View Full Version : our o2 sensors

06-08-2004, 11:29 PM
Now I know our cars come equipped stock with wideband o2 sensors. Companies like Cybernation have caught onto this and are using it to tune (guardian). My question is, how can we use this wideband o2 sensor to our advantage without buying an all out wideband o2 kit. Is it possible to just hook up a digital wideband gauge and just get a readout directly from our stock o2 sensor ?
And also, if it is possible to just hook up a gauge and get an accurate digital reading then where can I find the gauge.

06-09-2004, 10:42 AM
Moved to engine :)

06-09-2004, 07:50 PM
i heard you cant hook up the gauge to the stock unit because it will add resistance and change the output to the ecu causing it to give your ecu bad values

06-10-2004, 12:46 PM
yup, you can read all/most of them w/a palm pilot and OBD-II scanner program, it plugs the palm into the OBD-II port under the dash by the gas pedal and then you can see all the sensor readings, and it'll give you est. hp/.25 mile time/0-60, just like the g-tech pro. it will also allow you to check CEL's and turn them off





then go to www.ebay.com and search "palm scan" you'll get lots of results, the nology one is $$, the program is $150 cheaper on ebay, but their web site has good reading about the product, it's a fun tool

06-10-2004, 10:10 PM
i was under the impression that all wideband O2 sensors have 5 wires. And normally do not last more than a few months under constant usage.

When I was installing TenaciousG's cat back I noticed that the O2 sensor only had 4 wires. Indicating to me it is not a wideband O2.