View Full Version : speeding ticket

04-12-2011, 01:28 PM
ok. so i got pulled over today apparently doing 63 in a 40. however i was in second when i saw the lights. im all stock and second ends at about 55. would i be able to fight this in court at all?

04-12-2011, 01:39 PM
not really..unless you know some one that knows some one..if ya know what i mean..i never fuaght any but my buddy did..he basiaclly won every single one..but his aunt is a state trooper (PA) so that helped him..usually when they clock you they use a radar gun..you can fight it cuz its not like they can save the times and speeds..you just gotta think of a good excuse lol..but i always just said f*ck it and paid them cuz i didnt feel like paying court fees and shit like that

04-12-2011, 01:44 PM
saying you were in second gear and it only goes to 55 mph is a pretty lame case at best man

04-12-2011, 02:09 PM
Fight it though! Here in MD I've fought every ticket I've gotten! How it works here is you go before a judge and he looks at your record and say if you plead guilty you can take a "pbj" (probation before judgement) which is basically putting the ticket in a file and if you don't screw up in the next year it's gone. Then they take you fine, court costs and any points and cut it in half.

Sent from my HTC Thunderbolt using my God Damn Thumbs...

04-12-2011, 02:55 PM
You might have been in second when you saw the lights but you don't know where he caught you speeding. I doubt you were just driving around in second gear the whole day. See what i'm saying?

04-12-2011, 02:57 PM
yea i know its a lame excuse, but its really all i got. i dont know anybody who knows anybody except my neighbor whos like a fed haha, but hes kinda a dick. i think ill try changing the court date a few times hoping the officer forgets to show up. if not ill do what tht1guy says, then drive like a grandma for a year.

04-12-2011, 02:59 PM
also i was accelerating out of a neighborhood cuz there was traffic comin and i just had to make it. but yea i never got out of second gear.

04-12-2011, 06:36 PM
Fight it though! Here in MD I've fought every ticket I've gotten! How it works here is you go before a judge and he looks at your record and say if you plead guilty you can take a "pbj" (probation before judgement) which is basically putting the ticket in a file and if you don't screw up in the next year it's gone. Then they take you fine, court costs and any points and cut it in half.

Sent from my HTC Thunderbolt using my God Damn Thumbs...

Peanut Butter Jelly.

04-12-2011, 08:57 PM
ouch. . .. 23 over the limit. Anything 20 or over is reckless driving in VA which means a lot higher fines and more points. I would think that the cop is going to come to court for this one. Might want to try and get a defensive driving or driver improvement class in before the court date. It would show that you are committed to bettering your driving habits and the judge may go easier on you. Worst case, the points you get for the ticket could be somewhat offset by taking the driving course. Good luck.

04-12-2011, 09:58 PM
Peanut Butter Jelly.

i wish more judges would give out sandwiches

04-13-2011, 01:03 PM
yea i think its reckless driving in IL too, but its only 20$ and 5 pts more. also i found out that i can do the school thru the court and not have the ticket go on insurance, which is what im worried about. i can handle the price of the ticket, but needless to say, im going to drive 5 under for the next 3 years.

04-13-2011, 02:22 PM
contest it, at least try to have a better excuse, explain the situation instead of saying the cop is full of shit. try to get a plea bargain at the worst. i just got my insurance back down from tickets a few years ago, i would have saved a few thousand dollars if i hadn't got those tickets or at least tried to fight them.

04-13-2011, 02:25 PM
yea i think its reckless driving in IL too, but its only 20$ and 5 pts more. also i found out that i can do the school thru the court and not have the ticket go on insurance, which is what im worried about. i can handle the price of the ticket, but needless to say, im going to drive 5 under for the next 3 years.

That is good that taking the class will keep the ticket off your insurance. If it didn't you would be looking at a heavty increase or some companies will drop you. Oh and as far as "going to drive 5 under for the next 3 years" . . . .yeah right. We all love our cars and cant help to drop the gas pedal every now and then. Hope it all goes well for you.

04-13-2011, 07:38 PM
haha thanks. i was exaggerating (sp?) about the 5 under part haha. at least i wasnt doing 130 down a country road.... ive talked to some people who have been in similar situations and it sounds like itll be all good, just a pain in the ass waiting around at court.

04-24-2011, 03:20 PM
2 Words : Driving School or Deferred ajudification