View Full Version : Plastic fading??

12-27-2002, 08:28 AM
I have had my Si since June and here in Colorado we get very bright sunlight due to our 6,000 ft elivation. Any way the black plastic peice on the door where the rearview mirror sits is fading already. I cant believe it, it really pissed me off when I saw that. Do you all think this is something that the dealership will replace under waranty? I would think so, the car is on 6 months old and only has 5700 miles on it. I guess I will wash it today, the first time in a month. It is hard to wash a car or want to wash a car when its 15 degrees outside.

sonic imperial
12-27-2002, 09:20 AM
That's questionable. If I were you I would certainly talk to them about it and you might get a new piece. If not, you could try calling Honda's customer care and see what they can do about it. They will probably bring up that warranty crap about normal wear and tear and not responsible for body damage but IMO that's not normal wear. I had a 2001 Accord and the rotors warped 3 times in less than 17,000 miles and I got them turned twice for free and the 3rd time they gave me a whole new set installed for free. No questions asked because they knew it wasn't normal wear even though technically the warranty book didn't really cover those items.

12-27-2002, 01:16 PM

Im really surprised im not the only one experiencing this. My rear black bumper looks like its full of haze almost has a blueish tint to it ----Not normal!!--- I realized this while i was washing waxing and polishing my car, I really think that its starting to fade !!! check your bumpers! Im going to be making a service appointment to get my paint checked out !!! I cant believe this! ITs VERY noticeable. ---GRrrrrRRrr I love honda's but i really hope that they arent going to make me regret it! :mad:

sonic imperial
12-27-2002, 01:41 PM
I guess when they make these cars they never test them for the "elements" through some sort of time lapse thing before actual production.

12-27-2002, 02:49 PM
update for those who care:

Took my car to my dealer right after (literally) I wrote the above post. It really started to get on my nerves. Sure enough went to the dealer's body shop and, they had an appraiser come out and look at my bumpers. After a few nods and some grunts, he told me that my rear bumper front bumper and rear wing ALL need to be repainted, AND ITS all COVERED under warranty. The dealership needs to get ahold of HONDA themselves to report this defect in my paint, the dealership is only liable UP to 400 dollars worth of repair for defective paint, so HONDA claims gets involved in the process now as well. Next week sometime I will be taking my car to get repainted. Hopefully this WONT happen again. Oh well at least all those little chips in my front bumper will be gone! :)

Honda -0
ME - 1


12-27-2002, 05:40 PM
the plastic on the door of my sir started to fade also. it was covered under warranty.

12-27-2002, 08:39 PM
i have a tafft white car and my rear bumber has orange dots on it. would that mean its oxidizing ?

12-28-2002, 09:23 AM
hmmm ... dont know but its worth a shot.. take it to the dealer.

My black bumper had blue haze spots and extreme fading all around...

and my spoiler the underside nearest the glass, looked like it dint have enough paint on it. you could see white blotches where the primer shone through.:mad:


12-28-2002, 09:52 AM
02blksi, sounds like you got some pre-mature fading. It's odd that you got such a poor factory paint job. Who is going to do the warranty work? The dealership body shop? I am cautious of
aftermarket paint jobs because they usually only put a couple of coats and put the least amount of effort in order to get your $$$

When I got my car, the saleslady put a small but deep scratch in the rear bumper trying to put the plates on. They offered to repaint the bumper but I declined. I guarantee you the would have just done some "quicky" job. Plus they will never match the
quality of a factory job. I should have opted to get a different vehicle but this one had the lowest mileage. They just touched it up and gave me the touch up pen. Not sure how this relates to you but just my opinion on paint jobs. :confused:

12-28-2002, 10:35 AM
pre-mature fasding is putting it nicely.

The body shop (HONDA) @ the dealership is going to be doing the work , and they all know me there , when it comes to my car IM a perfectionist.

to date from that dealer alone i have bought 2 civics(98 hx still have ,TC and engine swapped) (02 SI) and an accord v6 coupe(99) traded for ep --ALL my own cars. (im 21 :) )

My father bought 2 cars from them as well 2k2 civc and a 97 accord
My borther and law as well bought an accord from them 98 accord coupe

SOooooo im quite confident the work WILL be done properly, if it isnt they will wish they have never seen me in the first place, unfortunatly im like that.

The only thing that scares me is THEFT, before i drop the car off im taking my radio out, subs, and radar detector, along with my cd's and any paperwork that has my personal info on it. we will see. --Joe :)

12-28-2002, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by 02blksi
pre-mature fasding is putting it nicely.

Originally posted by 02blksi
SOooooo im quite confident the work WILL be done properly, if it isnt they will wish they have never seen me in the first place, unfortunatly im like that.
There is no question...you have to be like that. If I'm not satisfied with service or product, I make sure my viewpoint is heard and corrected to my satisfaction.

Originally posted by 02blksi
The only thing that scares me is THEFT, before i drop the car off im taking my radio out, subs, and radar detector, along with my cd's and any paperwork that has my personal info on it. we will see. --Joe :)
Hehe, I'm like that too, I don't trust the service techs sometimes. I always find my radio channel changed etc...

12-28-2002, 06:48 PM
My trick to keep all of the black plastic stuff looking good is a little extra work, but worth it. After washing the car, I use my good ol' Meguiar's paste wax on these parts. Important that they are cool, not in the direct sunlight. I apply the wax, then almost immediately wipe off and buff well with a clean cotton towel. The black luster returns, and stays for quite a while. I got my Si in April, and I'm down here in Dallas, where the sun is also pretty damn intense. So far, everything is staying shiny and black. I used this same method on all the black parts on the '99 Si to good effect.

12-28-2002, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by Dallas2k2Si
My trick to keep all of the black plastic stuff looking good is a little extra work, but worth it. After washing the car, I use my good ol' Meguiar's paste wax on these parts. Important that they are cool, not in the direct sunlight. I apply the wax, then almost immediately wipe off and buff well with a clean cotton towel. The black luster returns, and stays for quite a while. I got my Si in April, and I'm down here in Dallas, where the sun is also pretty damn intense. So far, everything is staying shiny and black. I used this same method on all the black parts on the '99 Si to good effect.

Sometimes you can do that. I put a little on my mirror area (unpainted black) and it looked good at first. But a couple months later it looks kind of hazy/oxidized. I'm not sure if this is from using the wax or not. I didn't put much on, but it did make a difference in the "richness" of the color at the time. I haven't tried it since then.

12-30-2002, 07:53 AM
You might want to try putting 303 or Klasse VLP on the plastic parts. They both have sunscreens in them.

If the plastic has already faded, and the dealer won't replace it, try Black Again. My frient put it on his Boxster and it did a fantastic job.

12-30-2002, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by redronin22
i have a tafft white car and my rear bumber has orange dots on it. would that mean its oxidizing ?

I also have this happening on my white Si.....what can you do to fix this?

12-30-2002, 11:43 AM
Have any of you tried to see if the dots will come off with a clay bar or some sort of paint cleaner like pinnacle or p21s? I wonder if it's just some sort of surface contanimation. Since our bumpers are plastic, I wouldn't think that they would rust/oxidize like that.

Just an idea.

12-30-2002, 03:57 PM
It's called industrial fallout guys. I had the same problem. The rust dots are rail dust imbedded in the paint. Honda picked up the tab on mine. The car had to be acid bathed, clay barred, polished and then waxed. Take it to the dealer first. If they won't touch it, take it to a good detailer (unless you can do it yourself). Most of it should come out with the clay bar.

Our cars are put on rail cars from Baltimore. By the time they get to their destination they are covered in rail dust.

I also recommend 303 on the plastic parts.

12-30-2002, 09:08 PM
The rail dust sounds plausible -- I haven't seen any on my Si (well, it's black, too), and IF it got put on the train, it didn't ride for more than an hour. Cars that got shipped farther West would have more problems with rail dust, I'm sure.

And, yes, it's also got a bluish hue, but nothing more than the pearl coat, and only really visible in direct light. I'll keep an eye on mine as time goes on.

12-31-2002, 12:30 AM
iv'e noticed tiny tiny black dots on my white paint but it seems like it is rubber from the track or just debree from the asphault that i cant get off. most people wont notice it i only see it when im washing my car and looking at the paint up close do you guys think this is a problem