View Full Version : 2003 headlight issues

09-20-2010, 08:46 AM
Usually I have to have my brights on for my lights to work at all. Low beams just dont work at all MOST of the time. My car was sitting over the weekend since I was driving my dad's truck but I get in it to go back home last night and what do you know? The low beams work. I figure not blinding people would be better so I use those for the 35 min trip home with no issues. Sometimes they'll work but go back out but not this time. I get home and go to turn them off and my lights will not turn off. Keys out, switch to off, low beams still on. I flick the brights a few times to see if that might do something and I notice something very weird. Pulling back on the stalk to flash my brights makes both lights go brighter, pushing the stalk forward makes only my left light brighter. I pull the big black headlight fuses so my battery doesnt die and go to sleep.

This morning I go out there and attempt to trouble shoot whats wrong. I've go no idea what I'm doing but I figure look for voltage inconsistencies with a cheap radio shack voltmeter I have. Both fuse slots read the same so I dont think that's it. I put one fuse in and both lights come on. Take that one out and put in the other...neither light comes on. That isn't supposed to happen, I dont think. I'm not really sure what the wiring is supposed to look like but something seems a bit screwy like someone spliced something into the headlight wires (fogs from a former owner? is that what that mysterious hole in the plastic piece next to my cruise button was for?) because there's some non-OEM looking electrical tape in a few places.

Any ideas on what I could do? I think I remember reading something about a 2003 wiring issue from the factory that could be fixed via TSB or recall or something. I might be imagining things and if someone else's shoddy wiring job is the cause of this then honda wont cover that.

A bit of a long-winded thread compared to most but wanted to be detailed enough to get as much help as possible:mcool:

09-20-2010, 08:43 PM
Ok, now they're doing something different than the usual "keep the high beams on and you're good" thing. Now I've got to turn my lights off completely by obviously turning the light switch on the stalk but then the running lights are still on and only turn off when I pull back on the stalk to turn the brights off. So freaking weird. I'm going to cross post this under the general EP section since this has had no replies.

09-22-2010, 07:52 AM
No one has any thoughts? There's also a weird buzzing noise with the brights turned on but light lights in the 'off' position when the running lights are still on.

09-23-2010, 05:50 AM
bad relay?

09-23-2010, 06:26 PM
How would i test for that? Expensive to replace?

10-13-2010, 10:42 AM
Bumping to say that now I consistently have to remove the fuses to get the low beams to turn off. Still thinking relay? I have no idea how I would tell if it's that. :( Also, in taking the fuses in and out I've managed to lose one so when I need headlights I now only have one. :(x2

10-13-2010, 06:05 PM

10-13-2010, 06:11 PM
Is that actually a recall item?

10-15-2010, 11:59 AM

10-20-2010, 08:42 PM
Ok, so the relays aren't the issue. Went to the parts store and tried out a new one and that didn't change anything. Has ANYONE had a similar problem to me?!