View Full Version : Anybody have a problem like this??

02-28-2004, 08:56 AM
i just noticed this recently -- while driving my ep going over 50mph then putting the car into neutral to let it coast i hear a howling noise and what is also wierd is that when i move the shfter it feels like something is lightly grinding( when i move it from left to right, right to left)if i rev the car the noise and the light grinding feeling goes away, same if i put my foot on the clutch or if i just put it back into gear. Has anyone noticed this??? is it normal?? or should i take it to teh dealer???

02-28-2004, 08:57 AM
Question- When you are moving it back and forth, is the clutch pedal in?

02-28-2004, 09:02 AM
no all in neutral

02-28-2004, 09:08 AM
wow... you found a problem with the ep before me...
nice ;) :D
i never really posted much about the sh*t i have with my car, since i mainly blame it all on abuse... :'(
but my car has every symptom you hear and more... jus not what you're talkin bout... :mad: :confused: :p :D

02-28-2004, 09:45 AM
The dealers first answer will probably be " Don't coast in neutral at 50mph". It could be a sound that is always there, just masked by the engine noise. The gears in the transmission will make some noise as they are moving at a pretty high speed, not sure if your noise is higher then normal. I wouldn't recomend moving the shifter at those speeds with the clutch pedal out. ALthough you are still in neutral
there is still moving parts in your tranny.