man, you guys are making me feel bad. I'm taking up criminal justice in college right now and plan to work for the NJ state police when I'm finished. I've already promised myself to give EVERYONE a chance if I pull them over and hear them out - I'm a nice person by nature and will try to treat everyone with respect.

09-05-2002, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by grooveline
remember this pigs..... our tax dollars pay your wage.

Actually, as a Penna State Trooper, my wages are paid through the fees and registration of Motor carriers. Truckers, so if you are a trucker than "Yes" you pay my wages, and I must say "Thank You" and, can I get a raise?


09-05-2002, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by 02TafWhtSi
man, you guys are making me feel bad. I'm taking up criminal justice in college right now and plan to work for the NJ state police when I'm finished. I've already promised myself to give EVERYONE a chance if I pull them over and hear them out - I'm a nice person by nature and will try to treat everyone with respect.

Don't let this get you down, We need more good people and less thugs to come on the Job. My theory for the last 15 years has been, treat people like you would want your mother or father to be treated if they were pulled over. Good Luck on the studies!

09-05-2002, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by SpeedRacer
i fucking hate cops. haha im sorry i dont hate you elwood just the ones that have pulled me over and arrested me in the past. But i deserved to get arested a few time but thare have been a couple tikets that were just plain bull shit. I am fighting a ticket right now. The cop said i was going 61 in a 35 and i was just going with the flow of traffic and i know i wasn't going that fast. I saw the cop on the corner befor he pulled me over he was making a right turn and i had a clear view and saw he did not have a radar gun out so after i get pulled over im like no way you got me on radar i saw you let me see your gun then he says oh i erased the recording already and he didn't show me his gun. Anyways i know thare are good cops out thare i have just had bad experiene with them personally

Sorry to hear about this, Good Luck at the hearing:D