View Full Version : FG2 Seats in EP3 - emergency-ish

05-25-2010, 03:33 AM
okay, i have a set of fg2 seats sitting in a shop for me to grab but i have to get them in my car ASAP when they open before the ins. comes and tows away the other car - my friends car was totalled last week.

I searched, found one somewhat useful thread, http://www.ephatch.com/forum/showthread.php?54984-FA5-seats-on-EP3!!!&p=747492 , then i found http://www.honda-tech.com/showthread.php?t=1959183 .

i need to know for sure if i can take the pan out of our ep3's so i can do this. I'd rather not drill fg rails if i can take the pans out...

I'm still searching as this is posted. Thank you all in advance if you can tell me anything.

ps. for clairity, NOT talking about rails...the entire SEAT PAN.

05-25-2010, 04:09 AM
what i found thus far:

The seat pans are TOTALLY different..
ep3 - http://www.hondapartscheap.com/southbay/jsp/prddisplay.jsp?inputstate=5&catcgry1=CIVIC&catcgry2=2004&catcgry3=3DR+SI&catcgry4=KA5MT&catcgry5=FRONT+SEAT+COMPONENTS+(L.)&vinsrch=no
fg2 - http://www.hondapartscheap.com/southbay/jsp/prddisplay.jsp?hidSwitch=&hidIrno=&catcgry1=CIVIC&catcgry2=2006&catcgry3=2DR+SI&catcgry4=KA6MT&catcgry5=FRONT+SEAT+COMPONENTS+%28R.%29&vinsrch=no&ListAll=&prdrefno=&act=&count=0&quantity=0
im going to assume the hindges dont line up properly for the back.

i guess i'll have to just swap the seats and then tinker with them while i can before the tow truck comes. WCS - i drill into the rails. - *Edit* Better off drilling/welding rails.

Also, SRS conectors are totally different (figures...) so i cut the harness from the fg JIC i feel like making them work. i think they have the same amount of wires.

these seats are way more comfortable and still have the bolsters to hold you in. they also sit an inch or so lower and are adjustable in 2d (up/down/front/back) instead of our 1d (front/back). I beleive they also move more forwards and backwards than ours do.:msmile:

05-25-2010, 01:23 PM
nice pick up if you can get it to work!
keep your updates coming man, i'm sure i'm not the only other one interested in this too.

05-25-2010, 01:27 PM
this is super off topic, but did you ever do that k24 swap?

05-25-2010, 01:45 PM
the pans can be swapped, youll just have to make some brackets, i put some 94 EG civic seat pans in some RSX seats and it worked out well..it is possible, it just takes a little creativity

05-27-2010, 03:25 AM
nice pick up if you can get it to work!
keep your updates coming man, i'm sure i'm not the only other one interested in this too.
I ended up only having an hour to grab the seats and run on monday morning, and my bestfriend didnt come with me to the shop so the guys were like. wtf, why you stealing matts seats!? so i put in the only bolt that lines up and drove off. the schematics on hondapartscheap.com scared me enough to not want to try and retro the pans. i'll do what the other guy did and for now, drill new holes (the rails are only short by an inch or less, SO CLOSE.) and have my buddy make me new brackets that fit better.

this is super off topic, but did you ever do that k24 swap?
No, i forgot what i spent the money on, but i also ended up moving out, which ate up all my savings too. now i'm moving back to my inlaws (hopefully) - im suprised anyone even cared about what i had to say on here. esp since the crash. i look like any other noob. i honestly spent WAY more money on my bike, and not a dime into my car. it really needs some TLC though. I already got it planned out, this next tax refund, i'm getting the k24a2 period. massive plans for the EP and i'll be more active on here. my friends make fun of me for having kpro as my only power mod. but whatev, now i can do whatever and not have to shell out another 900$ to make it complete.

the pans can be swapped, youll just have to make some brackets, i put some 94 EG civic seat pans in some RSX seats and it worked out well..it is possible, it just takes a little creativity

if i can find a doner or something, i'll try it. right now my old seats are in a dismantler or something, and i have nothing to try it out on. it didn't looks like a smooth fit, plus i dunno how the 2d adjustment would go with the old pans, if its even possible. I think the bottom of the FG seat is a little bit longer than the EPs...not sure.

I think i already mentioned, the SRS plugs are different. yeah, i think i said it. if anyone could help me figure out what wire does what, i'll gladly try it out and "make" it work. i'll do some research myself but i'll take any help. if anyone has a friend with an FG, they could figure out which plug does the load sensing, that would be a start. i already know the yellows are SRS, but not the specifics.

btw, i drove for 8-10 hours straight from vegas to sacramento, these seats beat the hell out of stockers. even people on CRSX admit that these are more comfortable. except the fags that think leather is the shit and is more "luxurious." like leather > life. the only reason i would want the rsx seats are the srs plugs, and even then i dunno if those are the same.

if anyone finds out anything about the workings of this seat, PLEASE email me. email will be in my profile. you will be jealous of it.

thanks everyone.

05-27-2010, 12:48 PM
there is a guy "Von Garcia" that I just saw on top of page 9 of "NHBP Si pics" thread that has them installed... looks like. Man they do look comfy.

NHBP Si pics - Page 9er (http://www.ephatch.com/forum/showthread.php?38225-Nighthawk-Black-Pearl-SI-pics/page9)

05-27-2010, 12:53 PM
Ah, here is his thread...

FA5-seats-on-EP3!!! (http://www.ephatch.com/forum/showthread.php?54984-FA5-seats-on-EP3!!!)

05-27-2010, 05:28 PM
yup, thats posted in #1 up top. he drilled them in.

05-27-2010, 06:05 PM
dangit! I read that... sorry.