View Full Version : car dings

09-27-2002, 06:42 PM
I was just curious about how many car dings everyone has on theyre car. I have 3 so far but theyre not noticeable unless you look very closely.... they are very frustrating

09-27-2002, 06:43 PM
what color is your car
nevermind it is black. my last car was black and it had lots of dings they suck but this car is white and i dont see any

09-27-2002, 06:49 PM
Mine is silver and I have two in the front but only notice them when I'm cleaning it and my face is like 6" away still pisses me off though

09-27-2002, 06:54 PM
yea thats the bad thing about black cars, you can see it easily and plus i gotta wash it a lot.

09-27-2002, 08:42 PM
i have 3 as well... not big though. but it sucks. i saw this tv commercial product that removes the door dong... nebody remember whats it called? it deals with magnets or sum crap and it pulls the dings out. not sure if that works but it looks interesting.

09-27-2002, 09:02 PM
I lucked out with only one so far...was at work. I do valet so if I park in the garage i park between two cars I know I parked that way no worries about who im next to, but some guy forgets something in his car and wants to get it himself (forgot i parked him next to me) so I check my car like 10 minutes later and a fatty ding is right on the passenger side, this was a ding that took some force to do, so I go get his keys from the valet rack...tell my boss it's break time and go have play time with his car...was I in the wrong????

It felt right!!!!


09-27-2002, 09:09 PM
none thats why i got side strips

09-27-2002, 09:32 PM
none so far, i have a garage at my apt. and park in the carpool area at work <= luckily we all know each other and everyone is careful. i also park in bfe whenever i drive anywhere. paranoid? yes, but no dings.

i was thinking about getting the side protectors because they seem to add a nice line to our gigantic sides, but i also love a really clean looking car with as little on it as possible. decisions... decisions...

09-27-2002, 09:36 PM
i think they look fine the kinda break up the huge door ya know and my dealer thew them in fo frezzy

09-27-2002, 09:49 PM
i had two little dings on my passenger door. damn dings bugged the hell out of me. good thing i found one of those paintless dent removal places. what side protectors are those???

09-27-2002, 10:12 PM
there from honda i think there from 2door accord im not sure my dealer already had them on the car when i bought it

09-27-2002, 10:25 PM
www.collegehillshonda.com (http://www.collegehillshonda.com) and www.handa-accessories.com (http://www.handa-accessories.com) both have them listed for our cars, no pics though. cost is about 100 bones

09-27-2002, 10:28 PM
One ding in the passenger side door. :(

09-27-2002, 11:22 PM
I noticed this "ding" this morning. Estimated repiar cost by two dealers.... $500.

If you guys knew what I went though to park my car... It's almost impossible for someone to even come in contact with it. I think it may have been on purpose.

The other bad part is i had a clear layer of acrylic put on it Monday when I had the front "clear bra" done. So that's an extra $75 I spent, down the crapper....

Oh yea, I've only had the car 1.5 months and it JUST passed 1200 miles today.....

Why God??!?!!? WHY!?!?!!!!!!???!?!?!?!?!!???!


09-27-2002, 11:24 PM
Ouch that sucks I would be so pissed off. But none for me so far *cross fingers*;)

09-27-2002, 11:49 PM
OUCH! :(:mad:

09-28-2002, 05:35 AM
Originally posted by 2k2civicSi
none thats why i got side strips
I didn't know you had those!...can you get me a silver set?
BTW your car looks f-in kick arse!.. I've been waiting forever to see that shit

09-28-2002, 05:50 AM
No dings, but my dumb ass ex-wife backed into the drivers door with her lesbo Forrester like a month after I bought the car. I was in the back seat putting speakers in and all of a sudden I hear the door slam and see her dumb ass crying, saying she didn't know I was in the driveway. $900 later it still looks like shit and pisses me off every time I get in the car. Notice how I say ex-wife!

09-28-2002, 07:29 AM
Originally posted by Si_Nutt
No dings, but my dumb ass ex-wife backed into the drivers door with her lesbo Forrester like a month after I bought the car. I was in the back seat putting speakers in and all of a sudden I hear the door slam and see her dumb ass crying, saying she didn't know I was in the driveway. $900 later it still looks like shit and pisses me off every time I get in the car. Notice how I say ex-wife!

Damn Brother you must REALLY love your car to get rid of her for that!
It would cost me too much to get rid of mine ;) wife that is......

My wife always bitches about me parking far from all the other cars when we go somewhere, this thread helps me to prove my point!!

09-28-2002, 08:55 AM
Originally posted by 66elwood99

Damn Brother you must REALLY love your car to get rid of her for that!
It would cost me too much to get rid of mine ;) wife that is......

My wife always bitches about me parking far from all the other cars when we go somewhere, this thread helps me to prove my point!!

LOL, I hear ya!

09-28-2002, 10:34 AM
Well, I'm pretty bad off too... Let's see...

Two dings in front bumper from neighbor who is 42 and just got her license.
(I wanna Kill her!)

3 dings on drivers doorand some horizontal scratches from half a 18 wheeler tire in middle of highway (I was boxed in and could do almost nothing!)

Rear bumper has 5 small scratches and the impression of a phillips head screw from some dippy woman who ran into me a 5mph when I had been stopped at a red light for like 2 minutes!! (Dumb Bitch!)

...Woh is me.... *sniff*

My Black EP is 5 mos. old and has 10,500mi.

... But that's what I get for buying a new car and living in So. Philly. -- home of the parking nightmare, small streets, over population and no garages!!
