View Full Version : How to convince/urge Progressive to use OEM parts for my auto repair?

10-10-2011, 06:56 PM
Biatch hit my 04'ep3 a few nights ago while i was parrellel parking. She was impatient and tried to pass me in a single lane road and ran into my drive side bumper/fender. I'm sure Progressive is going to try and write my estimate using aftermarket parts. I want to make an argument against the use of aftermarket parts and insist they fix my car back to pre-accident conditions. My front bumper, driver-side fender and driver-side headlight all need to be replaced. I found information for recalls on the headlights, so i think that will work in my favor but how do you suggest i push them to use OEM parts????

I'm the original owner and have spent over $5,000 at the dealer maintaining my ep3 and its never been modified. You can still eat off the engine. Its in tip-top shape and there is noway I am allowing aftermarket junk on it.

Needs some compelling argument ammo/advice??


10-10-2011, 07:42 PM
Just tell the shop you want oem parts and they can bill the insurance company. Make the shop provide you with Honda invoices. They can't make you use aftermarket.

10-10-2011, 07:57 PM
Exactly. Earlier this year I was rearended by a woman that had Progressive. She actually made me hit the guy in fron of me as well. Yeah, I was a damn ping pong ball. lol Anypoo, if they havent already, they'll send someone out to "guesstimate" your damage. make sure you got to the Honda dealership and get a quote from THEM. It's YOUR CAR, and YOU didnt cause the accident. Show them the estimate from the dealership, and do NOT let them make you do anything else! All they are going to do is cut you a check anyways. (It's what Progressive did for me in April.) Worst care scenario, just get all of the money you can get, and pay to get what you want.

10-10-2011, 10:33 PM
they are required to being the car back to the condition in which the car was prior to the accident. when you get the estimate or work order, check over it and make sure it does in fact have a list of oem parts. "like new condition" and the like are keywords to hiding aftermarket pieces on that list. when you have a chance to talk to the estimator from progressive, make sure you tell him thats what you want, Genuwine Honda OEM parts, because thats exactly what is on the car RIGHT NOW.

Idk about your location, but CA laws are pretty straight forward, they cannot start a repair without your consent. the shop can't use parts other than stated without your/insurances consent. check your receipt and ask for them to take pictures of the parts front and back as they do repairs, as you want proof that they used oem parts.

but that is what i know, here in ca. idk what laws are like anywhere else, but a big company like progressive should take care of you if you just ask. one thing i like about progressive is that they have connections with good bodyshops, and if they offer a list of shops to choose from, they back those guys' work for life. if your paint starts peeling or doing weird stuff, or the bondo cracks, light falls off, whatever, you can go back to that shop and have them fix it for free, or if they are out of business (not usual for insurance backed shops) progressive will pay for your car to be fixed at another location that they prefer.

hope this helps, hope progressive does the right thing, they've always helped me out when i needed it.

10-10-2011, 10:46 PM
i got rear ended recently in my TL-S.

they gave me a reconditioned OEM bumper. i was like WTF?! this car is 5yrs old! how are you going to give me a used bumper? we talked it out and the good thing is, it has a lifetime warranty on both paint and parts. thats certainly better than an OEM parts warranty... its pretty standard in accident repair. this was at an Acura bodyshop too.

10-10-2011, 11:18 PM
at least is oem. theres some aftermarket stuff out there thats really close to it though. usually that stuff is capa certified and may as well be as good if not better than oem.

just remember, sometimes those warrantees are just for that shop, they probably get those used bumpers for pennies, therefore pocket the cost of a new bumper and back their costs for refinishing another bumper should yours not be in satisfactory condition later in life. another acura dealer might not cover that bumper (considering not all honda/acura has a body shop attached in some areas). not nocking the idea, a warranty is indeed much better than none.

also, watch out for "overhauled" or other terms for reconditioning too. i was taught NOT to put bondo on plastic parts, such as bumpers, but some shops practice this. some shops use the term to bring over none damaged parts to your new bumper, like your grill and whatnot, what they should be saying is "R&R or R&I" (also RNR or RNI).

10-12-2011, 10:16 PM
Insurance companies are not required to use OEM parts and it doesn't matter what year the car is. It's all in the packet you signed. If it says in writing to use OEM parts then they are required to replace those parts with OEM parts.

If they don't replace the parts with OEM, you will just have to pay out of your pocket the difference between aftermarket and OEM.

Even though some aftermarket parts have a life time warranty, it will not be the same quality of a OEM part.

This is only my knowledge and experience and what I've learned from the past and working in bodyshops.

I hope this helps a bit.