View Full Version : hole in my radiator

02-24-2004, 02:44 PM
I was on the highway the other day when i started to smell radiator fluid, comin through the vents. I shrugged it off thinkin it may be somebody else's car but when I got to my destination I noticed that I was leaking radiator fluid. So now I have a hole in my radiator obviously. Does anyone have a general idea on how much this is goin to cost me to replace. Don't even think about warranty, cause my car is dumped.

02-24-2004, 03:19 PM
Well you can do three things.
1st you can buy a new radiator from honda which is gonna cost you around the 300.00 range.
2nd you can take it to a radiator shop and they will close the lines that are damaged, from top to bottom. Realize that if the damage is to wide and they have to close a couple of the lines your car will lose power due to it running hotter.
3rd and this being what I would do, c&r radiator has an aftermarket radiator fot the ep3 which I think is a little over 400.00 dollars. I think there radiator is 15 or 20% bigger than ours and stainless steel.

Your choice though?

02-24-2004, 03:25 PM
or you could go fluidyne

02-24-2004, 03:31 PM
first you gotta find out where its leaking from, most of the time its not from a hole in the radiator, probably just a worn hose or something, easily replacable.

02-24-2004, 03:48 PM
No it's not a hose. It's definately a hole in the radiator. Ill try to get pics of it tomarrow. got a quote. I was quoted 300ish for radiator/ 200ish for installation. I Was also told that damage is to severe for fix.

02-24-2004, 03:50 PM
I would love to go with an aftermarket/ but I have no time to spare. I need to get to work.It has already cost me two days work goin on three now.

02-24-2004, 05:11 PM
i somehow broke my radiator while installing ES motor mount inserts... (long story!)

new radiator from honda is about $300. It's EASY to change a radiator. The hardest (and most frightening part) is pulling the front bumper off to do it. It's honestly not hard to do at all. Took me less than two hours, and that was with finishing the motor mount insert install.

If I had to do over again I would a) not poke a screw driver through the thing, but if I had to replace it I would go aftermarket. Might as well do it while you're there, right?

if you need more detail let me know and i'll try to do a write up on how to change it.

02-24-2004, 06:38 PM
He's right it isn't hard at all to change the radiator. I did mine in under three hours with the help of my old man and brother and I didn't remove the bumper I just bent it back. Three hours to save you 200.00, you do the math!

02-25-2004, 12:53 AM
I think you should try and fine public transportation or carpool while you find a nice fluidyne radiator. Ask adamnquick where he got his........ thanks, dave

02-25-2004, 06:03 PM
I got a hole in mine too. They charged me $600. When i got home I looked in a magazine and saw the fluidyne radiator. I beat my head against a door i was so pissed. GO aftermarket

02-26-2004, 12:34 AM
Hi.... umm I work at Radiator.com

Whoever needs a radiator let me know - I can get you the hook up price. I am not a rep for my company, but I can get wholesale prices for friends. Email me if you need one and I can get you the wholesale price.

Just let me know who you are, so I know you arent just a random customer.

02-26-2004, 01:37 PM
My guess is that he's already either A: followed our advice, or B: paid out the ass for another stock radiator

02-26-2004, 02:31 PM
if it can be repaired $100 ish+

or $300 stock honda, $500-$600 installed (honda BS)

$400 for Koyo, Fluidyne (sp?), or C&R

install your self it's easy, remove bumper, unscrew, disconnect and reattach hoses.

02-26-2004, 03:24 PM
Ya "retail" for a stocker is $235. I can get it a lot better than that. Koyo aluminum wont be released to late summer of this year.

02-26-2004, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by G-J
Ya "retail" for a stocker is $235. I can get it a lot better than that. Koyo aluminum wont be released to late summer of this year.

Wow thats cheaper than the saturn ones!! Here at Saturn the radiators go for about 358. Not counting install.:eek:
