View Full Version : egged

11-07-2003, 02:41 PM
Im a sophmore at my school... the juniors and seniors hate us, but anyways i pull up to the school and get out and a freshman walks up to me and pushes me i dont like to take shit so i push him back and he leaves me alone and walks to his friends later i heard a smack and someone go "ahha!" i ignored it and when i got out of first period i had to leave school to goto dallas when i get to my car an egg was smacked against the windshield... no body damages everys alright.

11-07-2003, 02:46 PM
sounds like personal problem. I would go talk to principle

11-07-2003, 03:08 PM
your lucky that they hit your windshield. i would go straight to the school office and bitch and bitch till they give you a parking permit to park with the teachers. i got that in high school when some fags keyed my car

11-07-2003, 03:39 PM
OUCH That Sucks

11-07-2003, 03:48 PM
that would really piss me off. Happy to see you're taking it so well

11-07-2003, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by SiR_d1
that would really piss me off. Happy to see you're taking it so well

Agreed, I would be planning my revenge :D

11-07-2003, 04:20 PM
the only reason im in a good mood is because im drunk and going to a deftones concert. ;\

Zero Three Si
11-07-2003, 04:57 PM
No this is about the only time you can WHOOP somebodys ass and pretty much get away with it LEGALLY. Unless the kid decieds to press charges. Most likely though you would get some major respect from the kids at school and nobody will mess with you or your car. Once out of highschool though if you whooped somebodies ass then you would probably go to jail.

Since when did highschool sophmores start driving to school?????

11-07-2003, 05:43 PM
Ouch! That sucks man... atleast they didnt hit the body of your car... People from my school egged my car about a month ago... 4 eggs total... three to the driver side door, one to the hood... really noticable scratches in every one of the places...

11-07-2003, 05:46 PM
damn this sucks to hear. at least they didnt damage the paint

11-07-2003, 05:57 PM
deftones? they're pretty cool, but i like fear factory better... too bad they broke up... :'(

IceD out N CALI
11-07-2003, 07:34 PM
lucky they didnt get the paint. watch out though they may do it again

11-07-2003, 08:38 PM
a freshman?? I smell a good ol assbeating comin on for that little S.O.B.

11-09-2003, 08:03 AM
Nothing better than giving out a well deserved whoopin...:D

11-09-2003, 08:32 AM
Originally posted by ryanjennings
Im a sophmore at my school... the juniors and seniors hate us, but anyways i pull up to the school and get out and a freshman walks up to me and pushes me i dont like to take shit so i push him back and he leaves me alone and walks to his friends later i heard a smack and someone go "ahha!" i ignored it and when i got out of first period i had to leave school to goto dallas when i get to my car an egg was smacked against the windshield... no body damages everys alright.

WTF is a freshman messing with you for? You should throw his ass in a trash can, lock the lid on, and roll his ass down a steep hill. Then when he comes to a stop, let him out, egg him, then kick his ass.

11-09-2003, 01:05 PM
Thats why I leave my car when I go to school...:D

11-09-2003, 03:48 PM
Hell, I don't remember driving to my high school. Just kept taking the bus, didn't have to worry about a car.

11-09-2003, 03:58 PM
time to kick some freshmeats' ass :cool:

11-09-2003, 08:44 PM
bust some skulls. no one would get aw3ay with getting egg or anything anywhere near my car. im not a very tough guy, but i dont let people fuck with the car i lay out 99% of my money on. but yea. i park where i KNOW the cameras at my shcool will see. this way it will be on tape if someone fucks with the car.

11-09-2003, 08:44 PM
bust some skulls. no one would get aw3ay with getting egg or anything anywhere near my car. im not a very tough guy, but i dont let people fuck with the car i lay out 99% of my money on. but yea. i park where i KNOW the cameras at my shcool will see. this way it will be on tape if someone fucks with the car.