View Full Version : Strange thumping noise coming from front end

07-25-2008, 08:13 PM
I have a one owner 2004 Si with 21K on the odometer. It has only been driven by my wife (54 and drives conservatively) and myself (57 and on a limited basis, I rationally enjoy the performance of the car), so I know it hasn't been abused.

During the last six months, I have experienced relatively severe axle hop approximately four or five times. The first couple of times occurred when it was raining and I was driving on wet asphalt streets. The most recent times have been under dry conditions. When it occurred yesterday I was quickly accelerating - no problem in first gear, but when I shifted to second and floored the accelerator the axel hop began and stopped the second I lifted my right foot. I didn't immediately notice any strong noises during the approximate three miles I drove to run an errand. On the return trip home I noticed a strange noise from the front end that only occurred when decelerating in gear. Its hard to describe the noise, the best description I've been able to come up with is a low thumping noise. What is odd, is there is no unusual vibrations or change in performance when this thumping noise occurs.

Relating to the axel hop, I guess that I need to check out my motor mounts and motor mount bushings first. From there I'm not sure what to check out.

As to the vibration under deceleration, I am at a total loss.

I would appreciate any diagnosis or similar experiences or suggestions to cure these problems.



07-25-2008, 08:30 PM
you might have ripped a motor mount during the wheel hopping.

07-25-2008, 08:40 PM
I might be wrong but I belive even a torn mm can be fixed by the esmm's. That would be cheap but it does involve a fair amount of labor.

07-25-2008, 10:25 PM
i'd bet front or rear mount.

07-27-2008, 07:24 AM
I might be wrong but I belive even a torn mm can be fixed by the esmm's. That would be cheap but it does involve a fair amount of labor.

Not a fix but a way to avoid buying a new mount. Since the inserts fill in the gaps in the mm then the rip doesnt come into play since the mount movement becomes very limited. I am guilty of this, still have a ripped mount with esmm inserts.

08-09-2008, 01:23 AM
check the front compliance bushings. they go bad so damn easy.