View Full Version : Somebody STOP ME!

12-09-2003, 08:26 AM
Just got a letter in the mail yesterday stating that my credit limit was raised on my card and I'm thinking about ordering a GReddy turbo kit ($2300).


Must..........stay outta.........debt!

I'm torn.

But hey, it's almost Christmas! :angel:

12-09-2003, 08:30 AM
you should never buy anything with a credit card that you can't pay for.... except a greddy turbo;)

12-09-2003, 08:33 AM
I M Telling you NOT to buy the greddy turbo, YOU are going to hate it when you press the gas and your neck snaps back. thank of the pain you will have to endoure, and all the woman that will drop to your feet when you have this kit. :'(

12-09-2003, 08:34 AM
don't do it man... that turbo will make you forget about the debt for awhile, but once the excitement of the new toy wears off, you'll be that much further in the hole than you were before. i've been struggling to get out of thousands of dollars of credit card debt for awhile now, and its not very fun. trust me, you'll be glad you didn't. why don't you just save some cash here and there until you can afford it?

12-09-2003, 08:35 AM
buy it if you can put like 200-300/mo to your credit card payments

12-09-2003, 08:42 AM
Dont do it man. I only have a 750 limit and im strugling with that. If you cant hold out try to save up 3/4 or at least half so you wont have as much of a hard time paying it off. Unless your a baller and have that kind of money.:cool:

12-09-2003, 08:42 AM
turbo = need intercooler, lsd, clutch, install fees, etc.

Although I bet you could get a sweet set of JIC's for $2K...heh.

12-09-2003, 08:43 AM
DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :confused:

I had to say it since everyone else says not to. :D

12-09-2003, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by mhx
buy it if you can put like 200-300/mo to your credit card payments

See I have no debt right now, except for my car payment and mortgage (A mere $175,000...LOL).
The credit card is 0% APR for 1 year and is paid off.
I can afford $200-300/mo. just cant afford $2300 at once right now.

I guess I should really be talking to the wife about it...LOL...but I'm sure she's gonna say something like, "No turbo kit, let's get some hardwood floors" or something like that. :(

12-09-2003, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by andy
turbo = need intercooler, lsd, clutch, install fees, etc.

Although I bet you could get a sweet set of JIC's for $2K...heh.

No intercooler needed right now (low boost + it's winter).
No install fee's...can do it myself, with a mechanic friend.
LSD is unneccessary.
The clutch I may need soon, but could probably hold off a while because I'd only be putting down about 190-200whp...for now.

The only thing i'd NEED to add ASAP would be a BOV which I'll search for a nice, cheap, used one....don't need to be destroying my new turbo via compressor surge.

12-09-2003, 09:31 AM
I could always get NAWSSSSSSSS for about 1/3rd the price. :cool:

12-09-2003, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by ADAMnQuickCIVIC
See I have no debt right now, except for my car payment and mortgage (A mere $175,000...LOL).
The credit card is 0% APR for 1 year and is paid off.
I can afford $200-300/mo. just cant afford $2300 at once right now.

I guess I should really be talking to the wife about it...LOL...but I'm sure she's gonna say something like, "No turbo kit, let's get some hardwood floors" or something like that. :(

Sounds exactly like my wife -- she wants the floors, I want the turbo ---


Zero Three Si
12-09-2003, 09:40 AM
Adam aren't you having a baby pretty soon?????? I'd sleep on the idea for a night or two man.

12-09-2003, 09:50 AM
I vote for JIC's :D

12-09-2003, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by Zero Three Si
Adam aren't you having a baby pretty soon?????? I'd sleep on the idea for a night or two man.
I'm not gonna rush into this but that's exactly why i want it NOW.
I know all the toy buying will end soon. :o
I figure i'll save money in the long run if I keep my car, rather then buying another (faster) car.

12-09-2003, 10:23 AM
Good luck either way....Def check with the Wifey tho....You don't want to lose your hearing from her finding out afterwards :)

12-09-2003, 10:37 AM
BUY IT!!! lmao...

i have a credit limit of 2500 and i still dont have a turbo..

I am waiting on my warrenty to be up before i do FI.:blushm: :smilem:

plus if i turbo my car before my girls...she will be pissed

12-09-2003, 10:55 AM

if you do it, make yourself, i mean MAKE YOURSELF give @ least 2-300 cash a month to your credit card....

this time last year i was 3 grand in debt, i made myself choke up 300 a month to just the credit card (yeah i was eatin beans outa can for a while lol) but less then a year later i was outa debt and it feels good...

12-09-2003, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by ADAMnQuickCIVIC
No intercooler needed right now (low boost + it's winter).

Ah, key word is now. You know you'll want to crank up
the boost after 2-3 months, max. Plus, I just don't "trust" a
non-intercooled turbo kit. But then again, it's hot as hell in

No install fee's...can do it myself, with a mechanic friend.

True, in a sense. But that's either time off from work, time away
from wifey, etc. Plus you'll have to surely get beer and food for
your mechanic friend, plus oil/tools needed, etc.

LSD is unneccessary.

Ah, a lover of the one tire fire, I see. ;)

The clutch I may need soon, but could probably hold off a while because I'd only be putting down about 190-200whp...for now.

For now...always "now". lol

Sorry kid, just trying to talk you out of it! (You asked, didn't you!)

12-09-2003, 01:39 PM
i had a greddy turbo on my old EX in houston, tx wo/ IC
worked fine
never had any problems

all u need is the greddy kit/ 2step colder plugs, BOV.

12-09-2003, 01:42 PM
Trade in your car for something else. Sure you can drop $2300 on a turbo,but why would you want to increase the risk of blowing up your engine then having to shell out another couple grand to get the car back in running order.

12-09-2003, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by RedLight_Si
Trade in your car for something else. Sure you can drop $2300 on a turbo,but why would you want to increase the risk of blowing up your engine then having to shell out another couple grand to get the car back in running order.

a turbo kit on stock boost isnt gonna blow up his car.. unless hes a moron

12-09-2003, 02:21 PM
There isnt a guarentee that the engine wont blow. Chances are it probably wont,but the life of the engine is definetly shortened along with the transmission and other components. The question is by how much? Turbo engines even from a factory generally are considered to have a shorter life expectancy than a naturally aspirated engine.You have to also take into consideration the items that you are probably going to have to replace such as the clutch which will most likely give out quickly. Thats about another $800-$1000.

12-09-2003, 02:42 PM
FI is tempting until you think about our glass trannies. It seems to me increasing engine output is going to cause other problems downstream. For that reason, an A2 swap makes the more sense to me, or just a 6-speed swap.

12-09-2003, 03:17 PM

I thought u traded the ep in for a forester?

12-09-2003, 03:24 PM
just think of all the extras you could buy with that 23.7% per month interest.... if your lucky to have a rate that low.

12-09-2003, 04:42 PM
God that's tempting man.....

I could buy one right now for 2300 and it would be almost ready to go? No need for an intercooler yet this winter in rainy washington.

Mmmmmmmmm.........Turbo........Must.......Resist.. ..........

12-09-2003, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by mhx
i had a greddy turbo on my old EX in houston, tx wo/ IC
worked fine
never had any problems

all u need is the greddy kit/ 2step colder plugs, BOV.

Exactly, I also had a GReddy turbo kit on my 96' EX.
I ran non-intercooled for a few months (summer) and had no problems at 6-7psi.
Intercooler's not neccessary at low boost.

12-09-2003, 05:58 PM
Get hardwood floors! = D

12-09-2003, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by RedLight_Si
Trade in your car for something else. Sure you can drop $2300 on a turbo,but why would you want to increase the risk of blowing up your engine then having to shell out another couple grand to get the car back in running order.

Turbocharging a car will not make it blow up. As long as it's running in tune and you use common sense, you won't have problems. Of course it will take life off the engine to an extent but I typically keep my cars for 2-4 years maximum anyway.

12-09-2003, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by 02NITEHAWKSi EP
just think of all the extras you could buy with that 23.7% per month interest.... if your lucky to have a rate that low.

It's 0% APR interest for a full year.
By the time that's up it would be paid off anyway.
And if not, I would just transfer to another card that has ZERO percent introductory APR.

12-09-2003, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by bratkat64
Get hardwood floors! = D


LOL...j/k :*

12-09-2003, 09:07 PM
damn... i really am spoiled..

i have a card with no limit:eek: :eek: :eek:

I've only used it a few times though..

once I bought $3 worth of gas
another i bought $2 worth of gas
my dad let me use it to buy me and my brothers cell phones ($198)

ummmmmmm and thats it! i thought I was gonna go crazy and get a turbo just like you, but i amazed mself when i realized i didnt even care that i had no limit

12-09-2003, 10:53 PM
Dave Ramsey(radio financial guru) says "Don't do it" "Beat debt, Build wealth" I think you should do it, no bills except mortgage. Wait a min. i thought you don't have a job?

12-09-2003, 11:20 PM
Hey man, don't get it.

Seriously, don't go too deap into your pocket for a "toy", espeically if you have to finance for it.

If you really want it, save up for it, perhaps by the time u have the lump sum to buy that turbo, some even better mod could be in the market waiting for you;)

12-09-2003, 11:35 PM
i would say:

save up for half the turbo. i wouldnt EVER make a major investment like that unless i had enough capitol to show that im committed to it. it kinda goes back to what your mom used to tell you "if you save up youll appreciate it more"

the biggest problem with people+credit nowadays is people buying things w/o paying at all. id say go for it, but make sure u put down at least half of it in cash.

12-10-2003, 07:28 AM
Originally posted by rs_1101
i would say:

save up for half the turbo. i wouldnt EVER make a major investment like that unless i had enough capitol to show that im committed to it. it kinda goes back to what your mom used to tell you "if you save up youll appreciate it more"

the biggest problem with people+credit nowadays is people buying things w/o paying at all. id say go for it, but make sure u put down at least half of it in cash.

Trust me, I know the dangers of credit card debt, I was once $30K in the hole. This would also give me the opportunity to start re-building my credit. I already charged the card to it's max a few times and paid it off in full...that's why my limit was raised.

Brought it up kinda jokingly to the wife last night and was shot down. I'm gonna have to come up with something smooth for this one.

PS: For whoever asked, I've been working for about 3 months now.

12-14-2003, 09:49 PM
so you gonna go turbo or go for the hardwood floors?

12-14-2003, 10:55 PM
whenever it comes to modding cars, I always suggest doing it in cash. mabye something that's like 200 bucks that you want to get right NOW before you next paycheck would be fine. But when it comes to anything over like 500 bucks, I'd feel much safer paying cash for it.

What if something happens and over the course of the next year you really can't come up with 200-300$/month? Always expect the unexpected.

That would be the wise, safe thing to do.

12-14-2003, 11:26 PM
hey adam. honestly, i know how you are from the amount of wheels youve had(ive done it too)...you cant leave well enough alone. if you get a greddy turbo itll be better than your mostly stock engine of now but 6 months when youre still paying it off and you get to thinking(if it even takes 6 months) youll want an intercooler, then a new blow off valve, boost controller, turbo timer, gauges, clutch;), etc,etc,etc. the debt will never go away. i think im still paying on a fiberimages hood i had on my civic 1.5 years ago. dont do it man, not unless you really think youll pay it off within a year or less.

now remember that to tell me in 6 months when im finally done paying off my debt and ready to get my turbo;):eek:

12-15-2003, 01:30 AM
don't buy it unless you are sure about it, thats a lot of money and yea looks and performs kool and shit but still a lot of money. Ohh well good luck on your decition, but make sure you dont regreted it...

12-15-2003, 02:48 AM
Hmmmmm, Credit Cards and Trouble. Do it now, but hind sights always 20/20

12-15-2003, 07:11 AM
I'd say go for it, if thats what you really want and it'll make you happy. Paying $2300 over a period of one year is manageable if planned out in advance.

12-15-2003, 09:16 AM
:o Got shot down by the wife.
She says I can get nitrous though.

12-15-2003, 11:42 PM
oh god dont get nitrous lol.

if it was me, i wouldnt get the barebones kit. if ur gonna buy the turbo on credit, i agree with some other members, get the intercooler and BOV at the same time.

12-16-2003, 01:28 AM
you can get the turbo for me and nitrous is not that bad unless you smoke in your car.
:D :) :eek:

12-16-2003, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by freidaddy
you can get the turbo for me and nitrous is not that bad unless you smoke in your car.
:D :) :eek:

i will be kind....the movie lied to you. nitrous is not flamable. if your car were to catch fire and the bottle were to get that hot it would not burst into a blue fireball, the release valve thing would pop off and the nitrous would spray out and would not ignite like hairspray. nitrous is not some crazy jet fuel its just a great way of adding more oxygen just like a turbo/blower. IMO its just as safe as well. ive used turbo and nitrous and turbo caused far more problems. in fact as long as i sprayed i never had one issue and i was using it on an automatic civic ex. fun stuff.