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07-05-2008, 12:31 AM
painted this under my hood, I was showing it to some of my friends at a 4th of july get together thing and some old man pulls in and goes off on me how it is disrespectful to show a japanese flag especially on the 4th, he proceeded to tell me that on top of that it was the japanese naval flag.. and that "those damn japs have done nothing good for our country, i mean look at your car! Do you think that piece of shit is worth showing off?" I said "Im sorry for offending you" and i returned to showing my friends the paintjob, ignoring his comment


07-05-2008, 10:38 AM
painted this under my hood, I was showing it to some of my friends at a 4th of july get together thing and some old man pulls in and goes off on me how it is disrespectful to show a japanese flag especially on the 4th, he proceeded to tell me that on top of that it was the japanese naval flag.. and that "those damn japs have done nothing good for our country, i mean look at your car! Do you think that piece of shit is worth showing off?" I said "Im sorry for offending you" and i returned to showing my friends the paintjob, ignoring his comment


you shoulda told hi your car was made in the uk it woulda really pissed him off.

07-05-2008, 12:44 PM
cf hood time w00t w00t:mangel:

07-05-2008, 08:05 PM
dont hate ppl.... its unique.. 10 points for affort...

07-05-2008, 08:10 PM
i bet he was drivin a volvo or a toyota.. he prob thought they are american cars ha...:tsk:

07-05-2008, 10:33 PM
I still cannot believe people feel that way nearly a half a century later. I guess old feelings die hard. BTW, the painted hood is retarded.

07-05-2008, 11:27 PM
Not feelin it...

07-05-2008, 11:32 PM
That guy is a prime example of why Nationalism is such a drain on humanity. Painting that under the hood doesn't exactly show a different perspective either.

07-05-2008, 11:55 PM
bad idea of showing that on 4th of july..

07-06-2008, 10:28 AM
hit it wit some GRAF!


07-06-2008, 11:37 AM
The guy had a point.

It was the Jap Naval flag which has a lot of bad memories from WWII. You remember Pearl Harbor, Kamakazis, Battle of Midway, etc.? Im sure hes a very patriotic person that takes offense to seeing another countries military flag flying on a day that represents our nations birth and independance.

Im willing to bet my EP that the guy doesnt know that the whole JDM thing is huge with kids and their cars and only knows the real history behind what that flag was for. So before you all go calling him crazy and a nationalistic crack pot take a second and see it from his point of view. If he got that worked up about it, its not too much of a stretch to figure he was a veteran at some point.

And dude, the hood looks a little gimp. But if you like it keep it, fuck the haters.

07-06-2008, 10:07 PM
And dude, the hood looks a little gimp. But if you like it keep it, fuck the haters.

Agreed Completely. Does anyone else on this site drive your car everyday? no. You do. I dont care how bad any custom thing on this site looks. I gotta give props to everyone that tries custom work. It takes balls.

07-07-2008, 05:14 AM
It's not my taste of modifications, but then again it's not my car. So rock what you love. For all of you who are giving him shit about it, again remember it's not your car. I do give him credit for trying something new.

About the man pulling up. I understand that people who have been around since WWII have issues with the Japanese still. However that was over half a century ago. They need to realize that the Japanese have a vital role in how this world works.

For that guy to say that his car was a piece of shit and not worth showing off, just pisses me off. We could use less of these people in the world. I can see him having a problem with the Japanese naval flag, however he stepped over the line.

Not to mention if he has a problem with Japanese technology. Tell him to get rid of his; cell phone, flat screen tv, engine in his car, and so on!

07-07-2008, 01:50 PM
whats it matter guys... its on the bottom side of his hood.
granted i wouldn't have wasted the paint, unless it is in some sort a coating to help protect the hood/paint from temperature.
to each his own.

*plus it matches the red badges :P

07-07-2008, 11:30 PM
Very Creative on the paint scheme, although not my taste. And you handled yourself well, by not escalating the whole situation.

Anyone who posts another hater comment after reading all of this deserves a smack in the face. :fish:

07-08-2008, 12:46 AM
Hey there buddy, don't take the haters so seriously. Most if not all think it's your ride and you can do whatever you please with it.

Just relax. You're not going to win anyone over with that attitude, and that's just from experience. So keep it cool. No point in starting shit with senior members. You can prove your point without the drama.

Anyway, like I said, anyone who continues to bash is a moron and I dont see why you need to be defensive about it.

07-08-2008, 08:35 AM
I could have sworn there was a "This thread sucks" emoticon. Oh well. :cheer2:

I've been on and off this site for quite a few years now and I've seen Weltall help a lot of people. Bashing him isn't going to make you many friends. And you should probably take your own advice about being disrespectful and stop acting like a child.

And (respectfully) your hood isn't my cup of tea either. Maybe if it was professionally done and didn't look like something from mspaint. You posted a pic, you're going to get opinions. I agree that some people could have had a little more tact.

*waits for thread lockage* :fish2:

07-08-2008, 11:39 AM
Just keep it cool. Like i have said, there are going to be haters anywhere you go. Just don't let it bother you man. Keep doing what you're doing and if you like it then keep it! Nothing wrong with being different from the heard! Believe me once i am done with my car's exterior, i am sure there are going to be haters.

07-08-2008, 11:51 AM
Just keep it cool. Like i have said, there are going to be haters anywhere you go. Just don't let it bother you man. Keep doing what you're doing and if you like it then keep it! Nothing wrong with being different from the heard! Believe me once i am done with my car's exterior, i am sure there are going to be haters.

i agree with everything he said. you dont have to like how other people mod their cars, but try to have a little respect for their ideas. who cares, its not your name on the pinkslip

07-08-2008, 01:34 PM
I like the quality of the job, looks like you got the lines straight and clean even over a very odd surface like the bottom of the hood. Subject matter or actual design aside, a black border around the edges might help to give a feeling of "closure" at the edges cause it feels uncomplete how it is in that picture. I guess what I mean is it feels like you are looking at the top of the hood when you know you are looking at the bottom, and that feels odd and weird. if you were to have a border around it, whether black or the car color, it wold feel more inlayed, and I think it would be visually more impressive.

but again, good work on the paint job

07-08-2008, 01:57 PM