View Full Version : Engine Damage

12-02-2002, 04:06 PM
Can someone tell me the amount of damage this has done to my engine? this is all under 750 miles

Fuel Cutoff:
1 time

Peeling Out:
Many times, probably 20 or so

Smoking the Tires:
Not burning out, just peeling out for so long it smokes. Done this about 4 or 5 times

Maybe 20-25 times...

So whats the damage guys?

12-02-2002, 04:21 PM
why didnt you drive carefully before the engine is broken in? your engine probably isnt damaged or anything, but you might have shortened the life span of the engine or something, like in the owner's manual says "Help assure your car's future reliability and performance by paying extra attention to how you drive during the first 600 miles"

12-02-2002, 04:23 PM
most of it has been after about 550 miles...

12-02-2002, 04:31 PM
why would you do this with a new car especially with a really really nice new car?

IceD out N CALI
12-02-2002, 04:39 PM
probably no major long term damage

12-02-2002, 04:43 PM
Uh huh huh hu... dumb ass

12-02-2002, 04:46 PM
dumb kid.

12-02-2002, 04:50 PM

How much damage? It all depends, tear your engine apart and look at the rings at 25k, that should give you an idea on how much, if at all, you screwed up.


12-02-2002, 05:00 PM
I get so tired of reading your stupid posts. Your parents pay for your car, so you abuse it and then wonder if you've done any damage to it.

You don't deserve to be riding the bus, let alone driving a car, you spoiled little bitch.

12-02-2002, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by TrippZ
most of it has been after about 550 miles...

well if you drove lightly for the first 550 miles your car should be ok, dont worry about it ;)

12-02-2002, 05:20 PM
WTF? Do you know how to drive?

12-02-2002, 05:28 PM
I also hope you fucked it up really good.

12-02-2002, 05:48 PM
WTF? Do you know how to drive?

12-02-2002, 06:35 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Damn fool! I'm 17 and i abused the fuck out of my old Si. But when i got this new one (thx insurance and divorced parents) i knew that i had gotten a second chance. Under 1k miles, i prolly redlined it...under 8 times, to get a feel for the car, and cuz im a teenager :(. Peeled out never, and downshifted once when this mother fucking spec v kept on cutting me off. The way you break your car in is very important. Just wait till 1k miles to do mad-hellafied-insane-tire melting (why the fuck did you smoke you tires multiple times?) burn outs lol impatient. Oops, too late :(

12-02-2002, 06:41 PM
trippz trippz trippz, when you gonna mature a bit?. Your lucky you have parents that are well off enough to buy you that car, then you get in trouble with the law,almost lose the car, get the car back and beat the shit outta it!! Who is gonna pay the repair bill when things go? Unfortunatly Honda makes a GREAT engine that can more than handle all the abuse you are putting it through, sometime though you may break something and may actually have to ***gasp*** own up to your mistakes. good luck --Joe.

12-02-2002, 06:51 PM
what the fuck? fuck you jaydub you rotten dirty son of a bitch. i didnt ask for your goddamn insults, i wanted to know if i fucked up too much or not.

i never said i didnt own up to my mistakes, and if it was broken, i'd repair it or pay for it.

Fuck you all that are always ragging on me because im 16. what teh fck do you think you stupid pieces of fucking shit. im 16. do you really think that with my goddamn friends and immaturity that im NOT going to do stupid stuff? huh?

I didnt ask for a barage of insults or your mother fucking opinion on me, you goddamn mother fuckers. I asked if i have pushed it too much already or am i still ok. thats all. god damn you guys are fucking assholes lately. what the fuck is yalls problem. i hope another website for 02-3 si's comes up so i dont have to stick around with the majority of you fucking assholes. fucking douches.

12-02-2002, 06:58 PM
Actually, little boy, you did ask for insults when you continually post retarded topics about how you abuse the car your father pays for. He should've sold it when he took it away from you for being an immature child.

Why don't you go start your own website, just for you and any other little kids who's parents are buying their cars.

12-02-2002, 06:59 PM
what the fuck? fuck you jaydub you rotten dirty son of a bitch. i didnt ask for your goddamn insults, i wanted to know if i fucked up too much or not.

i never said i didnt own up to my mistakes, and if it was broken, i'd repair it or pay for it.

Fuck you all that are always ragging on me because im 16. what teh fck do you think you stupid pieces of fucking shit. im 16. do you really think that with my goddamn friends and immaturity that im NOT going to do stupid stuff? huh?

I didnt ask for a barage of insults or your mother fucking opinion on me, you goddamn mother fuckers. I asked if i have pushed it too much already or am i still ok. thats all. god damn you guys are fucking assholes lately. what the fuck is yalls problem. i hope another website for 02-3 si's comes up so i dont have to stick around with the majority of you fucking assholes. fucking douches.

After reading all this, I cannot help but laugh.... LOL -- Joe. :D

All everyone is saying is to "Respect" your car/parents... No need to get all bent outta shape.

12-02-2002, 07:05 PM


I work for my dad, EVERYDAY. Monday through Sunday. Every freaking day. No breaks for holidays either. from when i get home to closing time, and then i go to our OTHER store as well. i work and I dont get paid for it, so, in return, my dad pays the car and insurance payments. Do you guys understand that now??!! And, I've been doing this since I was 14, sooooo ya, i HAVE earned the car, because I'm working for it.

And jaydub, you piece of shit. i've hate you from the start. i always try and be nice and shit like that but you gay ass 30 year olds think you're the shit because of your house and wives. fuck you. fuck you all. What the fuck do you mean "continuously"? You're a moron. You're an imbecile. You're a fucking ogre. I hope you get trampled by a horse and become a wheelchair bound paraplegic.

12-02-2002, 07:06 PM
"And jaydub, you piece of shit. i've hate you from the start. i always try and be nice and shit like that but you gay ass 30 year olds think you're the shit because of your house and wives. fuck you. fuck you all. What the fuck do you mean "continuously"? You're a moron. You're an imbecile. You're a fucking ogre. I hope you get trampled by a horse and become a wheelchair bound paraplegic."

WOW :eek: :o ***speechless***

12-02-2002, 07:09 PM
Well while I'm not much for spoiled kids.

I know I have hit the rev limiter by accident and squeiled (sic?) the tires (while taking off and cornering at the same time) a bunch of times under 600 miles. its very easy to do. Has that really harmed my engine?

In the manual it says something about avoiding full throttle starts. Is that like when you floor it and let the clutch out? Ive never done that in any car I have ever owed.

12-02-2002, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by TrippZ
And jaydub, you piece of shit. i've hate you from the start. i always try and be nice and shit like that but you gay ass 30 year olds think you're the shit because of your house and wives. fuck you. fuck you all. What the fuck do you mean "continuously"? You're a moron. You're an imbecile. You're a fucking ogre. I hope you get trampled by a horse and become a wheelchair bound paraplegic.

1) I'm 25.

2) You should hate me for having worked for what I have, because you couldn't do it.

3) Even if I was trampled by a horse and became a wheelchair bound paraplegic, I'd still be purchasing my car on my own, not having my parents do it.

Don't hate, appreciate.

12-02-2002, 07:12 PM
Give the guy a fucking break, will you people? Tell me that you never were young and had fun? Shit I'm dirt poor and drove a busted ass Volvo my entire teenage life.. my parents never bought me shit.. But if his do... Why give him a hard time? And this is coming from a home where my dad wouldn't buy me a christmas present, let alone a car... So give the kid some slack and be happy.. i would have been happy as shit if I would have had an Si bought by my parents! TrippZ... Dont worry about it man.. Just take it easy on her...

12-02-2002, 07:14 PM

12-02-2002, 07:18 PM
trippz in a about 2 weeks my dad is selling his SI so if you dont mind could i have yours because you dont appreciate your car one bit.
but on the bright side my dads gettin the 2003 infiniti g35 sport coupe so maybe just maybe he will let me drive it once in a while

12-02-2002, 07:21 PM
uuuhhhh if oyu didnt read it jaydub, i did work for it...

they dont sell 16 year olds cars... and i was 15 at the time the car was purchased...

you're stupid. really. im done, i dont want to waste time talking to you anymore.

02SihB : thank you. thank you very much.

12-02-2002, 07:23 PM
Someone call his parents and tell them how to get to this post LOL

12-02-2002, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by TrippZ
uuuhhhh if oyu didnt read it jaydub, i did work for it...

they dont sell 16 year olds cars... and i was 15 at the time the car was purchased...

you're stupid. really. im done, i dont want to waste time talking to you anymore.

02SihB : thank you. thank you very much.

So then you're even younger and more childish than I thought. I actually thought you were 17.

You're right, I am the stupid one, because I'm not having my parents pay for my car. The car is NOT yours until the loan is in your name or the title has your name on it. C'mon, bring me more insults, they're showing your intelligence (especially considering the typos and grammatical errors).

IceD out N CALI
12-02-2002, 07:30 PM
u guys are hilarious

12-02-2002, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by TrippZ
And jaydub, you piece of shit. i've hate you from the start. i always try and be nice and shit like that but you gay ass 30 year olds think you're the shit because of your house and wives. fuck you. fuck you all. What the fuck do you mean "continuously"? You're a moron. You're an imbecile. You're a fucking ogre. I hope you get trampled by a horse and become a wheelchair bound paraplegic.

:( Dude ur making teenagers look worse than they actually are. Despite the fact that my mom forced my dad to spend the insurance money from my old car on this new car i still have to pay for half of it. The other half paid by my parents? A graduation present for going to a bitch of a high school and making thru it. Giving ur kid a car can be a good or bad thing - it just depends on how smart your kid is.

I learned my mistakes w/ my first Si and learned many important lessons....how much your car's suspension/brakes/clutch/tires can take (lol bad stories :(), when not to race (lol worse story), not to be a dumbass ricer and go doing at least twice the speed limit everywhere...and probably , most importantly, i chilled the fuck out. Why does it matter if i burn out here, or there? Why should i weave thru traffic and risk fucking myself, my car, my life, and other ppl up just to reach a destination half a minute quicker? Idunno man, i guess i was in your boat about a year ago.

My 99 was strait up bad luck...holy shit it was terrible..and i got a second chance w/ this 02. How do i drive now? Unless i'm in the riceboy mood ( pretty much never anymore ) i'm only doing 5-10 over the limit, shifting at 3-4k, and usually have the accelerator down no more than a quarter of the way (unless its necessary).

W/ friends or on a saturday night on westheimer, it's another story, but my point is that we all gotta learn lessons...i just REALLY hope that you learned yours trippz. And FYI - stupid lame insults directed at a whole board w/ no proof/point accomplishes nothing. It only makes you look really bad and dumb :(

12-02-2002, 07:48 PM
LOLOLOLOL this post is hilaroius.

12-02-2002, 08:29 PM
damm..give the kid a break...he just wanted some answers and instead he gets insults. I thought clubsi was bad but people in ephatch are just the same. Why must we insult other people? I know some people have more knowlege than others but doesn't give up the right to put people down......You guys need to calm down and act like our ages. Why be such assholes????

civic hatch boi
12-02-2002, 08:40 PM
hahahahaha.. this is the funniest post in the world!! i've never had a car..... i'm a spoiled kid as well... NO car ever.. but when i was 19.. my aunt gave me her 2000 Lexus Es300 for free hahaha.. but i wanted a stick so i gave it to my brother and my parents bought me my Si.. woOHOO! but i don't bash my car.. i drove under4k for the first 1k miles :).. i love my car. but i do pay payments... and i also pay for my apt rent, utilities, gas, food, mods :) etc....

12-02-2002, 08:44 PM
haha im 19 too and my parents bought me the car too, even thought i already have one. i too did not take it over 4k till 1000 miles after i put in redline oil. The only thing i pay for is the insurance which is 100 a month hehe. Btw the states should not issue licnese to 16yr olds.

PS - blind spot mirrors, nose bra, wheel lookcs is not i repeat IS NOT a fucking mod.

12-02-2002, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by SiBoy
i too did not take it over 4k till 1000 miles....

I have seen a few people post that they did not go over 4k for x amount of miles. How in the hell did you manage that? did you never have to pass someone? Merge with traffic quickly? etc.

Maybe I'm just a lead foot...never had a quick car before,my del Sol just looked quick. It was an s :)

12-02-2002, 09:32 PM
ahh being so old and wise at age 22. . . . .

I used to hate peoples who's parents bought them cars, but now i don't really care. I put up with a pos car that i bought with cash that i worked for when i was 16 for 6 years. Worked through college with that same pos got a job, and bought my si with my sign on bonus. Have not lived of the TIT of my parents for over two years now. When i have kids i WILL NOT buy them a car. There has been no suprises in life. Buying your own car at that age prepares you for the eternal life a debt that you will be living in. . . . There is no shock when student loans, car payments, and eventual morgage payments start up. . . . It feels good to do stuff for yourself.

12-02-2002, 10:25 PM
ok guys group hug..............Im married with wife. and work my ass off......and i do my own mods., i work more on my EK then my ep3, I have to say with 700 miles and what you do burn outs....and high revs, i say dont worry about it. its a honda its built like a tank (motor) and have fun,...........I dont give a fuck what you do with your car, As long as you have fun. Your young fuck sluts, do drugs, drink beer..... i had a 89 prelude I beat the shit out of when i was your age...i have some of the best times in that car........with girls and racing.

IceD out N CALI
12-02-2002, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by PaXiE
ok guys group hug..............Im married with wife. and work my ass off......and i do my own mods., i work more on my EK then my ep3, I have to say with 700 miles and what you do burn outs....and high revs, i say dont worry about it. its a honda its built like a tank (motor) and have fun,...........I dont give a fuck what you do with your car, As long as you have fun. Your young fuck sluts, do drugs, drink beer..... i had a 89 prelude I beat the shit out of when i was your age...i have some of the best times in that car........with girls and racing.

now that is some good sound advice:D

12-02-2002, 10:40 PM
Werd, maybe your dad can give you some $$ so you can go do drugs and fuck sluts.

12-02-2002, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by jaydub
Werd, maybe your dad can give you some $$ so you can go do drugs and fuck sluts.

hahaha........you bastered. why you go tto be that way. :D

12-02-2002, 10:59 PM
to all, keep in mind this is coming from someone who woked for almost everything he got, and is 19.

As a parent, you work your whole life to provide for your children. Its every parents dream for their kid to live a better life than thair own, no matter how good it was. Now i am not saying that i would *give* my children everything thay wanted, but if someone can afford to, than thats good for them. why work if you cant spend the money. Sure the kid might not learn to appriciate things as much but hell, thats part of living comfortabaly. No one should rag on trippz for having his car given to him. My first car was given to me (89 chevy celebrity, parents bought it for 500 dollars) does that make me spoiled? just cut him slack on that part. And about him posting stupid stuff--I have seen tons of stupid stuff not even car related on this site. If he wants to post about abusing his car, then let him. You have a right to not read just as much as he does to post, at least he is not offening anybody. His posts, no matter how dumb or redundant, at least have something to do with our cars. So give him a break. Im Done

12-02-2002, 11:05 PM
There is a big difference between providing amenities for your kids, and having them carelessly destroy it. It's disrespectful, childish, and a slap in the face of his parents.

12-02-2002, 11:09 PM
This is some funny stuff...

12-02-2002, 11:10 PM
but if they can afford it then they are hurting no one but themselves. Also, we will really know how well our drivetrain is when his breaks.:D

12-03-2002, 12:20 AM
If i had a son, and i found out he was doing the same shit, i'd take off my belt and fucking whoop his ass. Giving him a 16-19k car and letting him do is that fucking whack. SHouldint deserve a car, if nething his parents should buy him a bus pass. Bang bus Bang bus!

12-03-2002, 12:39 AM
dude you're a complete tard.

that is all.

12-03-2002, 01:05 AM
Originally posted by SiBoy
If i had a son, and i found out he was doing the same shit, i'd take off my belt and fucking whoop his ass. Giving him a 16-19k car and letting him do is that fucking whack. SHouldint deserve a car, if nething his parents should buy him a bus pass. Bang bus Bang bus!

12-03-2002, 01:17 AM
So there are these 2 bulls sitting on top of this hill, looking down at some fine ass cows. And the little bull says to his Pop, "Let's run down there and fuck one of those fine ass cows." And the Pop Bull smiles and says back to his son, "Son, let's walk down there and fuck them all."

12-03-2002, 05:32 AM
Holy Sheet this thread has spiraled out of f-ing control!

I read Trippz's initial post, laughed (out loud) and never came back. When I saw the "traffic" it was getting I decided to take a "gander".

Trippz, I have to admit, you've had some really dumb ass posts. Sure, you're a kid, but it's not an excuse for lack of common sense. Lack of knowledge sure, but not common sense.

This post was definitely funny and the paralyzed horse victim shit was hysterical (don't hate, appreciate! Damn that's funny.)

But, as usual, I'm going to have to bring an end to senseless yelling and name calling.
