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12-02-2002, 11:18 PM
I'm really depressed tonight. My girlfried of 2 years just told me that she just wanted to be friends for right now and that she doesn't want to have the burden of a relationship. She says that her feelings towards me have changed or something. Oh well, guess that gives me some extra spending money. Dammit I just bought her 2 JL 10W0s for Christmas too, shit! Well things have pretty muched sucked for me tonight. Just thought I would let you all know.

Sucks for 3rdhatch- December 2, 2002

Dammit I still love her too.

12-02-2002, 11:22 PM
it's okay man, just keep your head up

12-02-2002, 11:24 PM
its ok dood. theres plenty of booty to go around. the best way to get over somebody is to get under somebody..:p

IceD out N CALI
12-02-2002, 11:26 PM
sorry to hear that

12-02-2002, 11:31 PM
at least they wern't good subs

12-02-2002, 11:52 PM
When a girl wants to just be "friends" all you are to her is a Dick in a glass case. "In case of desperate aloneness, brake glass" If it were me, i'd have to tell her to take a hike, if she's just confused give her a week or so, but if she says she doesent like you that way anymore, let her go. A good tip about women, they're just like little cute monkeys, they dont let go of one branch untill they have hold of another. I'd check to see if she's seing anyone else, i wouldnt be surprised. Sorry about the bad news bro, still give her the subs for x-mas, offer to install them, then fry her electrical system! mu ha ha ha:D

12-02-2002, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by 4-2-0
at least they wern't good subs

lmao :D

12-02-2002, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by william
When a girl wants to just be "friends" all you are to her is a Dick in a glass case. "In case of desperate aloneness, brake glass" If it were me, i'd have to tell her to take a hike, if she's just confused give her a week or so, but if she says she doesent like you that way anymore, let her go. A good tip about women, they're just like little cute monkeys, they dont let go of one branch untill they have hold of another. I'd check to see if she's seing anyone else, i wouldnt be surprised. Sorry about the bad news bro, still give her the subs for x-mas, offer to install them, then fry her electrical system! mu ha ha ha:D

William hit the nail on the head. The lets just be friends routine is her way of saying "I met this new somebody but it's not for sure yet so in the meantime lets just be friends... you know just in case it doesn't go through"

Drop her like a bad habit and find someone new. Easiest way to move on imho.

12-03-2002, 02:08 AM
im sorry to hear man..weird thing is..my gf of 2.5 years just told me the same thing..i dont understand..and it happend 2 days before yours...

12-03-2002, 02:31 AM
Girls get weird around the holidays.

12-03-2002, 04:41 AM
yeah, return the gifts and buy your self something. . . I broke up with my girlfriend of about 2 years a couple months ago, she only talks to me now when she needs something since we are still "friends". Who the fuck needs that? I usually kind of blow her off. End it, you will be happier and it will be easier to move on. Closure, it is all about closure, like people have said it seems like females like to keep their options open.

12-03-2002, 04:54 AM
Originally posted by 3rdhatch
I just bought her 2 JL 10W0s for Christmas too, shit!

This might be part of the problem....



12-03-2002, 06:27 AM
Yeah, it seems like girls get all fucked up after two years. Either they dump you or you end up getting married:D My first one (that I went out with for more than few months) freaked out after two years and started this whole independent thing went to Poland on vacation and came back and dropped me like a bad habit:'(

Turned out good though, cause I met this other girl later and ended up marrying her. We got engaged after 3 years of going out cause I wanted to see if she was gonna freak out like the first one did. She didnt't so in June we got married:) We are together now for over 5 years (married 6 months).

12-03-2002, 07:27 AM
Originally posted by wtfOO
im sorry to hear man..weird thing is..my gf of 2.5 years just told me the same thing..i dont understand..and it happend 2 days before yours...

It's a coordinated attack.


12-03-2002, 08:32 AM
Return the subs, rent a porn or two, and move on. Trust me, the just friends routine means she's probably hooked up elsewhere.

That may make you mad, but at least she didnt just drag it on and on and on, so don't go after her or anything, it just makes everything worse for both of you.

Lay low for a month (that means dont call her or spy on her or hook up with another girl).

Like all things, this will pass.

Good luck, and be productive.

12-03-2002, 09:42 AM
Just go stick your cock in her freinds ass. That will make you feel better. LOL

12-03-2002, 10:19 AM
Everybody who posted have very good points. If you still want opinions, If you still like her your number one goal is to become FTF (friends that f**k). If you accomplish that and bone for free without any strings attached, you will eventually forget about her and meet somebody else. Remeber, your chances of boning her as friends are very good.

IceD out N CALI
12-03-2002, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by HeelToePro
Everybody who posted have very good points. If you still want opinions, If you still like her your number one goal is to become FTF (friends that f**k). If you accomplish that and bone for free without any strings attached, you will eventually forget about her and meet somebody else. Remeber, your chances of boning her as friends are very good.

only prob is this guy is whipped and she knows it

12-03-2002, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by william
When a girl wants to just be "friends" all you are to her is a Dick in a glass case. "In case of desperate aloneness, brake glass" If it were me, i'd have to tell her to take a hike, if she's just confused give her a week or so, but if she says she doesent like you that way anymore, let her go. A good tip about women, they're just like little cute monkeys, they dont let go of one branch untill they have hold of another. I'd check to see if she's seing anyone else, i wouldnt be surprised. Sorry about the bad news bro, still give her the subs for x-mas, offer to install them, then fry her electrical system! mu ha ha ha:D

No doubt about it. She has somebody else...Cause I did the same thing to my girlfriend....about 3 months ago...didn't like the chick i dumped my gf of 2 years...now I'm trying to come back....But I pulled the whole "lets be friends" when I had been interested in this other chick for probably about 5 months......thats life...everybody is a jerk in life.....face the facts bro....hey atleast you got a nice car...any asian chick will dig your cock now....I'm cracker as they come, and asians be wantin it hah...

IceD out N CALI
12-03-2002, 10:31 AM
its a doggy dogg world like snoop once said

12-03-2002, 10:33 AM
Fo Shizzo muh Nizzo

12-03-2002, 10:54 AM
yup.. she got another meat..

and as for porking a friend.. that's the best.. no strings.. yummyyy!!!!

12-03-2002, 12:49 PM
She has a new boyfriend no doubt. Find out who he is and get some of your buddies and beat the crap out of him in front of her. That will make you feel better. J/K!;) Forget her the best you can and start over. Find yourself someone else, cause she don't deserve a ride in your EP.;)

12-03-2002, 07:54 PM
yea man they suck aright dick that is:D

12-03-2002, 08:44 PM
don't be foolish.

return those subs, and don't spend a dime on trying to get her back.

if she's wavering like that, it's on her to straighten out. all you can do is sit and watch, or tell her how it is, and move on.

Personally, i'd give her some time to sort things out in her head, and then if she can't get shit figured out, drop her like a bad habit.

12-03-2002, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by 3rdhatch
I'm really depressed tonight. My girlfried of 2 years just told me that she just wanted to be friends for right now and that she doesn't want to have the burden of a relationship. She says that her feelings towards me have changed or something. Oh well, guess that gives me some extra spending money. Dammit I just bought her 2 JL 10W0s for Christmas too, shit! Well things have pretty muched sucked for me tonight. Just thought I would let you all know.

Sucks for 3rdhatch- December 2, 2002

Dammit I still love her too.

See thats why im a loser.........
Wait.........I mean, not involved........
Wait.......:'( ........Im a loser.

12-03-2002, 09:59 PM
Thanks for all the positive support guys. I wish I could understand women but that will never happen. I'm still just trying to figure out what I want too. Thanks for all the input and hopefully things turn out for the best in the end.
Youd think after winning NOPI and running a 15.1 youd get some sort of special respect from women, j/k. Well thanks again and I'll let you know what happens.

12-03-2002, 10:11 PM
definitely hang in there and try to move on. She'll realize that she made a mistake and will beg to be taken back.

The last thing a guy wants to hear is that she's hooked up with another guy!!

12-03-2002, 10:46 PM
i just wish my girlfriend of over two years would dump me. Oh well, I just took the pussy way out of it and switched fron the National Guard into the Active Army just to get away. I hope colorado Springs treats me nice!:angel:

IceD out N CALI
12-03-2002, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by 2k2SiAutoXer
i just wish my girlfriend of over two years would dump me. Oh well, I just took the pussy way out of it and switched fron the National Guard into the Active Army just to get away. I hope colorado Springs treats me nice!:angel:

wow, you serious?

12-03-2002, 11:26 PM
yeah. Shit, ive been wither her since i was 16 and i am 19 now. I lost out on all the fun yeard =). Anyways.. She is a real great girl and I love her to death but its just bad timing. Maybe a few things down the road when im looking for something serious i may come back in the game, who knows. Its just that her family is soo nice. Her dad buys me beer and her mom cooks, its the perfect life.

12-03-2002, 11:32 PM
well i hope this doesnt happen to me
my 2 year anniv. is coming up in a few months...

atleast you'll have more time for yourself or your homies, or anything...
if you have the problem i have
managing your time between homies / girlfriend / work / self / school / everything else

cant keep everyone happy all the time though i guess

12-04-2002, 12:30 AM
. Shit, ive been wither her since i was 16 and i am 19 now. I lost out on all the fun yeard
bwuhahahahaha!! Dude your twenties are gonna ROCK! I'm 27 and my best years (catching tail) have been since I was 20. Believe me, life is not over yet. Girls in their mid-twenties are far more open to encounters...they know what they want, and they go after it. Woohoo!

12-04-2002, 01:40 AM
Thanks Smooth, i know thing are gonna look better, ''But I want it NOW'' (catch the quote???)


IceD out N CALI
12-04-2002, 02:22 AM
Girls in their mid-twenties are far more open to encounters...they know what they want, and they go after it. Woohoo!

yup, thats so true:D

12-04-2002, 11:45 AM
More girls in their mid-twenties actually wanna bone. They don't just wanna play around with stupid little games like younger girls do. Younger girls play around with that shit cuz they wanna bone, but they are afraid to. Not to mention, girls in their mid-twenties usually actually know how to fuck and they eagerly go after it. So it is something to look forward to as you get older. I know how you feel though, but as I got older (I'm 26), things got better and easier. I guess the only cool thing about boning 18 yr olds is that they are still too stupid to know anything and they let you get away with anything. "Is that supposed to be in my ass???" :eek: "You damn right it is!!!!!" HAHAHAH!!!!:angel:

12-04-2002, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by SmoothOperator

bwuhahahahaha!! Dude your twenties are gonna ROCK! I'm 27 and my best years (catching tail) have been since I was 20. Believe me, life is not over yet. Girls in their mid-twenties are far more open to encounters...they know what they want, and they go after it. Woohoo!

You kids crack me up! I'm 40 & going strong. Life is not over at 30 or 40 either!! I'm in better shape than when I was mid-twenties.:D

Not to make light of the original girlfriend problem that started this thread, it sucks to get the "let's be friends" line (been there). But a lot of guys that have responded are on the right track - she is probably working on a new deal and should be ditched ASAP. That's not easy if you love her, but the bright side of it is that you now have a universe of pussy to sort through looking for the girlfriend you really deserve. ;)

BTW, Unless she is a certified gearhead herself, girls are never impressed with what you do on the track. If it makes you big bucks or famous, they might get interested. Whenever I put in a truly great drive (I vintage race a Honda S800), my wife doesn't even know the difference, much less get impressed!

So distract yourself with car projects and start the talent search for your next girlfriend.:D

12-04-2002, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by MadBeatChemist
"Is that supposed to be in my ass???" :eek: "You damn right it is!!!!!" HAHAHAH!!!!:angel:


12-04-2002, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by 3rdhatch
I'm really depressed tonight. My girlfried of 2 years just told me that she just wanted to be friends for right now and that she doesn't want to have the burden of a relationship. She says that her feelings towards me have changed or something. Oh well, guess that gives me some extra spending money. Dammit I just bought her 2 JL 10W0s for Christmas too, shit! Well things have pretty muched sucked for me tonight. Just thought I would let you all know.

Sucks for 3rdhatch- December 2, 2002

Dammit I still love her too.

Hey why did she break up with you if you don't mind me asking. Did you do something or you not doing enough? Sorry to say but the whole "lets be friends" thing does mean that she is interested in someone else IMO. I will have to say just to forget her. I know its hard because you love her. Thats the best decision right now. If she comes back then make her prove herself to you before you take her back. Good luck.

12-04-2002, 01:25 PM
too funny. :D

12-04-2002, 01:27 PM
"Is that supposed to be in my ass???" "You damn right it is!!!!!" HAHAHAH!!!!
Oh DAMN that's funny!! LMAO

IceD out N CALI
12-04-2002, 02:57 PM

12-04-2002, 10:47 PM
Well fellaz, she finally realized her mistake. She called me Wed. morning when I was in the shower. Left 6 voice messages and four text messages saying how she wanted me back and that she couldn't even think about not being with me. So I told her I would have to think about it and she felt terrible. I called her later and we met up after we both got out of work. Lets just say this, what do YOU think is the best part of getting back together?:D Oh yeah thats right. And if your curious the night before she realized this I gave her an altamatem (sp). Told her that if she wanted to just be friends then thats all she'll ever get out of me. In her defense though shes had a lot going on. Her dad is a repeated drug user, same with her mom but she cleaned up, and she recently moved out of her house because her stepmom and her got into a fist fight after Nopi. Well she loves me and I love her, and I couldn't ever be as happy with anyone else. So to all you that think I made the wrong decision I'm sorry, and thanks for all the input. BTW tomorrow we're going shopping at Victoria's Secret. WOOHOOO. Thanks again guys you all helped me out a lot.

12-04-2002, 11:05 PM
Glad to hear things are working out for you.

12-04-2002, 11:08 PM
Glad things turned out alright? Are you still going to give her the 2 10's? :D

12-04-2002, 11:08 PM
my gf just ordered me CF fenders

she sucks

id rather have ass everyday instead of cf fenders

"ill buy you your carbon fiber fenders, but no sex for a month"


12-05-2002, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by SiCivic2k2
Glad things turned out alright? Are you still going to give her the 2 10's? :D

but that'll just cause her to break up with him again:D

12-05-2002, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by civicracer.com
my gf just ordered me CF fenders

she sucks

id rather have ass everyday instead of cf fenders

"ill buy you your carbon fiber fenders, but no sex for a month"


cf whore! hehe jk. id be happy with just the cf hood. do you know how much weight you saved with the cf hood?

IceD out N CALI
12-05-2002, 12:29 AM
glad for ya, but jus watch out now since she pulled the plug once

12-05-2002, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by IceD out N CALI
glad for ya, but jus watch out now since she pulled the plug once
