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10-20-2002, 08:24 PM
Can someone explain to me (in very basic wordz) what CAMBER is? and what camber kit DOES... i think i have an IDEA of it... but i read somethin about control on wet roadz and stuff and then i was like "WHAT? WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WIT CAMBER?" i mean...it obvioulsy has SOMETHIN to do wit camber cuz itz ur WHEELZ but i didnt think it was like...an ISSUE... PLEASE HELP!!!


10-20-2002, 08:41 PM
In a nutshell, camber is how much the tires lean INward or OUTward.

Theres a very good article about this on HondaVision in the forums under tech-articles. I would post the link, but they are currently having server problems.

I'll try to get the link to you when It's available.

10-20-2002, 11:25 PM
Looking at the front of the car...

|| || zero degrees of camber

// \\ negative camber (caused by lowering)

\\ // posotive camber (reminds me of a cadillac)

It's kinda hard to explain how camber affects handling through typing, but basically, your car will handle better with a little bit of negative camber. Too much negative camber and you actually start to lose traction.

When driving straight with zero degrees of camber, you are have full contact of the tire surface on the ground, when turning, you will be riding on the outer half of the outside tire(20% less tire surface on the ground) therefore losing a bit of traction while turning.

When driving straight with slight negative camber, you will be riding on in the inner part of the tires (about 20% less contact area). When turning you will be riding on the full contact surface of the tire; more traction giving you better handling.

hope it makes sense :confused:

10-21-2002, 04:23 AM
Originally posted by Si4U2NV
Can someone explain to me (in very basic wordz) what CAMBER is? and what camber kit DOES... i think i have an IDEA of it... but i read somethin about control on wet roadz and stuff and then i was like "WHAT? WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WIT CAMBER?" i mean...it obvioulsy has SOMETHIN to do wit camber cuz itz ur WHEELZ but i didnt think it was like...an ISSUE... PLEASE HELP!!!

yeah, these guys basically said it. you'll most likely need a camber kit also, if you want to keep your tires from going to soon. If you lower with H&R, Nuespeed, Progress, Eibach (except prokit), then I'd get a camber kit and have it installed by a shop.

10-21-2002, 02:48 PM
Thanx for all the info guyz...:)

and where can i get a camber kit from!? and how much is it? and do i need both front AND rear!?


10-22-2002, 04:37 AM
Originally posted by Si4U2NV
Thanx for all the info guyz...:)

and where can i get a camber kit from!? and how much is it? and do i need both front AND rear!?

I would just get the rear, as my front seems fine. You'll know when you get the camber kit installed if you front is off, when you go to have it installed. They'll tell you. www.modacar.com has them www.optauto.com has some also, I think. Try doing a search putting in camber kit* (the astrik is there to act as a fourth letter so the search engine will accept it). It should come up with some people talking about their camber kits. Ask them where they got theirs. Oh, I think eibach makes one for our car also.