View Full Version : Emergency brake light stays on, disabled the passenger door lock?

03-03-2011, 08:16 PM
Hey guys, earlier this morning when I started up my car, I noticed the e-brake light stayed on the cluster even tho my e-brake isn't on. I drove the car to work, felt no dragging/rear brakes to be engaging at all, so I thought must be low on fluid/bad e-brake switch.

After I parked my car, I checked my fluid -OK. Checked my rear pads, not too bad 50% more or less. After that I walked away, turn on my alarm--no response. I tried locking & unlocking the passenger door from inside the car--no response, it's as if the door lock actuator on the passenger side went out on me.

Left the car for a good 8 hours, came back from work, started up the car, the e-brake light is off & I tried to lock & unlock from the driver's side & it's working again, as if nothing happens.

Now should I be worry about this? I'll be driving again later in couple hours so I'll find out if the problem still existing or not...I was going to check the e-brake switch when I get home & last resort, looking under the rear brake cable to see if it's seizing up (highly doubtful), but I figured no need to since it's non-existing at this point.

Do the e-brake switch go bad on EP3? Are these coincidence or are they related? Sorry for the long post & thank you in advanced:mredface:

03-03-2011, 08:51 PM
your cars gonna blow up

03-03-2011, 08:52 PM
Oh no'ss! But seriously...

03-04-2011, 06:02 AM
Personally I would disconnect the E-brake switch.

All that one needs to steal any Honda/Acura is the VIN(visible on the dash and why I cover mine at all times), a specific code that was released to the internet a few years ago and a active E-brake and the immobilizor can be disabled in 10 seconds.

The ebrake switch being on DOES NOT indicate that the brakes are dragging. the switch only indicates if the handle is up or down, the brakes can be locked up and the handle lowered and the light goes out.