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View Full Version : Time Attack-style Rota Grid picture request

08-03-2008, 11:14 AM
Im looking for a pic of someone with black Rota Grids with a red lip i wanna see if they look good on an ep.

08-03-2008, 11:24 AM
When posting a thread like this, try a title that will draw someone's attention to what you're asking instead of a general title like, "Anyone."

You'd have better luck starting a thread in the photoshop forum with a picture of your car & the wheels you'd like to see on the car.

As this thread is not relevant to the general discussion of EP3s, its been moved to the wheel/ tire forum.

& finally, Time Attack wheels are SO so tired. Let it die. Christ.

08-04-2008, 10:28 AM
maybe they're aren't that common in his parts. idk?

someone had them, but i'm having a hard time remembering who... but that was before the crash.