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View Full Version : Interior scratches

09-16-2002, 06:41 AM
My girl is at the dealership right now, she took my car in for an oil change and small hole in the drivers seat. She just called me and said that they are also going to remove all of the scratches from the interior. No charge.

09-16-2002, 07:23 AM
And how do they remove scratches from the interior??? Do they have a magic wand that removes interior scratches???

09-16-2002, 09:17 AM
Magic Wand for Plastic Interior parts:

(not sure specifically what a dealership does but....)

Hair Dryer. Wave warm hair dryer over part that is scratched and the plastic will "magically" flatten out. Please note: DO NOT OVERHEAT IT. you won't like the conclusion if you just hold the heat onto the Polypropylene. Use a slow "technique" to achieve best results.

This method works best with "stress marks" in the Polypro. You know those "white marks" that you get if you press too hard on the plastic interior trim? just put a lil' Hair Dryer or other heat source near it, and voila... all gone.

Magic Plastic

09-17-2002, 07:02 AM
And how do they remove scratches from the interior??? Do they have a magic wand that removes interior scratches???

Funny, MOD what the hell do I care how they do it at least they did.

There are some light polishing compounds specifically formulated to buff scratches out of plastic. It is comercially available if you wish to do this yourself.

By the way as a MOD aren't you supposed to be helping people rather then spending time making negative comments. Perhaps if you had known that there indeed was such a process for removing scratches you could have assisted countless others. I am not flaming you or anything but I came here from MX6.com. Go there and check out thier moderators, some of those guys are like gods. They have all the answers.

09-18-2002, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by madbrain
I came here from MX6.com. Go there and check out thier moderators, some of those guys are like gods. They have all the answers.

Dude, just because I'm a moderator doesn't mean I can't joke around a little. You just need to not take things so seriously.

I worked in the automotive industry for 6 years when I was younger, and I had never heard of an interior scratch remover. I'm sure 3M makes some wonderful products that could help, but I'm pretty sure that they would "NOT" completely make scratches vanish, hence my lame smartass comment. So for that comment I apologize.

As for comparing ephatch to mx6.com.
I'm sure mx6.com has been around much longer then ephatch. Eventually we will have more people with tons of knowledge, and hopefully this will make ephatch as good for you as mx6.com is now.