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View Full Version : greddy turbo w/o intercooler:

12-14-2003, 11:57 PM
well ive worked with turbos in the past but mostly 1.8 VW engines with crappy side mount intercooler that doesnt do much anyway.(heat soak bad) could i run the greddy without the intercooler and just using a good bov or dv whatever is included in the kit????? i know with turbos bov and ic are both pretty necessary but if i only run a little boost does it matter???? anybody try it? i figure if greddy sells it w/o itll be ok. i figure i ran 20psi(spikes anyway, 17 holds) on my stock turbo with the crappy side mount in my jetta and it lived to tell about it....

12-15-2003, 02:42 AM
Run it with the intercooler, BIG HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE difference.

12-16-2003, 03:35 AM
You can run the Greddy kit without an IC.
But youll eventually want to upgrade to get the most hp out of your car.

12-19-2003, 09:54 PM
So...if you get the kit w/o the intercooler and decide to get an intercooler later on down the road, would u have to send back the e-manage to get it reprogramed to run with the intercoller?

12-20-2003, 06:34 AM
Originally posted by DyNastySi
So...if you get the kit w/o the intercooler and decide to get an intercooler later on down the road, would u have to send back the e-manage to get it reprogramed to run with the intercoller?

Shouldn't, maps air to fuel. Just now the air is cold.

12-22-2003, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by DyNastySi
So...if you get the kit w/o the intercooler and decide to get an intercooler later on down the road, would u have to send back the e-manage to get it reprogramed to run with the intercoller?

You dont have to, but I recommend it.
Besides, you'll have a well tuned car and have had saved yourself some tuning money.:)

12-22-2003, 11:31 PM

you hot air guys might find this intresting.

Originally posted by Turbojorge
So how does the car run?
Does it feel any different at WOT?
More or less KR?
Tell us how the darn thing feels damit.

It runs really well.
There doesn't seem to a fall off in performance from extended time in boost like with the stock setup.

KR has never been a problem for me, nor is it with this setup.
I'm also going to try adding some more timing down low.

And it spools up signifigantly faster.

kinda makes you wonder dont it?

12-23-2003, 07:24 PM
I wouldn't do it, then again I am stuck in my ways :D

12-31-2003, 11:20 AM
what I wanna know is how much whp do you get with the stock kit and then how much do you get with the IC??
Steve O

12-31-2003, 11:22 AM
Sorry one more thing can you install the greddy kit your self? Does it require any welding, or anything where you would need tools that shops normally have.
Steve O