View Full Version : Tranny Exploded

03-07-2004, 10:36 PM
Ok, well I'm not very happy right now. And now even more pissed off since i typed up a bunch of shit and then tried to attach an image and then it said its too big and when i went back everything i typed was gone. Ok, so, tonight, at a stop sign starting to put it in gear let off the clutch, start to go, boom! shit start falling off the and all the tranny fluid is all over the road. Anyone have this happed or know why it would, or anything helpfull would be greatly appreciated. thanks. sorry i cant think right now i'm so pissed.

03-07-2004, 11:08 PM
uhhh, you sure its tranny fluid, and you didnt blow a hole in your motor....

if it is tranny fluid, you broke a shifter fork, jabed it into a gear at HIGH speed and caused an explosion....

your screwed....you have a short shifter....the dealer is not going to like you....your gonna have a tought warranty on that one man!

good luck!:confused:

03-07-2004, 11:20 PM

03-08-2004, 02:18 AM
that does not sound right... siman is right... you're probably not going to like what the dealer has to say... but good luck anyway :D

03-08-2004, 04:55 AM
omg, i blown my tranny couple years ago with my integra with mods and the dealer still covers for it, dont worry, if ur car still under warranty, the dealer will have to cover for it;)

03-08-2004, 04:56 AM
cant he take out the shortshifter before he goes to dealer???or is it a unreversable process??? most people put stock parts back before they take it to a dealer.

03-08-2004, 04:59 AM
Yeah if I were you I would take the short shifter out real quick before I took it to the dealer.

dj addicted
03-08-2004, 08:22 AM
here is a question... obviously the car is off... can you still run through the gears with the shifter?? This should tell you whether or not it is the tranny for sure...

Mugen Power
03-08-2004, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by shimmy_yaz
Yeah if I were you I would take the short shifter out real quick before I took it to the dealer.

I'm not sure where I stand on this because this is something that could very well be his fault but instead you're telling him to cover it up and blame it on Honda? I mean, technically Honda should prove that his shifter kit was to blame before denying warranty coverage but obviously that's usually not the case. I dunno, man... Do what you will but just don't flame me for throwing in my 2 cents.

03-08-2004, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by Mugen Power
I'm not sure where I stand on this because this is something that could very well be his fault but instead you're telling him to cover it up and blame it on Honda? I mean, technically Honda should prove that his shifter kit was to blame before denying warranty coverage but obviously that's usually not the case. I dunno, man... Do what you will but just don't flame me for throwing in my 2 cents.

you kno this is the way it should be, but from my experience, dealers suck big time man, it varys tho, some are major cool. i know a guy who had to get a lawyer to get his s2k fixed, when the dealer didnt put oil back in his motor after a scheduled service, they tried to say they would'nt cover it because he drove it so much and put a lotta miles on it so they wouldnt cover it under the extended. I mean he was there for the service right, i dunno, it doesnt help when your young either. But i would suggest switching to an rsx type s tranney if worst comes to worst.

03-08-2004, 10:55 AM
Thanks for the input everyone. I had my axle seal replaced on the passenger side a few weeks ago. That was fixed at no charge. Then just a few days ago it started leaking again. I made an appointment, but abiously did not make it. The gears still feel like they are engaging. The clutch feels allright as well. Its just there is no connection to the wheels. I'm thinking where the axles go into the tranny that part is busted up. I found some peices of the casing, and a little gear, about the size of maybe the bottom of a smaller pop can. Then like a little cylinder maybe less then 1 inch in length and a metal plate that looks like would go around the gear. Anyone have like a little diagram of that axle/tranny area? Well I hope everything turns out allright.

03-08-2004, 09:53 PM
sounds like axel pieces to me, and the abs ring

03-08-2004, 11:02 PM
Ok, from what I understand it was the differential that blew out. It is being covered. The broken parts are going to be sent to honda for further inspection. They said they will do it just this one time. From looking at more then normal wear on my tires they could tell that it has been driven hard. I have played around in the snow a while back but havent done anything crazy for a few month now. So I wonder how it held up for so long if that is what did it. I'm sure this being the fourth car that my family has purchased from that dealership, had something influence on covering the damages. Well I hope to get it back soon and hopefully it will hold up for a while. It would be nice if a limited slip could be put in there...

03-09-2004, 01:01 AM
Are you out of warranty or something? You make it sound like they are doing you a favor.

03-09-2004, 01:07 PM
It's got 8k. But there is always a chance that the blame can be put on the driver. I'm just thankfull that it is being covered.

03-09-2004, 01:33 PM
I know someone on this site had their Diff explode.

Link1 (http://www.ephatch.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=25741)
Link2 (http://www.ephatch.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=30365)
Link3 (http://www.ephatch.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=27472)
http://rancidracing.com/alesiacasdorph/sheareddifferential5.jpg :confused:

03-09-2004, 01:35 PM
that was bratkat64. and yes. it sounds really similar


03-09-2004, 02:17 PM
The dealership sounds like a bunch of jackasses. I just love how many of the dealerships almost make you feel bad to bring your car in broken when it's under warranty, and then have the nerve to act like they are doing you a favor by covering the damage,this time. I think the quality of the dealer will be the main factor in the next car that I buy. If I have a 36k or 100k warranty, I don't want the damage to be covered this time. I want it covered every damn time it breaks while under warranty. It amazes me that dealers are even allowed to practice business the way that they do, but in my limited experience, bottom line first, customer last has been the rule, not the exception.

Just my bitter 2 cents :yellm:


03-09-2004, 09:06 PM
You guys are scaring me. YOu think that the Neuspeed short shifter have something to do with this? Cause I got one in my car. What would be the disadvantage to it anyway??


03-10-2004, 12:43 AM
if u modified ur ride and something goes wrong, then put it back to stock asap and bring or tow it to honda, thats what i did with my integra, and its fully covered under warranty. :D , don't worry about ur tranny or short shifter, its not ur fault, alot of hondas or acura have tranny problems, my integra tranny broke at 30k

03-10-2004, 02:13 PM
A short shifter wont do it. Seems to be a factory flaw. I have about 20k on my car and I road race it and it has never blown a diff.

03-10-2004, 05:25 PM
unfortunatly, a short shifter CAN be shown to contribute to the problem. thats why honda will rape you if you have one.

03-10-2004, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by rs_1101
unfortunatly, a short shifter CAN be shown to contribute to the problem. thats why honda will rape you if you have one.

I dont know about that, but most short shifters actually help the tranny out cause it keeps you from overshifting into each gear. Now if your misshifting thats more of a driver error than a short shifter prob. They can raise all the hell they want but they would have to prove that the short shifter did in fact cause the problem. People with the neuspeed short shifter around here have noticed better and smoother engagement of their tranny.

The only way I can think of a short shifter hurting the tranny is if the shifter itself broke, (i.e. coming out of the ring that the ball joint sits in on a normal shifter or if you installed ours wrong and it popped off causing the shifter to jam into gear), and you kept on using it until the tranny did break.

If his shifter is okay then they cannot say that it caused the problem. Sounds like a bad axle or axle boot which should be covered under warranty. I dont know what the laws are where he lives but here in Tx if the car is under 12k or 1yr then they have to cover it under warranty unless there is substantial proof to the fact that the driver is at fault. I should know, I blew my tranny, clutch and 5 serpentine belts in my 96 Cobra Mustang and all of it was covered cause it all happend under 12k.

If Im wrong, then Im wrong:D

03-10-2004, 06:35 PM
i have a really cool dealer when i was talkin to him about gettin my Si he was tellin me about the local shop that carrys every performance part made for the k20a3 and all the jdm parts and aero and he said make sure that i just keep my stock parts and just bring everything back to him, he'll put it on so it's like i never voided warrenty, dude was fucking sweet, i was shocked...

then he showed me his ride, and omg i almost creamed myself, haha, he said he takes it down to the track and is pushing 12.9sec 1/4 with an rsx type s k20a2 engine, i/h/e, and a turbo..dude was nuts it was also lowered with a tein flex kit and had the mugen aero lip kit on it, that dealer is my hero, horray for richmond honda

03-10-2004, 06:40 PM
I'm just glad their fixin it for you, man it's bitch to have your warranty voided.