View Full Version : Ran over a squirrel in the EP3 (again)

04-23-2011, 10:10 PM
So today I was driving on 880 (freeway in the bay area, Norcal) and exited off. Once I was on the offramp or whatever you call it I saw two squirrels run across in front of me, the first one made it past me free & clear but the second got murked bad. I didnt expect to hit the little guy...even let off the gas when I saw em figured the speedy mofos would make it past me but yeah I ran the second one over and when I looked in my rear view saw it past my rear bumper and it kinda hopped. If anyone remembers the fast and the furious (very first one from 2001), remember the neon green Eclipse Paul Walker drives....well the squirrel kinda jumped hopped like the DSM in the movie when Johnny Tran shoots it up and because of the NOS it explodes and jumps. Well anyways has anyone ever ran over a squirrel/rat/etc? This might sound messed up and I do feel bad for the little guy but that distinct thump and what not is always funny to me. I tried so hard not to laugh cause I had a passenger with me and didnt want the person to think im some sadistic individual who gets my jollies off murking furry little creatures but it was just too damn funny how the thing hopped. Anyways I know Im not alone cause I found this page on FB.


But yeah its kinda like the little things are moving targets in stuffed animal form....only I am not one of those people who try to hit em but just end up doing so. The first time I hit one was on my way to college...thing is I swerved to the right to avoid the bugger and he/she ran into my tire...maybe that furry little thing wanted to commit suicide? Its weird cause I really did move out of the way enough to avoid it but the thing ran in front of my driver's side tire anyways.

So yeah anyone with a similar experience and how did you handle the situation?

P.S. Thank goodness both times they died instantly from what I could see...or else I would feel even worse if they were suffering in pain. And this time today first thing I did when I got home was check my cf front lip...no damage but there was some blood on the middle part...made me feel like poo. :( But it was funny at the time...just the way it all happened. I feel like im a bad person for finding this funny but I know I also feel guilty so I cant be that bad right?


04-23-2011, 11:10 PM
I've hit a squirrel before.
It was a bummer because I'm so low that it just smacked my front bumper and flew to the side.
There was a tiny bit a "residue?" left on the front bumper
But I didn't see what the outcome was for the little guy
It's a total bummer but I don't think it's anything you should stress about.

04-23-2011, 11:47 PM
i've caught birds in my grill, hit a jumping chicken, and ran over a turkey before.

birds happen. chicken was roosting in the rutts. turkey ran out from tall grass, i swerved, it saw me, committed suicide.

dont stress

04-23-2011, 11:59 PM
i've caught birds in my grill, hit a jumping chicken, and ran over a turkey before.

birds happen. chicken was roosting in the rutts. turkey ran out from tall grass, i swerved, it saw me, committed suicide.

dont stress

Decent kills! :rofl:

04-24-2011, 07:21 AM
this is sort of a long story, but well, its fitting.

way back in highschool i was driving my GF back from a party in her car. she was insanely drunk. I was kind of annoyed because well...drunk people are annoying when you are sober.

Anyways, its some ancient floaty buick thing. I hate driving it. dead steering wheel, overboosted brake pedal. you know the type. So you sort of lose track of the speed you are going because its all so numb. Im flying down this country road, probably 120km/h. come up over a crest. BOOM! smoked a rabbit. niether of us stood a chance. the hill + my speed + the terrible brakes of the car....I sunk in my seat. I felt bad. Poor little guy... My GF bursts out laughing. she's hysterical over this. which is odd because usually she cries a little when she hits something (living out in the country...its bound to happen now and again).

So im mad now instead of annoyed. the drunkness, plus the laughing at my kill pushed me over the edge. I was telling her to be quiet or something not really paying attention, come up over another hill and there sits the biggest porcupine you've ever seen! seriously, this thing was massive. I would have had ample time to stop in my own car, but i set my foot on the brake pedal and it sinks halfway to the floor before the brakes start scrubbing off speed. and even then, its just really not happening. the car is in a constant state of brake fade, even when you arent braking. lol. so by the time i've scrubbed off 50km/h we are right about on him.

as we near the porcupine still way to fast for this to be good for anyone, hand to god, it turns around to face us and stands up!!!!!! like on its hind legs! I didnt even know porcupines could do that! the events are getting fuzzier as the years go by, but i disctintly remember its posture. it was like "bring it on!" lol. needless to say, i smoked that sucker. or "murked" it as DRP967 so eligantly put it. haha.

now the girlfriend and i are both laughing. funny thing is, the porcupine had the last laugh. of course the car was a huge mess of tissue and fur, a quill actually punctured an already soft spot on the rad which leaked out overnight. 300 dollar tow bill into the city plus the repair bill. lol.

weird part was, i drove back that way in my own car after i left her...the porcupine wasnt there!!!!!! don don doooooooooooooooooooon!!!! haha.

04-24-2011, 07:55 AM
I have hit, dogs, cats, squirrels, rabbits, turkeys, coyotes(that was a rough one, the coyotes jaw bone penetrated the cat, it took weeks to be rid of the smell!) and a mink with the EP3.

She is pure devastation on game!

04-24-2011, 09:06 AM
my gf was driving at night to a friends house. then she hits a possum and was all sad n shit. so mind you shes so sad, she goeas back to see if its still ok..... comes back around to see if its stil there, while looking the other way hits the fucker a second time! i could not stop laughing after that yo! she should've kept it going. poor ugly possum.

04-24-2011, 09:12 AM
Squirrel hit in ep3

I was on my way home from watching a event and I turned the corner and was going maybe 10 mph I saw a squirrel run not in front of me but in my the side on the driver side I tried to stop but, lil guy didnt make the rear vbar got him heard multiple thumps. When he appeared in the rear view mirror he layed there motionless.

04-24-2011, 10:21 AM
ive hit:

3 rabbits
1 snake
1 possum
1000000000000 bugs

04-24-2011, 10:48 AM
A Chipmunk makes this very high pitched twang when the car goes over them and they raise their head and the XX brace nails them......

04-24-2011, 11:05 AM
My x-brace owned a raccoon at like 80mph. Then that monday i took it in to the shop to clean the underside of stitch....it was gross.

04-24-2011, 02:51 PM
I once hit a dog and had blood all over front passenger side of the bumper and I looked back and he was still going I hit him around 45mphs. Middle of the darkest time of night. I think he was committing suicide but he failed. I was shaking and felt like crap. Oh well.

Sent from my HTC Evo 4G using TapaTalk Version 1.11.5!

04-24-2011, 02:55 PM
I caught a squirrel once when i fell of my bike lol

04-24-2011, 03:31 PM
I once hit a dog and had blood all over front passenger side of the bumper and I looked back and he was still going I hit him around 45mphs. Middle of the darkest time of night. I think he was committing suicide but he failed. I was shaking and felt like crap. Oh well.

Sent from my HTC Evo 4G using TapaTalk Version 1.11.5!

"Oh well."?! thats soo saddd :mcry:

EDIT: on the other note. i was being driven home one night around midnight. and there was this rabbit on the right sidewalk just chillen there in front of us as we're driving. as soon as we got hmm.. around 20-30 feet in front of it, it decides to run across the street. the timing couldnt have been any better. without realizing it my friends front right tire ran it over. i told him to stop the car and look at it. its insides seemed to have litterally "popped" out of the body. the body was smooshed x__X but the guts and everything seemed to be in perfect condition.

04-25-2011, 12:29 AM
"Oh well."?! thats soo saddd :mcry:

EDIT: on the other note. i was being driven home one night around midnight. and there was this rabbit on the right sidewalk just chillen there in front of us as we're driving. as soon as we got hmm.. around 20-30 feet in front of it, it decides to run across the street. the timing couldnt have been any better. without realizing it my friends front right tire ran it over. i told him to stop the car and look at it. its insides seemed to have litterally "popped" out of the body. the body was smooshed x__X but the guts and everything seemed to be in perfect condition.

Man the only thing id be extremely sad over is if I hit this beautiful road runner ill be really sad since I see him every morning on my way to work he crosses the street all the time. It is sad about the dog I just don't want to think about it.

Sent from my HTC Evo 4G using TapaTalk Version 1.11.5!

04-25-2011, 12:39 AM
my gf was driving at night to a friends house. then she hits a possum and was all sad n shit. so mind you shes so sad, she goeas back to see if its still ok..... comes back around to see if its stil there, while looking the other way hits the fucker a second time! i could not stop laughing after that yo! she should've kept it going. poor ugly possum.

LOL, that is funny !

as for me..

I hit a dog and ran over a Huge dead possum on the road that lifted my lowered car up and I felt it under every inch underneath my car.

04-25-2011, 01:00 AM
I hit a woodchuck with the front right tire of my Sunfire and it made the whole right side hop in the air. Kinda sucked because he took out part of the $70 wheel well plastic and the front air dam.
Later I just tapped a black lab one night. I was doing 45 coming down this hill and could barely see him against the black road. Hammered the brakes so hard I forgot to push the clutch in, and came to a jerky stop after just tapping his ass end with the drivers side part of the bumper. He did a little pirouette from the force and ran off.

04-25-2011, 02:03 AM
...She is pure devastation on game!

my gf was driving at night to a friends house. then she hits a possum and was all sad n shit. so mind you shes so sad, she goeas back to see if its still ok..... comes back around to see if its stil there, while looking the other way hits the fucker a second time! i could not stop laughing after that yo! she should've kept it going. poor ugly possum.

...1000000000000 bugs

A Chipmunk makes this very high pitched twang when the car goes over them and they raise their head and the XX brace nails them......

This thread has all kinds of WIN! :pound:

04-26-2011, 04:02 PM
i almost hit a cat the other morning and now i wish i would have run it over i managed to stop in time guess i scared the crap out of it so what does it do jumps on the hood of my ep and scratches the living crap out off it while trying to run away

04-26-2011, 04:18 PM
this is sort of a long story, but well, its fitting.

way back in highschool i was driving my GF back from a party in her car. she was insanely drunk. I was kind of annoyed because well...drunk people are annoying when you are sober.

Anyways, its some ancient floaty buick thing. I hate driving it. dead steering wheel, overboosted brake pedal. you know the type. So you sort of lose track of the speed you are going because its all so numb. Im flying down this country road, probably 120km/h. come up over a crest. BOOM! smoked a rabbit. niether of us stood a chance. the hill + my speed + the terrible brakes of the car....I sunk in my seat. I felt bad. Poor little guy... My GF bursts out laughing. she's hysterical over this. which is odd because usually she cries a little when she hits something (living out in the country...its bound to happen now and again).

So im mad now instead of annoyed. the drunkness, plus the laughing at my kill pushed me over the edge. I was telling her to be quiet or something not really paying attention, come up over another hill and there sits the biggest porcupine you've ever seen! seriously, this thing was massive. I would have had ample time to stop in my own car, but i set my foot on the brake pedal and it sinks halfway to the floor before the brakes start scrubbing off speed. and even then, its just really not happening. the car is in a constant state of brake fade, even when you arent braking. lol. so by the time i've scrubbed off 50km/h we are right about on him.

as we near the porcupine still way to fast for this to be good for anyone, hand to god, it turns around to face us and stands up!!!!!! like on its hind legs! I didnt even know porcupines could do that! the events are getting fuzzier as the years go by, but i disctintly remember its posture. it was like "bring it on!" lol. needless to say, i smoked that sucker. or "murked" it as DRP967 so eligantly put it. haha.

now the girlfriend and i are both laughing. funny thing is, the porcupine had the last laugh. of course the car was a huge mess of tissue and fur, a quill actually punctured an already soft spot on the rad which leaked out overnight. 300 dollar tow bill into the city plus the repair bill. lol.

weird part was, i drove back that way in my own car after i left her...the porcupine wasnt there!!!!!! don don doooooooooooooooooooon!!!! haha.

Haha damn man that is nuts...lmfao at the gangsta porcupine...that mofo was ready to die lol.

What a way to go out though. :P

04-27-2011, 02:16 AM
Let my friend drive my ep once on a dark back road and he ran over a GIANT possum. It felt like we hit a damn kid. I hate the ugly little bastards but still felt bad for the thing.

04-27-2011, 06:13 AM
Hit an armadillo while living in Florida in the old EF beater... Felt like I ran over a bowling ball.

04-27-2011, 06:29 AM
I've thankfully never hit anything living.

04-29-2011, 08:35 PM
ive hit 4 animals in all of my 10 months of driving. first was a deer when i had my permit. it was one of those situations where u cant do anything, driving a minivan close to 80 on the highway. second was i hit a possum the size of a medium size dog, in the same grand caravan on the way back from a kart race. then, the first week i had the ep, i was doin 120 out in the middle of nowhere, and i took out 2 crows within like 100 feet of each other. it seemed like they were playing chicken or something, and they both lost.

04-29-2011, 09:37 PM
I aim for peacocks on the daily...
I have yet to get lucky enough. :molleyes:

04-30-2011, 06:34 AM
Years ago I had a boss that would get physically sick when you hit previously hit roadkill, LOL, I would see the roadkill up the road and turn and talk to the boss and steer towards the roadkill with peripherial vision, it was awesome to watch him get green around the gills each time the truck bumped over a carcass.....BTW, it was his partner(the good boss) that gave me that tidbit of info,,,,LOL, that was a blast, it wasnt long before the idiot boss left me alone......

05-02-2011, 07:33 PM
haha like that story about the boss. peacocks...? hahahahahah. this is the best thread ive read in months!