View Full Version : what do your passengers do in your car that bug you?

ep pilot
11-28-2002, 01:42 PM
I am the worst Enthusiast I can think of. I am so annoyed when anyone rides as a passenger in my Ep. I have put together a list of annoyances that drive me nuts!

When I am driving my car, and I take 15min to find the perfect spot to partk, my passengers are usually saying

11-28-2002, 02:06 PM
that's a lot of interesting stuff there, man. i feel for you

11-28-2002, 02:10 PM
You need to consult! :angel:

IceD out N CALI
11-28-2002, 02:15 PM
intesting take on it

11-28-2002, 02:21 PM
Damn, for a second there I thought you were describing me. I can't stand all that crap and then some.

For instance why when I tell people not to eat in the car multiple times they still do it. And then they wonder why I get pissed off when they drop food on my seats or the floor.

And exactly what is the point for touching the glass if you didn't touch enough glass riding around with your parents all those years then you shouldn't be in my car.

Oh and I know my car is the shit and all, :D but why do my passengers have to act as if they are better then everyone else on the road cause they are in MY car.

Yeah and why can't people use the license plate to shut the hatch why do you even need to touch the paint on the car. I hate it when people lean on my car and then they try and be cute and mess with me by acting like they are gonna touch it.

Yeah I could go on and on.

11-28-2002, 02:26 PM
exactly, please don't touch the windows

11-28-2002, 02:28 PM
I just wish people could open the door, get in without touching anything, and remain stationary for the duration of the ride...
Among my highest of peeves:
Touching the glass...
Leaning on my car...
anything destructive...

11-28-2002, 02:30 PM
I hate when they close the air vents, eat, and change my music without asking

11-28-2002, 03:03 PM
dont like it when:
loose objects flying around
dirtyness on carpet
touching glass
leaning on car
when people sit sideways so their butt is on the side of the seats

11-28-2002, 03:29 PM
I dont like it when people yyell about my driving "slowdown " " thats was a cop going the other direction".........."hes turning around, why are you going faster?"

"what are you doing pulling the E break to turn for?"

"blah blah blah blah blahb lah is what i hear"
:D ;)

11-28-2002, 03:34 PM
My friends know they aren't eating or smoking in my car. But besides that....I think you're obsessive compulsive man!

11-28-2002, 03:50 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by ep pilot
[B]I am the worst Enthusiast I can think of. I am so annoyed when anyone rides as a passenger in my Ep. I have put together a list of annoyances that drive me nuts!

When I am driving my car, and I take 15min to find the perfect spot to partk, my passengers are usually saying

11-28-2002, 03:51 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by ep pilot
[B]This list goes on and on, I

11-28-2002, 03:59 PM
The one thing I hate is food. I have to pick my sisters up from school every now and then and they always seem to have a bag of nasty chips in their grubby little hands. I tell them ahead of time that they are not allowed to eat in the car. 30 secs later I smell some funky onion flavored cheese balls and hear a lot of crunchiness coming from the back seats. When I get home I see crumbs and smears and all sorts of crud in my car. How much damage can two kids do in 10mins?! So now, when I have to pick up the greasy gremlins, I drive the '84 accord.

11-28-2002, 06:58 PM
I think the worst thing a passanger can do is way the car down. It sucks how much of a difference a person can make the car handle from just being there. Plus the glass touching thing is very annoying.

11-28-2002, 07:08 PM
If I've got people in the back seat, they leave by the passanger side door. My drivers seat DOES NOT MOVE from where I've set it.

Leaning on the car. EVeryone seems to dislike this one. And why not? If I were in charge, it'd be a capital crime to lean on someone elses car. I don't care if you ARE tired. Siddown on the *&%$ curb. But wipe off your pants before you get in. By the passanger side :p

11-28-2002, 07:18 PM
I am with you 100%. I hate it when people bang their purse on the glovebox door, and when they don't retract the seatbelt completely, or better yet let the belt hit the glass.....

I only let my brother, mom and grandma in the car, that's it. If they do anything out of SOP they are banned from the Si. I love America, and am proud to be a soldier, but in my Si I'm the dictator and the death penalty is my cabinet.

11-28-2002, 09:00 PM
I agree completely with the glass...also hate it when my girl applies make-up in the car on the way to somewhere. Other than those, I completely agree with most of the other ones mentioned.

11-28-2002, 10:35 PM
It really bothers me when Hunter licks the windows, pees in my back seat, puts his nails in the seats, and slobers on the back of the seat in an attempt to impress me to let him back up front

11-28-2002, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by 02SilverSiHB
It really bothers me when Hunter licks the windows, pees in my back seat, puts his nails in the seats, and slobers on the back of the seat in an attempt to impress me to let him back up front
I'm assuming "Hunter's" your girlfriend? lol kidding

11-28-2002, 11:57 PM
Slamming the DOOR! Why must everyone SLAM the door?!!!!?!

11-29-2002, 07:06 AM
Okay here's what pisses me off.

*When a chick tries to be cute and buys me something to hang from my mirror. WTF???

*When people get out from the back seat and leave the seat forward! This has always irritated the crap out of me.

*Passengers find the need to leave footprints and scuffs on the door. How the hell does your foot touch the door?

*And the last thing. Don't ever lean on my car. I will say nasty things about your ancestors while I eat your heart....

P.S. Maybe we should all lobby to outlaw the little paint-seeking rivets jean companies put on the asses of their pants.

11-29-2002, 09:58 AM
LOL... everything so far, to varying degrees...

The one thing that bugged the hell out of me was last week, when I was driving some slightly inebriated friends to their homes. At every intersection, I had to call out, "Left? Right?? Straight?!?", because otherwise they would've forgotten that I had no idea where they lived and how to get there.


11-29-2002, 12:19 PM
I fully agree, passengers suck. It is like they have no respect for our shit. I had my car freshly vacuumed, the passengers came over as I finished. They think its cool to stand in a pile of dirt and get into my car, I look at the floor, sure enough, dirt everywhere.

The drivers side is NOT a f*cking exit. Get out on the other damn side.

When opening a door next to a curb, open it slowly not to grind the bottom corner into the cement. No, sorry is not going to fix the paint.

If you are sitting behind me, it is NOT funny to stick things through the hole in the seat into my neck, I have been known to let you out at the next bus stop for less.

I dont really care if you think the music sucks, its my car, and I am the DJ. Drive your car next time.

I give you gas money if you drive, show some damn responsability, yes "I" paid the 10 dollars to park, why not pitch in you heartless whiner.

I just have to say, passengers are NOT drivers. No you may not try my car. Yes it feels good to shift from there. No you may not eat that in here. Yes I do know the way. If I want your opinion on my driving, I will ASK. Buckle you damn seatbelt. die in someone else's car.

my list can keep going.

I have considered making riding in my back seat a pain by installing a cage, but have not had the time or money. Besides, without stress like this, work would kill us. :) Have a great night guys, we all know there will be people riding in our cars, just to piss us off. My suggestion would be to ride in their car, but then we wouldnt be able to drive, and thats where the fun is really at, you can piss off other drivers who have passengers in their cars. hehe

odyessy SI
11-29-2002, 12:35 PM
i was just thinkin about this shit that pisses me off about passenger and i got a list heres the order of my list that its in
1.slamming the door
2.touchin the stereo...y the fuck u touchin it? dont u see i need to shift!?!!?
3.puttin in of their shitty cd's that truly suck ass
4.constantly askin "what does that button do?"
5.adjustin and touchin shit

this thread was such a great idea it gave me a great place to just vent out:D

11-29-2002, 02:31 PM
my brother is the biggest prick on the earth, the day i bought my car he jumps in the passenger seat and slams it down so where he is practilly street lugging down the road. and when he gets out of my car he leaves the seat slammed, not to metion that you guys know when you first get the car the doors are a little hard to close, he slammed the door not using the handle he used the door and put a huge dent that matched his hand i my brabd new door and said that it was like that when he got in the car, and i must have done that.

also eveything that you guys said pisses me off too.

i wish i didnt have but a drivers seat, just so i cant have passengers

06-25-2004, 09:31 AM
lol this is one of the funniest threads ive read yet hahaha. :tongue:

06-25-2004, 10:32 AM
seriosly though, why would you pull the ebrake? its not like it'll lock up the wheels or anything...DAMN EBD........I HATE YOU

06-25-2004, 10:33 AM
I hate it when girls brush their hair in my car !! leaves hair alover the black seats and they keep banging the window with the brush.
i have scuff marks on my tint.
or when people sit in my car and piont out all the imperfections.
they say "man , the dashboard isnt real aluminum" or the "little dots by the AC vents are just stickers" then the dude tryed to peel it off!!!

06-25-2004, 10:50 AM

i cant stand it when people try talking to me when i have my music up.

or changing my music

or when people gotta start shit with other people on the road... like my car doesnt stick out enough asshole!

06-25-2004, 11:07 AM
I agree with all the annoyances so far. My additions:

I hate it when:

-Passengers put their stuff in the side door area and it slides back and forth while driving.

-Getting in the car, the passenger will grab the shifter and mash through the gears as they say: How do you like shifting with this?" (F@#%ING HATE THAT)

-Passengers leave trash behind

06-25-2004, 12:08 PM
Boy o Boy, I hate when im about to park and i tell my girl this

me: baby b4 i park get out because the curb is too high
my girl: no babe its not
me: yes it is
my girl: it's not honey
me: ok (but i already know its gonna hit)

as we get out i hear the door scraping against the curb and inside i am cringing and i say " I FUC*ING TOLD U SO"

or when we go out and eat, im like "lets eat hear or wait till we get home"
so she thought i was playin, so she started to eat and some grease or something fell out of the burger and it fell on my seats. thank god my seats are leather which are easier to clean. so i grabbed the burger from her hand and threw it out the window, i was that mad. needless to say i didnt get no booty that night. but i got my point across. and last but not least i absolutely hate when motherfu*kers slam the door. god!!!!!!!!!!!!

well thats it for now i got plenty more but im done venting right now.

06-25-2004, 12:27 PM
i hate when people slam the doors, putting the sun visor down, and not kicking their feet off before they get in my car :yellm:

06-25-2004, 12:39 PM
just say walk to passengers. And take all your seats out so you can't legally give them a ride plus it'll make your car lighter(save gas and handle better) gives you the perfect excuse not to give rides. and if you do want to give a ride then putting the pass. seat in takes less then 5 minutes (4 14mm bolts) I have my pass. seat in my bedroom leaning against the bed and use it to play video games it's really comfy.

06-25-2004, 12:53 PM
when girls ride in the passenger side, the wave to random cars at stop lights and shiet.

dj addicted
06-25-2004, 01:06 PM
I dont like it when people yyell about my driving "slowdown " " thats was a cop going the other direction".........."hes turning around, why are you going faster?"

"what are you doing pulling the E break to turn for?"

"blah blah blah blah blahb lah is what i hear"
:D ;)

haha.. paxie... you the man!!

For mine its when people play with the radio... that pisses me off the most...

06-25-2004, 01:10 PM
Basically all those things I hate plus:

People falling asleep in my car. Damn narcoleptics

Driving drunk people home. I'm not a taxi or DD, you shouldve figured out your ride before you got drunk. I'm also not going to let your ass puke in my car!

and just in case it wasn't mentioned DONT SLAM MY DOOR!.

06-25-2004, 01:20 PM
Alos, don't touch the Radio if you don't understand how it works... I hate when it stays on FM2 and plays GRISSSSSHHHHH all the way when the speakers are at full boom...

Ah, and pleeeaaaseee, don't put my car in F*?%*%g 1rst speed when parking, I'm not used to that, and I hate it when you start the car, leave the clutch, and it jumps 2 feet forward in the driveway...(I have a huge pile of wood at the end of it, I've seen a few close calls..)

Besides that, just don't play with my EP, go by yourself one...:)

06-25-2004, 01:48 PM
This is toooo funny... Anger management people anger management!

Showstopper sUSA

06-25-2004, 01:52 PM
1) Touching the windows...so hard to clean!
2) Slamming the doors...its a NEW CAR DONT HURT IT!
3) Leaving the seat forward...Do you not have respect?

06-25-2004, 01:54 PM
i used to have a GF that was hot as shit but was way big into drugs.. its started out great cause she was also kinda into cars and she loved to drive fast. then she started fucking with my car. i met her at a restaurant and then the next day i took her out.. she asked if she could smoke in my car.. i was like sure, even though i was thinking, DAMMIT CIGS!!! you better not ash in my car biotch! well we started going stedy and i realized how bad she was to my poor car. i would pick her up with her other friend all the time and they would sit in the back and smoke without asking and ash though the sunroof!!!!!! how horrible is that. and then they would draw on my backwindows.. i would be washing my car and see stupid 'peace signs' and 'magic mushroom' drawings. i had to give her the boot when one day we were in traffic and she packed up a bowl and started to smoke in broad daylight. she was a crack head. too bad she was soo hot!

06-25-2004, 02:15 PM
Haha, I actually think I am worse than most of you about having passengers in my car... My list is long but I will name a few of the worst ones.

1. First and formost, yes I always park a long ass way away from the place I am going so idiots don't dent my car. Understand that before we leave so you don't feel then need to bitch when I do it, thirty extra seconds of walking is way fucking better than the $70 dollars or so it will cost to fix the dent.
2. When you close the doors do it by the metal sill on the side, there is absolutly no need to touch the glass or especially the door, I can't tell you how many times girls with rings on have hit them all up on the paint and I bearly contained yelling.
3. If its raining stay on the side walk/driveway, is there really a need to walk through muddy yards before getting in my freshly vaccumed car?
4. Why do girls always leave their keys either in the door compartment or the shelf thing on the dash? I hate hearing those things roll around every turn I take.

Well those are my personal worst peeves, I'll just stop now before I have some extensive 50 point list to riding in my car.

06-25-2004, 02:23 PM
I hate when women get into my car ... mom, sister, or girlfriend and brush their hair out and go to put it do that thing with their hand where they like shake it onto the carpet, frigen unbelievable - it takes forever to vaccum out!

My g/f gets really pissed when she wants to hold hands, which is all good, but then when I have to shift I take my hand away and she gets all pissed and says "this is why I want your next car to be automatic." I love manual, sorry babe but I'm not getting an automatic so we can hold hands in the car!

A few of my buddies are domestic guys, but yet how funny is it that I'm always driving them around when their car is out of service cause something is f-ed up. Then they have the balls to talk shit about how slow my car is when I'm driving them. Sure it's small, and yes, I agree its slow. But don't make your f-in Ford Mustang thats in and out of the shop more than I fill up with gas seem so much better than my car.

EDIT: Ah yes, and now that I read a few other's post, the "parking out in left field" thing applies also. I park far away and passangers always bitch - but get used to it. Walking is good and everyone can use a little god damn excersize, and if it's raining, water doesn't hurt anybody either.

06-25-2004, 02:29 PM
My g/f gets really pissed when she wants to hold hands, which is all good, but then when I have to shift I take my hand away and she gets all pissed and says "this is why I want your next car to be automatic." I love manual, sorry babe but I'm not getting an automatic so we can hold hands in the car!


ha! i would be like you gotta be kidding me. i would be like sorry sweetie but i want to hold hands with my momo shift knob for a little bit now.

06-25-2004, 02:31 PM
Well I see we all have our pet peeves . I agree with every one , I have a couple to add to this . My g/f will look in the sunvisor mirror and then with out closing the mirror lid she will just close it!!!! It will cause the mirror lid to slam the roof then she will shut it with a extra push !!!!!! What is with people unzipping my back seat ? Yeah it is a zipper but leave it the f*#k alone! Is it to much to ask that you don't put your cell phone in the dash tray ? I hate it when it goes back and fourth and scratches it !!!! Feet belong on the floor not on my seats or my dash !!! I could go on and on but I'll shut up !!!
Wait not yet one more thing! I told my g/f that if she wanted to ride in my car that she has to treat it like it is gold or she can walk ! She tryed to argue but I said .......This is my car and it is more important than anything you want to do in it !

06-25-2004, 02:45 PM
ahhaa, this is all funny yet true...

well here's one of mines, when someone asks you to give them a ride somewhere and you agree to take them to that place thinking that its only going to be them, but you turn to put your seat belt on or adjust the music then you turn back to see if they got in the car so you can leave, then you just happen to fucking see 5 people cramming into your car. WTF i thought i was only giving ONE person a ride, not wab packing my car and suddenly being a free taxi.

and slamming the door is another bad one too, there's no need to prove to the door that you are a tough guy.


i have this picture on the passenger visor and is used as a warning, so if they fuck with my music, then they can have fun walking

06-25-2004, 02:49 PM
shit, could someone help me on posting the image? thanks

06-25-2004, 02:50 PM
Even though this thread was raised from the dead, I have to post too!

I hate when people are helping me put stuff in the hatch/trunk and they just slide it in and it scratches up that plastic lip where the hatch locks into. I have so many gouges/scratches right there, it just looks nasty when I open the hatch. It looks like a truck's tailgate when its all focked up from people sliding wood/steel into their beds.

I also hate when my chick uses the sunvisor/mirror and just leaves it down so it blocks my view when I'm lookin to my right. Plus what HondCivc91 said about his chick wanting to hold his hand. My chick gets all pissy and thinks I'm dissin her or whatever when I'm really trying to just FOCKIN SHIFT. Then she throws a hissy fit and starts talkin sh1t about the EP and how her Corolla's auto is so much better.

and everything else you guys said.

06-25-2004, 02:51 PM
shit, could someone help me on posting the image? thanks
do you have the picture hosted somewhere?

06-25-2004, 02:52 PM
nope, i dotn think

06-25-2004, 02:56 PM
nope, i dotn think
if u really want to, just email the pic to me (nastymassey_bsp@yahoo.com) and I can host it for you...

or sign up for a free host account at www.photobucket.com


06-25-2004, 03:02 PM
sure, thanks man

06-25-2004, 04:02 PM
Yea i realize the thread was dead. Just thought I'd add I F*#&in hate it when the passenger gets in and doesn't move the seat back from the 60 degree angle it defaults to.

Dude recline, cus I cant see a damn thing.

And if I find out who kicked my doorsil loose Im gonna kill em.

06-25-2004, 04:42 PM
I hate it when...

People slam my freaking doors.

Feel the need to thrust off the floor mat to get out, thus turning the floor mat into a ball.

Putting their goddamn hands all over my slean windows.

Leaving trash in my damn car.

Hitting the sideskirts with their feet when they get in instead of lifting their fet a little more.

Putting their arms on the top of the door and their hand leaving all kinds of smudges on the door.



No farting too.

I think thats it for now.

06-25-2004, 06:23 PM
I hate it when my gf, throws all her gum wrappers in that little door handle on the passenger side. I never realize how much trash is in there until I vacuum my car and it makes me very unhappy.

06-25-2004, 07:02 PM
I hate when people put shit in the little cubby holes under the passenger side airbag. NOTHING should go in there EVER! It usually rattles around (cell phones) and makes me very angry and I become highly annoyed very quick.

Another is when people don't take their seatbelt off right and it clanks on the trim or even on the outside of the car. My girlfriend knows now to not let it clank and proceed to guide the seatbelt smoothly back into its place. =D

I really hate when I park my mom in, in our driveway. She knows how to drive stick and all but many time i get in the car and its in gear but no e-brake. Push the clutch in to start and the freakin thing is rolling away. Also she sits my seat way out of place and I bang my knees when I get in. Oh and my seat is at like 120 degrees the whole way up. All that just to freakin move my car 20 feet?!?!

But I feel ya man. I'm completely anal about my car. I look for the best parking spots ever. Mostly in the front so A) I can see it and make sure its ok and B) if I'm at the very front I only park next to one person... and I park as close to the other side as possible. haha.

06-25-2004, 07:43 PM
I hate when people put shit in the little cubby holes under the passenger side airbag. NOTHING should go in there EVER! It usually rattles around (cell phones) and makes me very angry and I become highly annoyed very quick.

Another is when people don't take their seatbelt off right and it clanks on the trim or even on the outside of the car. My girlfriend knows now to not let it clank and proceed to guide the seatbelt smoothly back into its place. =D

I really hate when I park my mom in, in our driveway. She knows how to drive stick and all but many time i get in the car and its in gear but no e-brake. Push the clutch in to start and the freakin thing is rolling away. Also she sits my seat way out of place and I bang my knees when I get in. Oh and my seat is at like 120 degrees the whole way up. All that just to freakin move my car 20 feet?!?!

But I feel ya man. I'm completely anal about my car. I look for the best parking spots ever. Mostly in the front so A) I can see it and make sure its ok and B) if I'm at the very front I only park next to one person... and I park as close to the other side as possible. haha.

avatar stealer!!! :yellm:

06-25-2004, 08:02 PM
Passenger: my girlfriend.

1. Falls asleep everytime she's in the car, even if were driving back from eachothers house. dude, it's like a 15-20 minute ride.

2. Complains that it's too cold, and closes my passenger side vent. Doesn't bother opening it back up.

3. She finally had the nerve to eat in my car for the first time last weeked. I gave her that "WTF are you doing" look, and she kept on eating.

She's a real good passenger besides these things. And everyone else who rides in the car seems to be ok.

06-25-2004, 09:14 PM
I really hate when I park my mom in, in our driveway. She knows how to drive stick and all but many time i get in the car and its in gear but no e-brake. Push the clutch in to start and the freakin thing is rolling away. Also she sits my seat way out of place and I bang my knees when I get in. Oh and my seat is at like 120 degrees the whole way up. All that just to freakin move my car 20 feet?!?!

But I feel ya man. I'm completely anal about my car. I look for the best parking spots ever. Mostly in the front so A) I can see it and make sure its ok and B) if I'm at the very front I only park next to one person... and I park as close to the other side as possible. haha.

I hear ya on both counts. My mom drives my car maybe a couple times a week and everytime I go to get in the seat is jammed up against the dash and the seatback is in it's default position. I don't mind the seatback but slide the thing back all the way after it's done. I'm 6'0" and I need the seat ALLLLLL the way back for me to feel comfortable.

The parking issue too, if I'm not parked out in left field I'm parked up front AS CLOSE AS I CAN GET to a curb. Took me a couple rim scrapes to learn how close I can get but I've learned it's better to put it in reverse, straighten out then pull in straight again to get the closest.

06-25-2004, 09:38 PM
1. Touching the damn glass
2. Changing the music
3. being annoying in general
4.When anyone passes me even an old lady in a buick I have to hear wooooooaaahhh
5. Hearing the constant race that guy
6. When people get out of the back they trip on the passenger side seat belt and it hits the side of the car.
7. When they try to smoke in my car.

Theirs so much more that will come to me

06-25-2004, 10:03 PM
How come everyone miss this one, when people sitting in the front spreading their legs, they get in the way when u shift. That pisses me off.


06-26-2004, 12:11 AM
How come everyone miss this one, when people sitting in the front spreading their legs, they get in the way when u shift. That pisses me off.


I dunno about you...and yer friends...but with the shifter being as high as it is....NO legs touch it anymore....

In my old EM2...I'd SOOO agree with you. But not in the EP.. :D

06-26-2004, 12:49 AM
When the passenger crosses their legs and rests their foot on the ledge....wtf mate? NOOOO!!!! I don't see a forking "place your nasty ass foot here" sign, do you?!?! Oh, that ledge? Yeah, that's so you can put your lil dingy-ass new balance wearing tinactin smelling shite encrusted foot upon. Yup, right there in the manual. It has a picture of your dumb-ass on page 32... NOOOOO!!!!

06-26-2004, 01:34 AM
nice! haha


06-26-2004, 08:49 AM
How could I miss this post for so long??? I've been saving this list forever.

1. When people rest their feet on anything but the floor. For the front seet passenger, my dash is not for your damn smelly feet. And the plastic piece under the door is not for your foot either. The carpet is there, the floor mat is their, so use them! And for the back passengers, DO NOT PUT YOUR FEET INTO MY SEAT AND THEN SAY YOU'RE NOT! I FEEL IT!

2. If you eat in my car, pick up your crumbs.

3. The pockets on the doors (both on bottom and near the window button) are not trash bins. Get your lazy ass to a trash can if you have something to throw away.

4. You can call my car an egg, I understand. But when a focus goes by DO NOT say "that looks like your car".

5. Don't touch my A/C. To even think that you are justified in changing the temp. of MY car! HA!

6. If I liked YOUR radio stations, I'd be listening to them right now. Stay away from my seek button.

7. I was saving this spot for the people that lean against my car, but I've done worse against my car so I'll just leave it alone.

8. Little kids, if you ever try to crawl fromt he backseat in between the two front seets and then step all over them to get out, I will go find your pets and step all over them to see how much you like it.

9. I have a little CD holder that holds up to like 20 cds. This is more just my own habbit, but it bugs me when people disorganize my cds. It makes it hard to find them.

10. Last but not least, if I ever have a little "sprint" with that mustang GT next to me at the stoplight and he happens to smoke me, I don't want to get crap from MY passengers about it. I feel bad enough, and I'm also your ride home.

06-26-2004, 10:40 PM
4. You can call my car an egg, I understand. But when a focus goes by DO NOT say "that looks like your car".
10. Last but not least, if I ever have a little "sprint" with that mustang GT next to me at the stoplight and he happens to smoke me, I don't want to get crap from MY passengers about it. I feel bad enough, and I'm also your ride home.

Couldn't have said it better myself... :D

odyessy SI
06-26-2004, 11:38 PM
thing i hate the most is when people touch my stereo. do not change my damn radio stations!!! it especially pisses me off when they put up the volume extremely high cuz the song they like is on, wtf its called my sub will blow and so will my amp dipshits...kids that know nothing about cars think they'll always be fine no matter what. i hate anything with the stereo because i'll know a motha fuckas hand when i'm shifting....even if i dont need to go in to that gear i'll nail you to send you a message punks.

06-26-2004, 11:44 PM
after i almost wreck and kill everybody the passenger always has to complain about my driving , thats what i cant stand...

06-27-2004, 08:30 PM
after i almost wreck and kill everybody the passenger always has to complain about my driving , thats what i cant stand...

Hmm....don't you think they MIGHT have a bit of concern? lol

Actually, you've prolly learned a GREAT deal from that expierence and honestly...you're prolly a better driver because of it. ;)