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12-03-2002, 05:12 PM
I have to spend all my cash on other people, what a crock! :)

They could at least get me shite for my ride, but noooo. I get shirts, restaurant GC's, movie passes, etc. (Stuff my wife and I can BOTH use.)

It was more fun being irresponsible and single. ;)

That's why I'm doing all the crap painting now, I have no money to do my header or midpipe. The 4X4 supsension is killing me and no one has good shocks out yet. (Koni's don't count, too much modification.)

I just wish it was February when I get my Tax Refund back and my PHAT bonus from work. God, I hate waiting.

Sorry, had to rant....


12-03-2002, 05:43 PM
I hear ya.

Christmas is like drivetrain power loss... Plus on top of that, people tend to gain weight around xmas, due to all of the holiday cookin'. I wonder what the ratio of WHP/CandyCane lost is?

On top of all that shit. I have to drop a few hundred bucks on a bracelet for the missus... Which is easily half the price of a NX kit.

Now I know why this season has the highest suicide rates.


IceD out N CALI
12-03-2002, 06:17 PM
tis the season to be jolly

12-03-2002, 06:52 PM
Hey you forgot to mention .inlaws..... Fack i hate inlaws, well just her dad.... her mom is kewl. bastered talks all the time about his old cars.... and bah bah blah ...... chev this and ford that FUCK FORD.

Oh well at least i have my expresslanes, so i can run her wide open , ..............till i accdently taped the clutch.... opps. lost power for a min. but it was kewl, i thought i lost my motor lol.


Ford gets owned, and i was driving my 96hatch vs zx3.

12-03-2002, 10:07 PM
xmas sucks hard for me. my parents are always broke and im the only one with money to spend, so i have to do all the xmas shopping. i dont even think im gonna be able to get what i want....even if i buy it myself. this sucks.

12-04-2002, 06:37 AM
I hear ya bout the tax refund, racked up some credit cards throwing shit on the ride combined with xmas shopping, just keep tellijn yerself, it will all be ok by March....

silver ep
12-04-2002, 07:14 AM
The 4X4 supsension is killing me and no one has good shocks out yet. (Koni's don't count, too much modification.)
I agree, its time for manufactures to get off their asses! :mad:

Now I know why this season has the highest suicide rates.
True, its no wonder. :o

12-04-2002, 07:15 AM
Yeah, Happy Holidays!! $$$$:(

12-04-2002, 04:54 PM
ain't holidays a bitch?

I have plan though, and ya'll feel free to use it. Ok, for your woman, you're gonna have to buy her stuff. but for others, like the parents who already have everything. Tell them that you'll be giving their christmas gift to charity, ya know, to do the right thing. then... when no one is looking, take that money and get those Mugen wheels you're been wanting.

12-05-2002, 06:31 AM
Originally posted by grooveline
ain't holidays a bitch?

I have plan though, and ya'll feel free to use it. Ok, for your woman, you're gonna have to buy her stuff. but for others, like the parents who already have everything. Tell them that you'll be giving their christmas gift to charity, ya know, to do the right thing. then... when no one is looking, take that money and get those Mugen wheels you're been wanting.

Hahah.....George Costanza!! ;)

12-05-2002, 11:39 AM
you make it sound like its a bad thing...

12-05-2002, 12:29 PM
I'm trying to save money on Christmas presents this year by shopping at half.com, lol. Who cares if its used, as long as its pacakged nicely. :D I even cut down on who I'm getting presents for.