View Full Version : This "insert noun here" is useless without pictures.

02-22-2004, 11:46 PM
This board is hard to use now for information gathering... I mean, as I go looking back at stuff and all the pics are jacked I get frustrated... Its like a red X hell in here.

Anyway, at least the site stays up now, but its a bummer, makes the older threads on this site less usefull.

Oh well, Great site still.

(ignore me, im just venting)

For example, even something as integral (read: income) as the tshirt ordering thread has a bunch of red X's where the tshirts should be. :confused:

02-23-2004, 12:12 AM
Well now that the attachments are gone and imagestation is fuged up, it's red x central. I agree with you. Plus,let me be the first.


02-23-2004, 01:12 AM
ya man no shit..this place is going down the shitter
ive seen it happen as i used to have a 00Si and loved clubSi.
now look at it.. soon to be ephatch

02-23-2004, 07:36 AM
Then get your own photo hosting and stop complaining. If people post these pics, then their hosts go down, how exactly is that EPhatch's fault?

02-23-2004, 07:47 AM
Originally posted by jaydub
Then get your own photo hosting and stop complaining. If people post these pics, then their hosts go down, how exactly is that EPhatch's fault?

Agreed. The first time the server borked, I told people to use
WTDR or digitalpose.com so that it wouldn't happen again. But most
resorted to the attachments, hence this predicament.

BTW jaydub, I need to PM you, ask you about how you did your website.
It is most appealing to the eye. :cool:

02-23-2004, 07:52 AM
Originally posted by jaydub
Then get your own photo hosting and stop complaining. If people post these pics, then their hosts go down, how exactly is that EPhatch's fault?

First of all man... i use external hosts, look at everyone of my posts as both "trk" and "taikahn" -- secondly, im not complaining per se but noticing problems that make it hard for people to use this site in an informative manner. (ie. looking up old problems/solutions and seeing red X's everywhere)...

So back off.

02-23-2004, 07:52 AM

No biggie...Sites still free and I love it. :D

02-23-2004, 08:39 AM
Originally posted by trk
First of all man... i use external hosts, look at everyone of my posts as both "trk" and "taikahn" -- secondly, im not complaining per se but noticing problems that make it hard for people to use this site in an informative manner. (ie. looking up old problems/solutions and seeing red X's everywhere)...

So back off.

So what to do purpose we do, get everyone to transfer their pics from imagestation to someone else? Only thing I could see is to get imagestation to fix whatever the hell that is causing this. Or PM the person who org. posted the pics. So they can re-host them on another host.

Also it is not ephatch's fault, any site with imagestation pics are not working.

02-23-2004, 08:46 AM
Hey guys, I have my own server, I work for an ISP and I get to host my server here.

If you guys want something posted, I run a Gallery and I would be more than happy to host some pics, Got a new Ride, new parts, anything contact me priest@nac.net or visit my site at ep3world.com and see the gallery for your self, Site is'nt done yet but check it out anyway.

02-23-2004, 09:07 AM
After the first crash attachments should have been removed completely. In fact, attachments should have never been allowed.

This is why when I see something good on here (or anywhere else for that matter) I just email the poster and get the pics and steps and add it to my site. That way I know I'll ALWAYS have them available.

I agree, red X's are VERY frustrating.


02-23-2004, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by Vertigo
Well now that the attachments are gone and imagestation is fuged up, it's red x central. I agree with you. Plus,let me be the first.



02-23-2004, 09:33 AM
Yeah I dont think posting the pics here is a good idea, have them elsewhere, and make sure whoemever you use stays up.

Also tired of Red X's

02-23-2004, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by trk
First of all man... i use external hosts, look at everyone of my posts as both "trk" and "taikahn" -- secondly, im not complaining per se but noticing problems that make it hard for people to use this site in an informative manner. (ie. looking up old problems/solutions and seeing red X's everywhere)...

So back off. First off, why the hell is everyone so defensive on here lately? Jesus, jack off and chill out!

Secondly - While the pics being missing IS a frustration, there isn't anything that EPhatch can do about it. Those pics aren't gone because WE screwed up, they're gone because whoever had them up before has obviously taken them off of their hosting, they were using imagestation which is not displaying correctly, or they were attached directly and had to be removed.

I don't understand why there is such anger about the pic issue. I have my own hosting, I pay a measly $2.50/mo for my website hosting.

02-23-2004, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by andy
Agreed. The first time the server borked, I told people to use
WTDR or digitalpose.com so that it wouldn't happen again. But most
resorted to the attachments, hence this predicament.

BTW jaydub, I need to PM you, ask you about how you did your website.
It is most appealing to the eye. :cool:

thanks for the comments about my site. :) PM me with any questions you have!

02-23-2004, 10:32 AM
Im not complaing about the site i love the site and I know it's not Ephatch's fault.
just offering my site as another resource.

02-23-2004, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by priest6479
Im not complaing about the site i love the site and I know it's not Ephatch's fault.
just offering my site as another resource. my comments weren't directed at you, they were directed at the original poster. :)

02-23-2004, 10:37 AM
Oh I know, I just wanted to make it clear that I wasn't complaining and that I like the site.

Don't want to burn bridges around here =)

02-23-2004, 11:26 AM
Red X's aren't EPHatch's fault.

Missing images from file uploads and the server crashing are. If this site was being run correctly EVERYTHING would have been backed up including the images and db that kept track of them all.

Since images being uploaded are no longer allowed, it won't be an issue anymore. However, there are a ton of posts that were made were the poster uploaded images instead of linking and now those threads are useless.

I think that's what TRK is saying, if not, that's what I'm saying.
