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View Full Version : DC SPORT CAI anyone?

03-01-2004, 01:21 PM
does anyone have this intake, i installed mine the other day i didnt install the little black bracket that came w/ it i have a little vibration here and there. i just want some reviews from whoever has it thanks ....

03-02-2004, 05:21 PM
the DC Sports intakes are all discountinued due to them being bought over by AEM

03-03-2004, 07:16 AM
i know, the dc sport cai has the same exact design as the aem, but nobody has it?

03-03-2004, 08:10 AM
I have it and yes the vibration gets worse the longer you have it on there. Last month I bought the AEM V2 and I'm much happier with that intake. I also had a problem with the black bracket that came with it, the bolts that hold it together kept snapping in half.
Power was ok with it and it's pretty good quality it's just their is no good way to attach it to the car.

03-03-2004, 08:00 PM
the vibration is from the bracket not being installed, right?
im sure if you losend those bolts they wont snap anyway, i like the injen the best i dont really like the style of the dc sport or aem but w/e anyway how do you like the V2 any power increase...? well anyway thanx.