View Full Version : Engine Bounce at idle once car is warmed up?

ep pilot
12-15-2002, 01:08 PM
I was wondering if anyone can verify another problem I could be having with my

12-15-2002, 01:24 PM
I've noticed something like that too. When the car is warming up, there is a slight varience in the idling. It would irrrrrrr..... (then slightly different pitch) irrrrr.... (then back to the orginal pitch) irrrrrr. :D The length of the different pitches would vary.

Also I have about 1300 mi on my EP and I have noticed the exhaust has become MEANER!!!! Like a low growl. I kind of like it.

Let us know what happens.

12-18-2002, 01:45 AM
me too... feels like the idle dips pretty harsh. like when u turn on the A/C..... but not actually on. Iono.