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View Full Version : Very Slight 'Knock/Pinging' Cruising in 6th on Hotter Days? Advise?

05-27-2011, 08:19 AM
Hey guys, been running a custom map for a while and am very happy with the drivability of the car. However recently on a couple of the hotter days (near 90) driving on the highway, cruising in 6th, I get a slight flicker of the check engine light when I give it a good amount of throttle. But if I just ease onto the throttle in 6th, it seems fine.

Would any of you guys who are knowledgeable with this sort of thing take a look at it and possibly offer your input or even correct the problem for a fellow member? :mangel:

I'm not to familiar with messing with maps and posting logs, so if you wouldn't mind walking me through it and bearing with me, I'd greatly appreciate it. :msmile:

05-27-2011, 09:19 AM
You would need to datalog when it happens, and send the KDL and KAL to have it looked at. You probably just need the ignition advance adjusted and AFR checked...

05-28-2011, 04:18 PM
Ignition gear compensation tables under parameters