View Full Version : funny story

12-14-2002, 09:50 AM
well, i was at work and some guy around the 20 - 25 age comes in and askes me about my car. heres how the convo went...
*in walks guy*
Guy- "Hey man, is that your car outside?"

Me- "which one?"

Guy- "The white one with the cool seats"

Me-(laughs slightly) Yeah, thats mine"

Guy-Man, thats a nice car.. who put those side marker lights on there for you?"

Me- Oh they came like that.

Guy- oh really? thats cool, i just bought some neon windshield wiper nozzles and i wanted to wire them into my blinkers. you know, so they'll go off at the same time.. Thats gunna be tight!!!

Me-(INSERT EXTREME SARCASM) Yeah, well why dont you put a big primered hood cowl on there too*laughs under my breath*

Guy- is that one of thise scoop things? yeahi thought about that, but it might mess up the effect of my wiper nozzles

Me- *speachless, stareing at this guy in disbelief

Guy-so do you know where i can get those side marker lights put in? i want them in blue

Me- *Phone rings saved by the bell

Guy- see ya man, i got to jet

what is the world coming to?

silver ep
12-14-2002, 10:00 AM
A classic tale of rice! Well told! :D

IceD out N CALI
12-14-2002, 10:06 AM