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04-01-2004, 06:44 PM
HP or DC sports Header? and another Q of mine is if i do decide to get a K20a or As will either work with these headers?

04-01-2004, 06:51 PM
also is the header easy to install with the proper equipment, and is the Hondata heat sheild worth it?

AzN Si GuY
04-02-2004, 01:48 PM
- Both are good headers. I have the HP Header and I love it. Some midrange gain and very nice up top gain. And a great price. They're easy to install depending on how strong you are and how stuck your bolts are. Mine were stuck like glue.

- Correct me if I'm wrong, I think you can bolt on the headers to that k20a head but the gain will suck because it's a different head.

- I also have the hondata heatshield and when I first installed it the butt dyno could tell a tiny difference in acceleration. And it keeps your IM cooler. You can touch it after 20 minutes of driving and it'll be warm and not HOTT. hehe, And cooler air is better air.