View Full Version : Mugen_EP retires as mod.....

03-03-2004, 09:36 AM
It's been fun guys but again due to reasons very similar to Steve's I give up.

I will still be around to help any of you who need assistance with mods or installs. Those of you who I have met have been great and of course we will stay in touch.

Thank you all,


03-03-2004, 09:37 AM

I totally understand though, dude.

03-03-2004, 09:50 AM
Its good that you'll still be around.

03-03-2004, 10:23 AM
what were reasons that Steve left? Good to hear you'll still be around.

03-03-2004, 10:28 AM
Damn Moog.....I was wondering where you had been lately...:(

03-03-2004, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by oogy-boogy
Damn Moog.....I was wondering where you had been lately...:(


I've always thought you've done a fine job patrolling the place. Definitely stick around so some of the newer members can call on your wisdom occasionally.

Today is a dark day for ephatch :'( .

03-03-2004, 10:40 AM
damn..that sucks.:'(

alot of mods seem like they are stepping down.:(

03-03-2004, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by STP03BlueSI
damn..that sucks.:'(

alot of mods seem like they are stepping down.:(

i wonder why..anyways, it does suck, you were one of the few mods i didnt have a secert hatred for:*

03-03-2004, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by SubliminalSi
i wonder why..anyways, it does suck, you were one of the few mods i didnt have a secert hatred for:*


03-03-2004, 11:02 AM
Sorry to hear that Tony.

Fill me in on what happened ;)

03-03-2004, 11:03 AM
so do you still have mod controls though? :D

03-03-2004, 11:12 AM
yeah can you go ahead and ban some people before you leave? LOL

03-03-2004, 11:23 AM
AWW tony! come on!

what specifically is making oyu retire?

Ep3 No.2
03-03-2004, 11:25 AM
awww so many people in and out of ephatch.
but what was the reason that made steve leave ?

03-03-2004, 11:30 AM
whoa. what is going on around here?

03-03-2004, 11:34 AM
I'd speak my mind but I'm sure I'd be banned again.
Basically site adminstration here is lack luster (or non-existant) and it's tough to see it lose everything that makes it a "site" and just turn into a message board (and not a very well organized one at that).

I offered to take it over, to pay for it, to save it from it's decent to to bottom, but it "wasn't needed".

I'm not saying I'm the savior, but I at least have the means and abilities to keep it afloat, to make a site that people look up to, not laugh at.

Anyway, it's sad to see another good mod leave. We have mods that don't participate much anymore (to no fault of their own) and the ones that do are called "whacked" or "nazi's". Ironic huh?


03-03-2004, 11:37 AM
yeah it's pretty unfortunate that it has come to this. (but not surprising, in the very least)

03-03-2004, 11:38 AM
damn now so whoever replaces Tony better be damn good

03-03-2004, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by Makross
damn now so whoever replaces Tony better be damn good

Whoever replaces Tony will suffer his same fate. I don't think God has the patience to mod this board in it's current state.


03-03-2004, 12:04 PM
sorry to hear this:(

George Knighton
03-03-2004, 12:40 PM
I've been away too long. I don't have a very clear picture of what's going on...but it's certainly a phenomenon going on w/the major boards, for some reason.


I gave up on Honda-Tech a few weeks ago. :(

03-03-2004, 12:44 PM
yeah Honda-Tech's no picnic anymore either. :(

03-03-2004, 01:04 PM
Damn....what is wrong with our current state of affairs.....

First Janet's hooter, then Howard Stern's spanking and now Tony/Moog...


I think we need another shake up...(Steve - this is where you **chime** in :D)

03-03-2004, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by George Knighton
I've been away too long. I don't have a very clear picture of what's going on...but it's certainly a phenomenon going on w/the major boards, for some reason.


I gave up on Honda-Tech a few weeks ago. :(

We miss you over there Gramps. :p

And as for Tony...

Tony fucken owns. :D

03-03-2004, 01:53 PM
I don't want to come off wrong. I'm confused as to why the bitterness to the lazy admin of this site. I think the members here have a right to know in an orderly fashion. Without name calling and bickering. Afterall we make up the site.

I respect Tony and Steve. I guess my qestion is for Tony and Steve.

What were you expecting moderating this site? I'm confused..

I for one, am all for a Nazi Mod. This site needs one for dumbasses like me.

Soprano held his own, no doubt, same with Steve.

03-03-2004, 01:59 PM
I don't think Steve or Tony had any sort of expectations when they moderated, with the noted exception of having some support/input from DTH. That still isn't happening, unfortunately.

03-03-2004, 02:10 PM
My gripe goes deeper than most since I provided information and help (not moderation) in exchange for things I did not receive.

When I was an admin, I could basically do it all. I didn't even need DTH. The problem with that is that when you do it all (I mean ALL) and get nothing but SHIT from the few asses (few at the time, a lot more now) that cause trouble, why do it? It's not like you guys knew what I was doing.

Why waste my time making this site awesome when I was being lied to, not given my just deserts, and getting flack from some idiots?

So, after trying to get Jensen's attention (getting his attention is like finding Osama) I got pissed, banned him, stepped down, and then got IP banned and deleted in return. (In my rage, it's all I could think to do to get his attention.)

Tony is seeing the side where he makes decisions and wants to be backed up by the owner and gets no response. He looks for some standardization and gets none. There is a "hidden" mod forum that mods post in. I bet DTH hasn't posted there in weeks and if he has... no more than twice.

He contributes nothing and gets everything. Tony made the T-Shirts, DTH can't even get decals made for Christ's sake.

Anyway, after this I stuck with K-series.com. I can control it and craft it into what I had hoped EPHatch would have become. I work with others and do what I can for those that help me directly. You can ask my mods about it.

I feel for the good users that are here and the new ones that join. I hope things change...but I doubt it.


03-03-2004, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by US_Si
My gripe goes deeper than most since I provided information and help (not moderation) in exchange for things I did not receive.

When I was an admin, I could basically do it all. I didn't even need DTH. The problem with that is that when you do it all (I mean ALL) and get nothing but SHIT from the few asses (few at the time, a lot more now) that cause trouble, why do it? It's not like you guys knew what I was doing.

Why waste my time making this site awesome when I was being lied to, not given my just deserts, and getting flack from some idiots?

So, after trying to get Jensen's attention (getting his attention is like finding Osama) I got pissed, banned him, stepped down, and then got IP banned and deleted in return. (In my rage, it's all I could think to do to get his attention.)

Tony is seeing the side where he makes decisions and wants to be backed up by the owner and gets no response. He looks for some standardization and gets none. There is a "hidden" mod forum that mods post in. I bet DTH hasn't posted there in weeks and if he has... no more than twice.

He contributes nothing and gets everything. Tony made the T-Shirts, DTH can't even get decals made for Christ's sake.

Anyway, after this I stuck with K-series.com. I can control it and craft it into what I had hoped EPHatch would have become. I work with others and do what I can for those that help me directly. You can ask my mods about it.

I feel for the good users that are here and the new ones that join. I hope things change...but I doubt it.

so well said...almost makes me want to stop modding, even though I can...I mean I could delete all the shit I sticky for helping people or for peoples amusement...i.e. the 1/4 thread and the spring rate thread, etc.
I don't do much I guess, but I see where steve is coming from and definitely see that Mugen was putting in a lot...making shirts means someone cares about the site imo.

03-03-2004, 02:35 PM
at the risk of looking like a martyr, it appears that the domain name www.epthree.com has not been registered. :D


03-03-2004, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Mugen_EP
It's been fun guys but again due to reasons very similar to Steve's I give up.
I will still be around to help any of you who need assistance with mods or installs. Those of you who I have met have been great and of course we will stay in touch.
Thank you all,

Damn Tony, I really hoped you weren't going to do this... :(

Originally posted by US_Si
Anyway, it's sad to see another good mod leave. We have mods that don't participate much anymore (to no fault of their own) and the ones that do are called "whacked" or "nazi's". Ironic huh?

Agreed, gosh darnit :mad: DTH needs to fricken do something. Or is it to late, does he even care. God this sucks monkey ass.

03-03-2004, 03:06 PM
Thanks Mugen for the Tee's, and the hoodie idea! I really hate to see you leave as a mod, but I guess the way the site is runnin is like crap.

But love the tee:)

BTW..the one thing i miss from this site was the Ride of the Month.:(


03-03-2004, 03:07 PM
I quit to. I want to see all the stupid post glutter up in the general section like mad...I'm going to sit back and laugh :D

03-03-2004, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by 02SilverSiHB
I quit to. I want to see all the stupid post glutter up in the general section like mad...I'm going to sit back and laugh :D

lol this site is done with.. :angel:

03-03-2004, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by ep3guy
lol this site is done with.. :angel:
LOL :D definitely for sure now ;)

03-03-2004, 03:11 PM
haha thanks a lot! http://www.dubfusion.com/smilies/fawk.gif

03-03-2004, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by ep3guy
lol this site is done with.. :angel:

Yeah thats what i was thinking too. :( Too bad though. I have noticed a BIG difference in people since I joined... and not for the good.

03-03-2004, 03:14 PM
Actually come to think of it, I have a lot of other shit I could be doing instead of babysitting a bunch of ingrateful children.

Count me in! haha we're like pirates.

03-03-2004, 03:16 PM
I knew this was going to happen, yet I thought this would have happened after Steve was banned. I knew DTH would have to deal with everyone quiting on him since he hasn't been what you guys and this site needs.

03-03-2004, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by Peking
I knew this was going to happen, yet I thought this would have happened after Steve was banned. I knew DTH would have to deal with everyone quiting on him since he hasn't been what you guys and this site needs.

SHHHHH he's in this section now. ;)

03-03-2004, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by 1flySi2002
SHHHHH he's in this section now. ;)

yeah i saw that :D

03-03-2004, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by jaydub
yeah i saw that :D

And now he is gone, what bull. It seems like he doesn't give a f*ck, just wants his monthly check from the vendors. He needs to give this site to those who would treat it right. I know the mods tried to buy the site before, DTH take the deal and go on with whatever you do. Let folks who will do a better job do it.

I could be banned for this but oh well. If that happens I would like to thank everyone for what they have done for this site and the help that we have given each other. This site could be so much better than what it is now, let ephatch be better with better leadership. Like folks who like to come on here and post up with the other members and cares to treat his mods the way they deserve.


03-03-2004, 03:25 PM
i figured he would have posted something on here. but yeah he's gone now. hmmmmmm

03-03-2004, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by Peking
And now he is gone, what bull. It seems like he doesn't give a f*ck, just wants his monthly check from the vendors. He needs to give this site to those who would treat it right. I know the mods tried to buy the site before, DTH take the deal and go on with whatever you do. Let folks who will do a better job do it.

yep, he vanished as quickly as he appeared. :rolleyes: Quite unfortunate.

03-03-2004, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by Peking
And now he is gone, what bull. It seems like he doesn't give a f*ck, just wants his monthly check from the vendors. He needs to give this site to those who would treat it right. I know the mods tried to buy the site before, DTH take the deal and go on with whatever you do. Let folks who will do a better job do it.

I know him and Steve have a bad past, and that some people on here dont like him, but he should have taken the offer then. just my opinion.

03-03-2004, 03:30 PM
so, is the new site www.k-series.com? i hear people have been going to www.k-series.com to get some info on their ep3s/dc5s along with other cars that have a k-series engine. i also hear that www.k-series.com has some useful tech sections that might come in handy. oh well. maybe i should visit www.k-series.com to see what it's like for myself.

03-03-2004, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by ep3guy
so, is the new site www.k-series.com? i hear people have been going to www.k-series.com to get some info on their ep3s/dc5s along with other cars that have a k-series engine. i also hear that www.k-series.com has some useful tech sections that might come in handy. oh well. maybe i should visit www.k-series.com to see what it's like for myself.
oh shit! :D

03-03-2004, 03:36 PM
K-Series doesn't seem to crash like this site does either - Literally or Figuratively ;)

03-03-2004, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by ep3guy
so, is the new site www.k-series.com? i hear people have been going to www.k-series.com to get some info on their ep3s/dc5s along with other cars that have a k-series engine. i also hear that www.k-series.com has some useful tech sections that might come in handy. oh well. maybe i should visit www.k-series.com to see what it's like for myself.

haha very nonchalant. LOL

03-03-2004, 03:37 PM
Damn Tony, see what you started?!?!?!? lol:D

03-03-2004, 03:40 PM
LMAO!! This one is for you Peking!http://www.tamparacing.com/forums/tamparacing/smiles/ban.gif

and this one is for mehttp://www.tamparacing.com/forums/images/smilies/IBTL.gif :D

03-03-2004, 03:40 PM
:D :D :D

03-03-2004, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by ep3guy
so, is the new site www.k-series.com? i hear people have been going to www.k-series.com to get some info on their ep3s/dc5s along with other cars that have a k-series engine. i also hear that www.k-series.com has some useful tech sections that might come in handy. oh well. maybe i should visit www.k-series.com to see what it's like for myself.

LMAO!....damn..so what we lost 3 mods in amatter of 30mins?:eek:

http://www.tunernetwork.com/forums/images/smilies/Berserker1.gif. http://www.tunernetwork.com/forums/images/smilies/lock.gif

03-03-2004, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by ep3guy
so, is the new site www.k-series.com? i hear people have been going to www.k-series.com to get some info on their ep3s/dc5s along with other cars that have a k-series engine. i also hear that www.k-series.com has some useful tech sections that might come in handy. oh well. maybe i should visit www.k-series.com to see what it's like for myself.

Hee hee hee....:D

George Knighton
03-03-2004, 03:50 PM
I don't have a very clear picture of what's going on, as I said, but when I left Honda-Tech I discovered a board that I hadn't visited in years: http://www.honda-acura.net/forums

The site is owned by a Honda Challenge driver, Daniel Mendoza.

It's vBulletin, so you wouldn't have to learn how different software operates.

Moreover, it's in development mode, and if you really want to make a difference, I know that they do listen over there. There's about a dozen former Honda-Tech people over there behind the scenes redesigning the board for the future.

It's very rough right now, and the EP3 is relegated to its own forum w/the DC5...but if you're after making a difference, that might be the place to do it.

We've finished the new TOS, and have a management team in place, but it's still in real state of flux, with a different colour schemes and other reorganisation right around the corner.

If you want to be in on the ground floor of this new development, give us a visit. :) You can reach the owner at drumsy@honda-acura.net.

03-03-2004, 03:51 PM
haha wow I used to be on Honda-Acura.net before it split and became... well... that place we're not supposed to talk about. :D

03-03-2004, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by STP03BlueSI
LMAO!! This one is for you Peking!http://www.tamparacing.com/forums/tamparacing/smiles/ban.gif
and this one is for mehttp://www.tamparacing.com/forums/images/smilies/IBTL.gif :D


03-03-2004, 04:36 PM
Take care Tony and thanks for all your have done...I'm sure we will stay in touch!

You members just need to read what US_Si aka Steve posted to understand what the deal is...Steve knows how to run a website/forum right. Props to Steve!

I'm not stepping down yet, but I will if Jensen/DTH doesn't do the right thing! Needless to say us Mods have more or less had it with our invisible Admin.

03-03-2004, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by HondaMan
Take care Tony and thanks for all your have done...I'm sure we will stay in touch!

You members just need to read what US_Si aka Steve posted to understand what the deal is...Steve knows how to run a website/forum right. Props to Steve!

I'm not stepping down yet, but I will if Jensen/DTH doesn't do the right thing! Needless to say us Mods have more or less had it with our invisible Admin.

Good for you HondaMan. I'm glad to hear you guys (the Mods) are all on the same page and willing to address the issues however that might be, even if it means walking away from your positions. I highly respect all of you for that.:)

Type X
03-03-2004, 04:57 PM

kinda nuts whats going on here

but u could tell for al ong time this site was going to self implode
kinda solidified it when steve left

i liked the up front abrasiveness that he came in with
and i THINK thats why the kids on this site hate clubsi so much

but over there they are up front and to the point
here we have 30 posts welcoming everyone to the site

its like a carebear convention
and we need to lay the smackdown!

03-03-2004, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by Type X
here we have 30 posts welcoming everyone to the site

its like a carebear convention

hahahahaha LMAO.

Nicely put, Mike.

03-03-2004, 06:00 PM
yeah type x you said this at our meet in the snow.... ur a wise man haha...North east section is going pretty well i pretty much only go on there. i prolly shouldnt say anything since i only been a member for a short time

Type X
03-03-2004, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by plpong893
yeah type x you said this at our meet in the snow.... ur a wise man haha...North east section is going pretty well i pretty much only go on there. i prolly shouldnt say anything since i only been a member for a short time

yea i mean noone likes the bad guy
but someones gotta be one

not everyone has to get along but thats what makes forums diverse
you cant deleted admins
cause they are giving you wake up calls

you can't turn down help when servers are crashing and people are leaving the forums

and you certainly cant help anyone when
your never there ;):cool:

i mean dont get me wrong i want a perfect world.....

but the REAL WORLD outside that i live in
not the "internet car one" i post on:D

well all that being said

Forums need to be cleaned up
and some need to be deleted
servers need to be upgraded
and some other changes need to be made

yadda yadda yadda
talk talk talk
:insert pointless rant here::*

03-03-2004, 07:04 PM
I dont even know what to think. this is fuckin ridiculous.... Dont all jump on the wagon and leave... I understand there are a lot of BS threads, and to many welcomes but I think we cant turn our backs on here............

If those mods truly did leave, then I would truly like to nominate PEKING as a mod.... I know he can help and work things out well.. And other than that, i must say, stay here Hondaman, keep it here Jaydub, and Type X, i know your not going anywhere so just try and take control of the situation. I understand the mods are mad, but to turn your back on the site, i think thats just acting childish.... Im sure things will work out and we will see you mods back here soon enough.... If not, then i must say you guys went down pretty lame to give up on us. Stay here, enforce more discipline, and shit, maybe this thread can turn into a password protected site to prevent the trolls from roaming......... anyways, take care, dave

Tenacious G
03-03-2004, 07:12 PM
well, i've been around for about a year now, and i hate to see these mods leave. all mods i've encountered have been fair and equitable in their dealings with most members.

i understand your reasons for leaving. sorry to see you guys go.

03-03-2004, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by ep3hatchattack
I dont even know what to think. this is fuckin ridiculous.... Dont all jump on the wagon and leave... I understand there are a lot of BS threads, and to many welcomes but I think we cant turn our backs on here............
If those mods truly did leave, then I would truly like to nominate PEKING as a mod.... I know he can help and work things out well.. And other than that, i must say, stay here Hondaman, keep it here Jaydub, and Type X, i know your not going anywhere so just try and take control of the situation. I understand the mods are mad, but to turn your back on the site, i think thats just acting childish.... Im sure things will work out and we will see you mods back here soon enough.... If not, then i must say you guys went down pretty lame to give up on us. Stay here, enforce more discipline, and shit, maybe this thread can turn into a password protected site to prevent the trolls from roaming......... anyways, take care, dave

Dave you really think to highly of me, thanks though :) Mugen shouldn't quit, take it back Tony. DTH needs to f*cking say something, I know he has seen this.

It was only a matter of time before this happened. Jensen needs to get things straight and understand what this site means to us. Cause it would seem it doesn't mean the same to him :(

Thanks again Dave for the vote of confidence, yet I am not worthy of such a position. Just glad to be here :)

Tenacious G
03-03-2004, 08:23 PM
if being the first one to reply to a post 50% of the time means one would make a good moderator, then yes, Peking has my vote also.

;) :D

and, yes, it is unfortunate DTH isn't more involved with the site. but no amount of call outs and posts will make him pay more attention to the site until he wants to ... unfortunately. it's up to him where ephatch goes from here.

03-03-2004, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by Tenacious G
if being the first one to reply to a post 50% of the time means one would make a good moderator, then yes, Peking has my vote also.
;) :D
and, yes, it is unfortunate DTH isn't more involved with the site. but no amount of call outs and posts will make him pay more attention to the site until he wants to ... unfortunately. it's up to him where ephatch goes from here.

LOL, sorry I keep wanting to say stuff :D I don't think my posting makes me a canidate for being a mod, yet I do try to be helpful like so many others where I can be :) Oh and how do you think SirMedic got his chance ;) Just kidding, medic is a great guy and his posts were very enjoyable. Sorry he doesn't post like he used to.

Your right, it is up to DTH when it comes to this site. Yet these kinds of feelings shouldn't have come up in the first place.

03-03-2004, 08:33 PM
I think I should pop in here. You all may think that only Steve runs K-Series.com and its all him, with some moderators. Well this is untrue. I am now officially the co-owner and designer of K-Series.com. Together Steve and I are pressing hard to make K-Series.com a magazine styled site, with articles, tech, news, and a message board to allow users to do what we do here, post stuff and share tips.

The site is NOT a forum. The forums are a PART of the whole picture. This is where we have found that alot of sites lack. Honda-Tech - forum site, ClubSi - mostly forum site, ephatch.com you guessed it, now a forum site.

Don't get me wrong, forums are great.

Steve and I just think that there is more needed for the end user than just a forum. We have been and are currently working with some of the industry's big names to make K-Series.com THE source for K-Based info and news, as well as making it a place to learn about different things. Example, David McKnight wrote an excellent article on Autocross, and how to get into it. This has been February's feature article. This is the first part of a 4 part series on racing. This months (march) late showing article is on Drag Racing, and how to get started doing that, that should be online tomorrow, hehe, then there will be an Advanced Autocross and Drag Racing set to follow in the following months. All together features like this make a good site.

Steve and Tony may have been known as the "Nazi" mods, but that is because they wanted more from a site than just stupid banter, This IS a car site, and that is what the problem was, that is no longer is truly a car site, but instead its just a forum.

Thats my rant and plug for K-Series.com


03-03-2004, 08:34 PM
Tony, sorry to see you make this decision. We need qualified peoples like you here to help us out. But I'm pretty sure we'll make it. This is just the internet and nothing more. Now, how we use it, and how it effects us is up to us to decypher. I'm glad you'll be sticking around though. You've been a great help. Hopefully DTH will give the site a kick in the ass, and we won't feel the effect of your leaving as much.

Anyway, have fun and bring those hoodies back this fall, I'll buy 2 for sure:D :cool:

03-03-2004, 08:42 PM
trent and steve have a great site over at www.k-series.com and i moved some time ago, but i still come back here to visit (honda-tech.com too).

lately, while looking for something worthwhile, i've just been ignoring the crap posted here. it is getting hard to find the good stuff around here anymore.

03-03-2004, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by bmx269
Steve and Tony may have been known as the "Nazi" mods, but that is because they wanted more from a site than just stupid banter, This IS a car site, and that is what the problem was, that is no longer is truly a car site, but instead its just a forum.
Thats my rant and plug for K-Series.com

Your are absolutely right, just think what this site could be like if Steve and you were able to have what k-series has over here. You would not only have a forum with tons of hits, car site, and also a great tech site. To bad DTH did what he did, and expantion was shut down. Lets say if DTH was a more involved admin. and Steve (and other mods/members) wouldn't have such problems. This site could have been incredible. Still could...

But lets face it, can it be so perfect?

Originally posted by glw
trent and steve have a great site over at www.k-series.com and i moved some time ago, but i still come back here to visit (honda-tech.com too).

lately, while looking for something worthwhile, i've just been ignoring the crap posted here. it is getting hard to find the good stuff around here anymore.

Crap is posted everywhere. Nature of the beast, well sort of anyway.

03-03-2004, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by glw
trent and steve have a great site over at www.k-series.com and i moved some time ago, but i still come back here to visit (honda-tech.com too).

lately, while looking for something worthwhile, i've just been ignoring the crap posted here. it is getting hard to find the good stuff around here anymore.
yeah that is true...I find myself reading more info on www.k-series.com than bsing like I do here....gee, is it noticeably with the amount of posts I have here :eek:

Anyway, I actually used Dave's wright up for one of my presentations on teaching skills at Basic Instructor Class...I got an A! :D

03-03-2004, 09:56 PM
Looks like this site is going sour. So many mods are leaving. No wonder posts are all over and in the wrong places, heheh.

Tenacious G
03-03-2004, 10:08 PM
i'm not ready to give up on this site just yet. if DTH would hand over or delegate some real authority to someone willing to invest the time and energy, ephatch could go places. it's got the traffic, just needs some direction and execution.

my .02

Ty's Si
03-03-2004, 10:21 PM
My question is this: Which current members are going to participate in PMing every current EP hatch member to convert them over to K-series? Better yet, some mod start a sticky in every forum with an announcement that EPhatch is going down the shitter and K-series is the new spot. That may (or may not) get DTH's attention. And getting banned isn't that big of a deal anymore I suppose, so who cares?

Just a thought...

But then again all the hardcore supporters will have been clued in on this latest development (if they visit daily like most of us in this thread)and will naturally migrate to another site, preferably k-series. But at least we could porvide them with a slight push.

I dunno. :yellm:

03-03-2004, 10:54 PM
Wow, DTH is posting and still hasn't responded to this.



03-03-2004, 11:34 PM
My eyes must be playing tricks on me. Every mod on the forum is no more.

03-03-2004, 11:53 PM
You know I don't have very many post here but I come here almost every day to gather as much information about my car as possiable. I look through the forums all the time I am at work right now writing this. :cool:....... I see everybody posting about how they are moving to k-series.com but everybody that says they are and how bad this site sucks are still here. I just wish I could go to a place to read up on good info without haveing to read through the pussy hurtin threads. No one is here because they have to they come here because they want to. It goes back to that whole freedom thing. I just don't understand why ppl come back and complain about this site and leave. Call me crazy or whatever but if this is not the site for you then why come back. This is my 2 cents and I know it means as much as the dust on the wall but damn if everytime you come here your pussy starts to hurt and you wanna complain about it don't come back. There are thousands of forums and you can visit and share the knowledge you have but don't expect anything inreturn your just helping out. Alright I gots to get back to work now. PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-03-2004, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by raiyo
My eyes must be playing tricks on me. Every mod on the forum is no more.

*sigh...a sad day...ephatch is dying...i've been here a only a year and cant believe it SEEMS to be ending soon:'(

im still gonna stick around here though and see wat happens

03-04-2004, 12:24 AM
WTF? i go away for a day... heck a few hours... and all this happens? wow... i don't know much about the behind the scenes work that the moderators do, but judging by their posts, all the mods are cool people. to see them leave, thats just sad... we'll see how all this turns out... hopefully not too bad... i love ephatch!

03-04-2004, 12:27 AM

03-04-2004, 06:57 AM
Ridiculous :rolleyes:

03-04-2004, 07:41 AM
Originally posted by fsugatorbait
Ridiculous :rolleyes:

Absolutely. Bunch of fucking pansy users.

Jeezus people.... its only a couple mods. Keep posting, keep helping, fuck the clubephatchers (my term for the cranky, bitchy & newbies).

03-04-2004, 07:51 AM
Originally posted by jaydub

LMAO...damn Jaydub, I feel really sorry for that puppy..

03-04-2004, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by trk
Absolutely. Bunch of fucking pansy users.

Jeezus people.... its only a couple mods. Keep posting, keep helping, fuck the clubephatchers (my term for the cranky, bitchy & newbies).


Mugen Power
03-04-2004, 12:33 PM
Dang it! I stopped checking in for a few days and this place blows up. :D

I used to be part of so many boards for the past few years (Super Honda, Honda Society, Honda Tech, Honda-Acura, etc.) and was around at the beginning or close to that for most of them. Heck, I was even one of the first to register for K-Series but I've only been there probably 5 times. :eek:

Anyway, I figured I'd might as well try my hand at being active in a board once again after relegating myself to being a lurker on 3 boards, this one included, but none of them listed above. It's sad for me to be around for the demise of yet ANOTHER board (this time, some of the above included) but I really hope this place will pull through. I've tried to stick around on the other boards that died and were reincarnated but they just seemed worse off than before, mostly due to the users (new and old) that were there.

Anyway, enough of my meaningless banter. I might just go back to being a lurker on this site again even though there doesn't seem to be that much more to learn from here anymore. :eek:

03-04-2004, 02:48 PM
Yeah. I relate.

I cant look up old info (red X's)

... and all the new posts are (to use a ephatch term) "gay".

03-04-2004, 06:49 PM
blah blah blah blah

cry me a fucking river people. if you want to learn something about your car, do a search on a honda enthusiast website, or do it your fucking self. if you want to talk about random shit that has little to do with a civic, you found the spot!

03-05-2004, 01:47 AM
well man you will be sorely missed as a mod .... we in ephatch salute you ....

03-05-2004, 02:16 AM
Originally posted by trk
Absolutely. Bunch of fucking pansy users.

Jeezus people.... its only a couple mods. Keep posting, keep helping, fuck the clubephatchers (my term for the cranky, bitchy & newbies). im with you, this site has had many threads that were shit, and many that made you feel like you were a part of something tight. This is the first site that I joined when i got my ep and I am not gonna give up on it yet.:mad:

i would like to know why DTH is ignoring us :rolleyes: c'mon man wtf

SiR Medic
03-05-2004, 05:38 AM

Well, I haven't been around as much as I used to, but that's got more to do with work and personal life rather than what's going on this site.

I still respond to PMs and e-mail notifications ASAP, but there will be times when I'm not at the computer for a couple of days.

Even still... I have noticed this site becoming less "focused".

I'll be staying on as a Mod, and I will do my dambdest while I am here.

Hopefully, the rest of us can try and fix this mess.

aka: "SiR Medic"