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View Full Version : DIY: Mugen Grill install

05-25-2004, 09:07 PM
I put this in my other mugen grill thread, but I figured it might be better if I made this its own thread.

So, you start by getting your friend to start uncliping all of the damned clips. There should be eight up top, four down low, and two screws in the bottom. There is also a screw holding the bumper to the fender.

Remove the bumper by pulling it out slightly in both fenders, then pull out from the front of the bumper.

Next, unscrew the old grill from the bumper, there should be four of them.

Then simply slide out the old fender.

Grab the new Mugen Grill that you have already placed the double sided tape on. Make sure your Mugen grill has this on it to ensure that it is authentic (not that it matters)

Next step will be to clean off the surface that you will be applying the tape to. I used some Mother's carnuba wax, then sprayed it with something my friend had, window cleaner I think.

Okay, now retro fit the grill and when you are satisfied as to how it sits then pull off the adhesive covering - apply some pressure to make sure you have optimal contact.

Put your bumper back on and enjoy.

Hope this helps some of ya...

05-25-2004, 09:56 PM
fuckin badass man

05-25-2004, 10:14 PM
i hate you
give me your car!

i want this grill so bad!, i thought that there wouldbe more then just tape holding it in :'(


05-25-2004, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by BlackSi613nin
i thought that there wouldbe more then just tape holding it in :'(

joHn yeah, no shit. make you paranoid to park it at the mall.:(

05-26-2004, 04:14 AM
next weekend IM dropping the bumper to black out my lights, and I think im gonna run a couple of screws threw the bottom to hold it in there. but yeah it does make me paranoid.

Ep3 No.2
05-26-2004, 09:03 AM
you should think about moving this to the how to section.
this thread is going to end up lost in aero.

05-26-2004, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by oldschoolimport
yeah, no shit. make you paranoid to park it at the mall.:(

No sh!t... i ever see a VBP EP w/ mugen grill parked... one word: Mmmyonk! ;)

*its not stealing if you say: "Mmmyonk"!*


06-21-2004, 01:09 AM
No sh!t... i ever see a VBP EP w/ mugen grill parked... one word: Mmmyonk! ;)

*its not stealing if you say: "Mmmyonk"!*


hahahaha i actually loled at that!

very hot man!

06-26-2004, 08:57 AM
Don't you have the screws along the top of the grille?

07-14-2008, 09:27 PM
cant go wrong with a mugen grill. It's easier to have two people when doing this..